Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 1,415
Unemployment insurance provides temporary financial assistance for people who have lost their jobs, through no fault of their own, until they find other employment.
Unemployment insurance provides temporary financial assistance for people who have lost their jobs, through no fault of their own, until they find other employment.
Unemployment Insurance
State Government Agencies/Departments
Provides Public Health Nursing and Maternal Child Healthcare Services through various programs.
General public health services include professional nursing and nutrition information and guidance on health, safety, and nutrition for individuals, families, and communities. Services such as influenza vaccinations and screenings for blood pressure, hearing, vision, and hemoglobin are available at a fee.
Maternal Child Healthcare provides Infant Sleep Safety services, immunizations, and pregnancy support services. Infant Sleep Safety services provide education on infant safe sleep practices and link families to resources when the purchase of a crib is a financial hardship.
Immunizations services are available for children from birth through age 18 for all universally recommended vaccinations including influenza. The Vaccines for Children's Program provides vaccines for children who are uninsured, have insurance that does not cover vaccinations, are Medicaid eligible, or are Native American or Alaskan Native. For families with insurance coverage, the Department of Health is an in-network provider for Sanford, Avera/Dakotacare, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Pregnancy Support Services include regular visits with a nurse to share information about pregnancy, to provide assistance in obtaining early and on-going prenatal care from a qualified healthcare provider, and to link women to resources they may need to support a healthy pregnancy. Teaching topics may include: how your body is changing and how your baby is growing; eating healthy and gaining the right amount of weight; warning signs or symptoms that indicate you should contact your doctor; breastfeeding education and support; and caring for you and your baby after delivery.
The Watertown location is also able to provide car seats for all ages when the purchase of a car seat is financial hardship.
Provides Public Health Nursing and Maternal Child Healthcare Services through various programs.
General public health services include professional nursing and nutrition information and guidance on health, safety, and nutrition for individuals, families, and communities. Services such as influenza vaccinations and screenings for blood pressure, hearing, vision, and hemoglobin are available at a fee.
Maternal Child Healthcare provides Infant Sleep Safety services, immunizations, and pregnancy support services. Infant Sleep Safety services provide education on infant safe sleep practices and link families to resources when the purchase of a crib is a financial hardship.
Immunizations services are available for children from birth through age 18 for all universally recommended vaccinations including influenza. The Vaccines for Children's Program provides vaccines for children who are uninsured, have insurance that does not cover vaccinations, are Medicaid eligible, or are Native American or Alaskan Native. For families with insurance coverage, the Department of Health is an in-network provider for Sanford, Avera/Dakotacare, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Pregnancy Support Services include regular visits with a nurse to share information about pregnancy, to provide assistance in obtaining early and on-going prenatal care from a qualified healthcare provider, and to link women to resources they may need to support a healthy pregnancy. Teaching topics may include: how your body is changing and how your baby is growing; eating healthy and gaining the right amount of weight; warning signs or symptoms that indicate you should contact your doctor; breastfeeding education and support; and caring for you and your baby after delivery.
The Watertown location is also able to provide car seats for all ages when the purchase of a car seat is financial hardship.
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
General Health Education Programs
Prenatal Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
HIV Testing
Formula/Baby Food
Childhood Immunization
Cultural Heritage Groups
Public Health Surveillance Programs
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Native American Community
Nutrition Education
Birth Control
Breast Pumps
Women's Health Centers
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Disease Prevention Programs
Flu Vaccines
State Government Agencies/Departments
Safer Sex Education
The Equalization Office assesses all properties in the county for taxation purposes, issues building permits in the county and small towns, is the planning and zoning office for the county, and answers questions pertaining to floodplains.
The Equalization Office assesses all properties in the county for taxation purposes, issues building permits in the county and small towns, is the planning and zoning office for the county, and answers questions pertaining to floodplains.
Flood Preparedness Information
County Controller Offices
City/County Planning Offices
Building Permits
County Government Departments/Offices
1 in 14 citizens have been victims of ID theft, the fastest growing crime in the US.
