Business Reporting | BBB Midwest Plains
A private, non-profit organization that provides services and programs to assist consumers and businesses, including: - Honest advertising and selling practices - Collecting, reporting, and providing accurate consumer information about a company - Serving as a neutral third party to help settle disputes The BBB does not compare one company against another; does not give legal advice; and does not make recommendations. BBB Senior Line - A dedicated, toll-free phone line that is a safe place for seniors, their care-givers, family members or concerned adults to receive reliable information on businesses, scams and frauds. Calls that come in on that line have priority status and are answered first. It is a program established by the Foundation of the Better Business Bureau.
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211 South Dakota
Physical Address
300 N. Phillips Avenue, Suite 100, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
8:00am - 4:00pm (CT), Monday - Friday Automated service via main number
Application process
Call for information, fee associated to become an Accredited Business with the BBB. No fee to access the BBB system and information.
Open to all
Service area
SD, United States
Agency info
BBB Midwest Plains
A nonprofit membership organization with chapters throughout North America that are focused on advancing marketplace trust by rating businesses based on their reliability and performance, and facilitating the resolution of consumer complaints.