Experience Sioux Falls | Experience Sioux Falls

Provides: - Maps - Brochures - Visitor guides - Lodging - Attractions - Group tours - Events calendar - ExperienceSiouxFalls.com/events Convention services include, but are not limited to: - Registration assistance - Name badges - Information desks - Promotional material - Entertainment and speaker ideas - Tour ideas - Step-on guides - Public relations assistance

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211 South Dakota

Physical Address

200 N. Phillips Avenue, Suite 102, Sioux Falls, SD 57104


8:00am - 5:00pm (CT), Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 3:00pm (CT), Friday.

Application process

Call for information


Call for information

Service area

Lincoln county, SD Minnehaha county, SD

Agency info

Experience Sioux Falls

Provides an energized visitor experience to enhance economic impact.