Nursing Facility, Assisted Living, and Independent Living - Wakonda Heritage Manor | Avera

Provides nursing facility, assisted living, and independent living care. Nursing facility care includes individualized care and daily activities that address care for the whole person (physically, socially, and spiritually), 24-hour care, social services, scheduled activities and religious services, transportation, rehabilitative therapies, and nutrition services. Assisted Living care is a step between independent living and nursing facility care. Residents receive assistance with meal preparation, medications, bathing, and other daily tasks. Independent living care offers the freedom to live alone with help nearby to offer an occasional helping hand.

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211 South Dakota

Physical Address

515 Ohio Street, Wakonda, SD 57073


24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

Application process

Call for information.


Call for information. Some services accept Medicaid, Medicare, VA payment, and private insurance.


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Service area

Clay county, SD Union county, SD Yankton county, SD

Agency info


Community of physicians and care teams serving the Upper Midwest.