Assisted Living and Independent Living | Touchmark at All Saints

Provides assisted living and independent living care. Assisted living services include 3 daily meals, regularly scheduled social and cultural activities, scheduled local transportation, 24-hour emergency response system, nursing care with 24-hour trained caregiving staff, in-depth assessments for personalized care, and recurring assessments and scheduled care conferences. Independent living services offer all-day dining options, housekeeping services, local transportation, laundry service, and 24-hour nursing care nearby. Also provides memory care and respite care services.

Data provided by

211 South Dakota

Physical Address

111 W. 17th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57104


24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

Application process

Call for information.


Open to all ages 55 and over.

Service area

Lincoln county, SD Minnehaha county, SD

Agency info

Touchmark at All Saints

A senior living community in Sioux Falls.