General Bee Club Information | Black Hills Area Bee Club

Services provided are honey bee rescue, removing swarms, and club meetings.

Data provided by

211 South Dakota

Physical Address

800 Mickelson Drive, Rapid City, SD 57703


8:00am - 5:00pm (MT), Monday - Friday Meetings conducted via in-person and Zoom

Application process

Request membership information via Facebook Club Page.


$20.00 per family/per year


Any person interested in apiculture shall be eligible for membership, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or residency.

Service area

Butte county, SD Custer county, SD Fall River county, SD Lawrence county, SD Meade county, SD Pennington county, SD

Agency info

Black Hills Area Bee Club

Provides its members the skills, abilities and opportunities through education and training to ensure their success as 21st century beekeepers; and to promote apiculture and the importance of beekeeping to our communities, state and nation.