Senior Food Box Program (Commodities) | Feeding South Dakota
South Dakotans age 60 and older who have an approved application will receive a monthly box of food, at no cost, containing at minimum: 2-lb block of cheese (fresh), juice, shelf-stable or powdered milk, cereal, canned fruits, canned vegetables, pasta or rice, a canned meat or entree such as beef stew or chili (menus change monthly).
Data provided by
211 South Dakota
Physical Address
527 Montgomery Street, Custer, SD 57730
Call for distribution times
Application process
Call to apply
South Dakotans 60 years of age or older who have a household income at or below 130 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines published annually by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Service area
SD, United States
Agency info
Feeding South Dakota
Works to eliminate hunger in South Dakota.