Dementia Caregiver Support Group | Rapid City VA Clinic

A weekly educational support group for caregivers of veterans with dementia or for veterans who care for someone with dementia.

Data provided by

211 South Dakota

Physical Address

2165 Promise Road, Rapid City, SD 57701


11:00am - 12:00pm (MT), Thursdays

Application process

Call to confirm attendance and enroll in VA Caregiver Support Program.


Must be a veteran or caregiver of a veteran enrolled in the VA or eligible to enroll in the VA and willing to enroll in our Caregiver Support Program.

Service area

Butte county, SD Custer county, SD Fall River county, SD Lawrence county, SD Meade county, SD Pennington county, SD

Agency info

Rapid City VA Clinic

A VA clinic providing a variety of healthcare services to veterans in the Rapid City area.