Safe House | Ginny's Safe House
To educate, advocate for and empower survivors of domestic abuse and violence (as well as coercive control, human trafficking, sexual assault, dating abuse and violence, child abuse, adults molested as children, other victims of violence crimes, stalking and elder abuse) and their dependents. Engages communities in promoting no tolerance of domestic abuse and violence. Answers crisis calls 24/7 and follow ups with victims Gives referrals and maintains a Shelter Safe House in Redfield (7 beds for up to 10 victims) Assists victims in finding attorneys, obtaining protection orders, attending court, and working with law enforcement. Helps victims find jobs and housing to work towards independent living Works as medical advocates by accompanying victims to the hospital when obtaining medical assistance for injuries or sexual assault. Brings awareness to help prevent acts of violence by speaking to church groups and civic organizations as well as presentations in all 7 public schools in the tri-county area to teach awareness of bullying and safe dating to 8th graders and safety when starting college to high school seniors.
Data provided by
211 South Dakota
Physical Address
1015 S. Main Street, Redfield, SD 57469
24 hours a day / 7 days a week through the Crisis Hotline number.
Application process
Open to all
Service area
Faulk county, SD Hand county, SD Spink county, SD
Agency info
Ginny's Safe House
Advocates for victims of Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking, Elder Abuse and reporting agency for Child Abuse.