Auditor | Yankton County
Provides the following services for Yankton County - Acts as the bookkeeper for county business, Collects and distributes minutes from all Yankton County Commission meetings, Manages medical indigent claims, Collects vouchers for all accounts payable and county employee payroll, Keep track of tax districts and set the county mill levy, Figures real estate and mobile home taxes, Keep track of unpaid taxes, Handles county bid lettings, Works in conjunction with the Treasurer to pay county bills. Also includes issuing business beer and liquor licenses, Voter registration, and County-wide elections. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.
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211 South Dakota
Physical Address
321 W. 3rd Street, Suite 100, Yankton, SD 57078
9:00am - 12:00noon; 1:00pm - 5:00pm (CT), Monday - Friday
Application process
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Open to all
Service area
Yankton county, SD
Agency info
Yankton County
Serving the citizens of Yankton County.