McLaughlin IHS Health Center | Indian Health Service
Outpatient medical clinic, provides general family practice medicine. Prescription Assistance - Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free prescriptions by visiting their local IHS. Services include comprehensive primary care, Primary Care Medical Home (PCMH), behavioral health, dental, laboratory, nursing, pharmacy, public health nursing, radiology, dietitian, and telehealth (including behavioral health, internal medicine, and rheumatology).
Data provided by
211 South Dakota
Physical Address
701 E. 6th Street, Mc Laughlin, SD 57642
8:00am - 4:30pm (MT), Monday - Friday
Application process
Call for information
American Indian enrollees
Service area
Sioux county, ND Campbell county, SD Corson county, SD Dewey county, SD Perkins county, SD Walworth county, SD Ziebach county, SD
Agency info
Indian Health Service
Responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives.