My Sanford Nurse | Sanford Health
My Sanford Nurse is a 24-hour phone service for individuals seeking information about a health-related issue or concern. Registered Nurses answer a variety of health care questions using nationally accredited approved protocols to guide them with communicating the appropriate medical recommendation to the patient over the phone. My Sanford Nurse provides a Physician finder and information on classes, support groups, events, and registration. The primary purpose of My Sanford Nurse is to assist individuals in making better health care decisions for themselves and those they care for.
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211 South Dakota
Physical Address
1305 W. 18th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Application process
Call for assistance.
Open to all
Service area
Cottonwood county, MN Jackson county, MN Lincoln county, MN Lyon county, MN Murray county, MN Nobles county, MN Pipestone county, MN Redwood county, MN Rock county, MN Yellow Medicine county, MN SD, United States
Agency info
Sanford Health
Nonprofit, integrated health care delivery system headquartered in Sioux Falls, South Dakota