Counseling Services | Rising Hope Counseling, LLC

Provides services for individual, couples, children, and family counseling as well as anger evaluations, and anger management. Committed to helping people who are experiencing emotional, psychological, personal, or family problems to increase hope and fulfill their treatment goals for a better life.

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211 South Dakota

Physical Address

818 S. Broadway Street, Suites 109 & 110, Watertown, SD 57201


Call for information

Application process

Call to set up appointment.


Initial Evaluation session: $239.00 . Family session: $199.00 . Individual $199.00 . Individual (43 min): $165.00 . Crisis Counseling: $240.00/per hour . Sliding scale fee available (HSA/Credit Card)


Open to all

Service area

SD, United States

Agency info

Rising Hope Counseling, LLC

A for-profit counseling center serving residents throughout South Dakota.