Solid Waste Department | City of Huron
Responsible for collection and disposal of garbage and yard waste. The Huron Municipal Transfer Station road is located ¼ mile east of the James River Bridge on 3rd Street. Turn south on the gravel ¼ mile and east ½ mile. Loads which contain loose material must be tarped and tied. All loads brought to the transfer station are subject to inspections to screen out prohibited materials Rubble Site (1901 9th Street S.E.) services: Residences may access the site one a month for free (with a water utility bill and ID). Items not included are; tires, Freon compressors, entire buildings, household garbage, microwaves, televisions, computer monitors, electronics, vacuum cleaners, and any other items as required by state law. Compost is available for purchase Residential garbage collection - Locate your residence on the color-coded collection map to determine the day of your garbage pickup using the color key for the map. Garbage must be bagged and placed inside the brown container so that the lid is closed. Overfilled containers WILL NOT be picked up, please call if you are in need of additional containers. Holiday collection changes please call. Recycling Program - To sign-up for a recycling container (blue with a yellow lid) please call. The recycling guide provides information on what can and cannot be recycled. Yard Waste - To purchase a green yard waste container please call. Yard waste collection runs from May - October. Yard waste can also be disposed of at the rubble site
Data provided by
211 South Dakota
Physical Address
1901 9th Street S.E., Huron, SD 57350
Summer hours: 8:00am - 3:45pm (CT), Monday - Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm (CT), Saturday Winter hours: 8:00am - 3:45pm (CT), Monday - Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm (CT), Saturday If there is snow accumulation of 6 or more the Rubble Site will be closed for the day Holiday hours: Please call (605) 353-8542
Application process
Apply at the Finance Office at the Municipal Building, 239 Wisconsin Avenue S.W., for Solid Waste Collection Service.
Open to all. Children must be accompanied by an adult at the solid waste facilities.
Service area
Beadle county, SD
Agency info
City of Huron
Serving the citizens of Huron.