Pierre - Ft. Pierre Service Area | River Cities Public Transit
Public transportation for a number of counties surrounding the capital City. Same day, on demand for ride requests. Out of town rides Monday - Friday from any RCPT areas served.Accepts Medicaid; there are many transportation grant opportunities available through RCPT. Transportation is available for medical appointments, shopping, employment, school, day care, senior meals, summer recreation activities, and other needs RCPT coordinates with all other transit agencies in South Dakota and can facilitate a ride statewide. Also, is Jefferson Lines associated.
Data provided by
211 South Dakota
Physical Address
1600 E. Dakota Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501
24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 days a year
Application process
Dispatchers available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Open to all
Service area
Dewey county, SD Haakon county, SD Hand county, SD Hyde county, SD Jackson county, SD Jones county, SD Lyman county, SD Potter county, SD Stanley county, SD Sully county, SD Ziebach county, SD
Agency info
River Cities Public Transit
Provides public transportation to community members.