In-Home Nursing Services | Home Instead

Skilled Services are provided by licensed professionals, including medical assistance, therapies, and other health-related services tailored to individual needs. Non-Skilled Services include personal care (i.e. bathing, dressing), companionship, assistance with daily activities (meal preparation, light housekeeping), and transportation. These services are designed to enhance the quality of life and promote independence for clients in their own homes or community settings.

Data provided by

211 South Dakota

Physical Address

710 Mount Rushmore Road, Rapid City, SD 57701


24 hours a day / 7 days a week



also after-hours

Application process

Call for information


Accepts Medicaid, private insurance, private pay, Long Term Care Insurance, and Veterans Administration (VA).


School age to elderly individuals

Service area

Aurora county, SD Beadle county, SD Bon Homme county, SD Brookings county, SD Brown county, SD Brule county, SD Buffalo county, SD Butte county, SD Campbell county, SD Charles Mix county, SD Clark county, SD Clay county, SD Codington county, SD Custer county, SD Davison county, SD Day county, SD Deuel county, SD Douglas county, SD Edmunds county, SD Fall River county, SD Faulk county, SD Grant county, SD Hamlin county, SD Hand county, SD Hanson county, SD Hughes county, SD Hutchinson county, SD Hyde county, SD Jerauld county, SD Kingsbury county, SD Lake county, SD Lawrence county, SD Lincoln county, SD Marshall county, SD Mccook county, SD Mcpherson county, SD Meade county, SD Miner county, SD Minnehaha county, SD Moody county, SD Pennington county, SD Potter county, SD Roberts county, SD Sanborn county, SD Spink county, SD Sully county, SD Turner county, SD Union county, SD Walworth county, SD Yankton county, SD

Agency info

Home Instead

Offers a range of services designed to support individuals of all ages.