Finance Office | City of Huron

The Finance Office is responsible for Accounts payable and receivable, The official records of the city, City commission minutes and agendas, Examining and analyzing accounting records, Preparing financial reports concerning the city, Accident insurance claims, City related election information (Mayor and City Commissioners, not primary or general elections), Voter registration cards are available which will then be sent to the County Auditor's Office. Also responsible for Special assessments, Water, sewer, and garbage hookup, billing, and service requests, Alcoholic beverage licenses, Digging and excavation permits, Bike registration, and Transient merchant (business) licenses. This phone number is the one to call for City Hall.

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211 South Dakota

Physical Address

239 Wisconsin Avenue S.W., Huron, SD 57350


8:00am - 5:00pm (CT), Monday - Friday

Application process

Call for information


Open to all

Service area

Beadle county, SD

Agency info

City of Huron

Serving the citizens of Huron.