ROCS Dining Services | Rural Office of Community Services, Inc
Providing nutritious and diabetic-friendly meals five days a week to individuals 60 years of age or older at reduced costs. EBT card are accepted at all locations.
Data provided by
211 South Dakota
Physical Address
1224 E. Cherry Street, Vermillion, SD 57069
Meals are served at 12:00noon (CT), Monday - Friday
Prices vary by site- only under 60 vary
Open to all. Anyone over 60 can eat for a suggested donation of $5.00. Under age 60 suggested donation is $8.00. No one will be denied a meal due to inability to pay.
Service area
Aurora county, SD Bon Homme county, SD Brule county, SD Charles Mix county, SD Clay county, SD Douglas county, SD Gregory county, SD Jerauld county, SD Lincoln county, SD Tripp county, SD Turner county, SD Union county, SD
Agency info
Rural Office of Community Services, Inc
Non-profit agency that provides emergency assistance, transportation, weatherization, dining services and Community Closet.