Assisted Living and Independent Living - Prairie Creek | Good Samaritan Society

Provides assisted living and independent living services. Assisted living services provide a living option for those who want to live independently while benefiting from having access to help with activities of daily living. Services provided include help with daily activities, laundry and housekeeping, home maintenance, medication management, spiritual, wellness, nutrition, and recreational programs. Independent living services provide a living option for individuals looking for maintenance-free living. A variety of services are available that may be included in the monthly fees such as assistance with general housekeeping, maintenance, optional meal programs, scheduled activities, transportation services, wellness programs, social interaction, and nearby staff. Also offers memory care and outpatient rehabilitation services.

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211 South Dakota

Physical Address

4400 W. Creekside Drive, Sioux Falls, SD 57106


Office hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm (CT), Monday - Friday Services available: 24 hours a day / 7 days a week

Application process

Call for information


Persons 55 and older, private pay

Service area

SD, United States

Agency info

Good Samaritan Society

Provides shelter and supportive services to older persons and others in need.