Downtown Sioux Falls, Inc. | Downtown Sioux Falls
Helps to promote and rejuvenate the downtown area. Focusing on development in the central business district. DTSF advances its mission by marketing and promoting the downtown experience to the region, improving the appearance of the public realm with DTSF's Clean & Green Team, coordinating promotions, networking and development opportunities for members, forming partnerships to advocate for the continual improvement of downtown, and coordinating downtown events and festivals. Events calendar -
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211 South Dakota
Physical Address
315 N. Phillips Avenue, Suite 200, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
9:00am - 5:00pm (CT), Monday - Friday
Application process
Call for information
Open to all
Service area
Lincoln county, SD Minnehaha county, SD
Agency info
Downtown Sioux Falls
Downtown community with diverse experiences, economic growth, and a healthy environment.