Zonta Club of Pierre/Ft. Pierre | Zonta Clubs

The Zonta Club of Pierre-Fort Pierre is a member of Zonta International. Zonta International is a leading global organization of individuals working together to build a better world for women and girls. The Pierre-Fort Pierre Club is a service club that generates money from the sale of booths at a Fall Craft and Vendor Show. The money raised goes to scholarships, grants to local organizations and to make and serve a meal at a local community banquet. Members also participate in service-related events such as a community garden plot to raise fresh vegetable for the local food pantry, a closet of gently used professional clothing for women and collecting donations for the local domestic violence center.

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211 South Dakota

Physical Address

No Physical Address, Pierre, SD 57501


5:30pm (CT), 4th Thursday of the month

Application process

Application form.


Working women

Service area

Hughes county, SD Stanley county, SD

Agency info

Zonta Clubs

Service organization dedicated to advancing the economic status of women and to improving the health and welfare of women.