Congregate Dining/Home Delivered Meals | Active Generations

Serving hot nutritious meals daily at both Active Generations Main and East locations. Menus can be found in the monthly newsletter or online. Active Generations Meal Program is sponsored in part by the National Senior Nutrition Project. Funding for Senior Meals is a joint effort between federal and state governments, community support and participant donations. National Senior Nutrition Project provides persons age 60 and over, their spouse, and/or dependent adult living with them a nutritious meal in a social (congregate) and home delivered setting. Menus meet 1/3 of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI's) for the population served and low in fat and sodium. Carbohydrate-counted menus are available as well as textured modified servings.

Data provided by

211 South Dakota

Physical Address

101 Church Street, Alcester, SD 57001


12:00pm (CT), Monday - Friday with reservation. Meals need to be ordered by 8:15am of the day the meal will be served.



Karen Nelson, Site Manager



Dakota at Home



Nutrition Department

Application process

Reservations are not required, nor is membership, to receive a meal. Can dine as a guest by providing signature and date of birth. If dining 2+ a month, a National Aging Program Information System (NAPIS) form must be filled out.


$10.00 - Full Cost of the meal for those under the age of 60. Minimum suggested donation - $5.25 per meal for persons 60 and over; Under 60 years of age - $10.00.


Persons age 60 and over, their spouse, and or dependent adult living with them. Call for information.

Service area

Hanson county, SD Lake county, SD Lincoln county, SD Mccook county, SD Minnehaha county, SD Turner county, SD Union county, SD

Agency info

Active Generations

Seeks to promote positive aging for adults and to enhance the quality of life for all generations through programs, services, and education.