Finance Office/Utility Services | City of Spearfish

The Finance Office is responsible for preparation of comprehensive annual financial report, official records of the city, including minutes, ordinances, resolutions, documents, etc., investment of city funds, receiving and recording all city deposits, municipal elections, voter registration forms, alcohol licensing, special assessment administration, payroll for city staff, accounts payable, and questions regarding the Rose Hill Cemetery. Utility Billing: The City of Spearfish offers water, sewer, wastewater and garbage services. Handles utility set-up and disconnection. ​The City of Spearfish's Mayor is part time. The Mayor's liaison, is the Executive Assistant for Administration who can be reached at (605) 642-1354.

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211 South Dakota

Physical Address

625 N. 5th Street, Spearfish, SD 57783


7:30am - 12:00pm, 1:00pm - 4:30pm (MT), Monday - Friday

Application process

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Serving the citizens of Spearfish

Service area

Lawrence county, SD

Agency info

City of Spearfish

Serving the citizens of Spearfish.