Pharmacy Services | Heritage Pharmacy
Services provided include prescription pick-up (these are delivered from Freeman daily), diabetes education and support, durable medical equipment (i.e. canes and walkers, bathroom equipment, orthopedic supplies, nebulizers, etc.), immunizations, long-term pharmacy, Medicare open enrollment, and a medication disposal site. Accepts UPS drop off packages for free. Customers can use the My Community Pharmacy to refill medications, set medication reminders, and track refill status.
Data provided by
211 South Dakota
Physical Address
244 S. 5th Street, Menno, SD 57045
9:00am - 12:30pm, and 1:00pm - 5:30pm (CT), Monday - Saturday Prescription drop off at 3:30pm (CT), daily with delivery from Freeman Store.
Application process
Accepts Medicare Part B, Medicare Part D and most other prescription insurances. My Community Pharmacy is free to download from the Apple App Store and the Google Play App Store.
Open to all
Service area
Hanson county, SD Hutchinson county, SD Mccook county, SD
Agency info
Heritage Pharmacy
A for-profit retail pharmacy serving the residents of Bridgewater, Freeman, Menno, and Marion communities.