Public Transit | Brookings Area Transit Authority

Offers transportation service for everyone within Brookings County. Passengers can schedule rides to work, school, medical appointments, activities, shopping trips, Sioux Falls Regional Airport, and more. Passengers need to schedule their rides at least one day before transportation is needed. Offers door-to-door service. BATA is a Medicaid provider and medical transportation may be covered by eligible Medicaid recipients.

Data provided by

211 South Dakota

Physical Address

1313 Western Avenue, Brookings, SD 57006


5:00am - 6:00pm (CT), Monday - Friday


Open to all

Service area

Brookings county, SD Deuel county, SD Hamlin county, SD Kingsbury county, SD Minnehaha county, SD Moody county, SD

Agency info

Brookings Area Transit Authority

Provides coordinated transportation services for all citizens of the Brookings area and foster independence by providing mobility options.