Non-Medical Home Health Services | AngelKare Home Caregiving Services
Providing non-medical care in the client or family home in the Aberdeen area. Services include meal preparation, medication reminders, bathing, laundry, incontinent care, personal hygiene, assistance with dressing, personal hygiene, light housekeeping, homemaking, pet care, infant care, Alzheimer's Care, and diet monitoring. Also provides transportation with errands, doctor appointments, and grocery shopping.
Data provided by
211 South Dakota
Physical Address
801 12th Avenue S.E., Aberdeen, SD 57401
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Application process
Call for information
Accepts Medicaid, VA, and private pay.
Need physician orders for skilled care. VA and Medicaid recipients must meet requirements and program regulations.
Service area
Brown county, SD Clark county, SD Codington county, SD Day county, SD Faulk county, SD Marshall county, SD Mcpherson county, SD Spink county, SD
Agency info
AngelKare Home Caregiving Services
To improve the Quality of Life and Level of Independence for all clients and families in the Aberdeen and surrounding communities.