Counseling Services | Lost and Found, LLC
Counseling services include: - Individual counseling - Divorce counseling - Dialectical Behavioral Therapy - Pain Mangement - Couples counseling - Mental Health Screening - Adolescent/youth counseling - Parent counseling - Spouse/intimate partner abuse counseling - Marriage counseling - Grief/bereavement counseling - Family counseling - Cognitive behavioral therapy Works with all ages in their home, school, or neutral/arranged sites.
Divorce CounselingHome Based Mental Health ServicesMental Health ScreeningPain ManagementParent CounselingCognitive Behavioral TherapyDialectical Behavior TherapyConjoint CounselingFamily CounselingIndividual CounselingPrivate Therapy PracticesSpouse/Intimate Partner Abuse CounselingAdolescent/Youth CounselingMarriage and Relationships CounselingBereavement and Grief Counseling
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211 South Dakota
Physical Address
1721 S. 8th Street, Aberdeen, SD 57401
Call for information
Application process
Call to set up an appointment
Ages 5 - 100
Service area
Brown county, SD
Agency info
Lost and Found, LLC
An in-home psychological services program serving the Aberdeen area.