Program assists in all aspects of recovering your name, and puts tools in place to prevent any further threats to credit or one's identity.
1 in 14 citizens have been victims of ID theft, the fastest growing crime in the US.
Program assists in all aspects of recovering your name, and puts tools in place to prevent any further threats to credit or one's identity.
Consumer Protection Agencies
Identity Theft Reporting/Recovery Programs
Safe Home is a Housing First model program that involves the program components of case management, groups, monitoring, and community. It provides dignified, affordable housing and supportive services to individuals experiencing long term homelessness and alcohol dependence.
It is an apartment building and is not a temporary or emergency shelter. Referrals may be made by anyone (self, friend, family, professionals).
Safe Home is a Housing First model program that involves the program components of case management, groups, monitoring, and community. It provides dignified, affordable housing and supportive services to individuals experiencing long term homelessness and alcohol dependence.
It is an apartment building and is not a temporary or emergency shelter. Referrals may be made by anyone (self, friend, family, professionals).
Transitional Housing/Shelter
County Government Departments/Offices
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Residences for People With Chronic Substance Use Disorders
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Services provided include coordinating all agencies within the jurisdiction to include public, private, and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of life and property in the event of threatened or actual natural disaster, terrorism, technological, or man-made events. Responsibilities includes developing and maintaining the county plans for reacting to emergencies; trains other agencies to respond to emergencies; during an actual emergency, the director coordinates the action and response.
This is not an emergency first response organization, if you are in immediate danger please call 911.
Services provided include coordinating all agencies within the jurisdiction to include public, private, and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of life and property in the event of threatened or actual natural disaster, terrorism, technological, or man-made events. Responsibilities includes developing and maintaining the county plans for reacting to emergencies; trains other agencies to respond to emergencies; during an actual emergency, the director coordinates the action and response.
This is not an emergency first response organization, if you are in immediate danger please call 911.
General Disaster Preparedness Information
Fire Control/Extinction
General Disaster Information
Community Storm Shelters
County Offices of Emergency Services
County Government Departments/Offices
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
A public health nutrition program for income-eligible infants and children up to age 5, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women.
WIC provides nutrition education to help make healthy eating choices, breastfeeding education for expectant and new mothers looking to learn more about their infant nutrition options, referrals to connect families with quality medical care and other community services, and food benefits to help families purchase nutritious groceries at participating businesses statewide.
A public health nutrition program for income-eligible infants and children up to age 5, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women.
WIC provides nutrition education to help make healthy eating choices, breastfeeding education for expectant and new mothers looking to learn more about their infant nutrition options, referrals to connect families with quality medical care and other community services, and food benefits to help families purchase nutritious groceries at participating businesses statewide.
Formula/Baby Food
Nutrition Education
Breast Pumps
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Prenatal Care
State Government Agencies/Departments
Women's Health Centers
Provides emergency assistance for those in either Minnehaha/Lincoln County with rent and deposits, Utility bills: Must have a disconnect notice for water, lights, or heating; Food and non-food items, Burial: Clients should begin by choosing a funeral home and meet with them prior to applying for assistance through Minnehaha County. Also provides transportation assistance, dental care, medical care (hospitalization) and Medications.
Minnehaha County residents can also receive assistance with Shelter, Gasoline or bus ticket for transients/nonresidents stranded here and needing to get home. Out of town travel assistance is not offered to MC residents. Identification and or birth certificate (if needed for the purposes of obtaining employment/housing).
The majority of assistance provided is in the form of a no-interest loan for which a lien is created. The client does not receive any bill from County but is expected to repay the debt, starting in a time frame created by the caseworker.
Applicants can choose to walk-in to the office or receive a phone call to complete an interview. Those applying for transportation, medications or ID/BC assistance should come into the office to apply.
Provides emergency assistance for those in either Minnehaha/Lincoln County with rent and deposits, Utility bills: Must have a disconnect notice for water, lights, or heating; Food and non-food items, Burial: Clients should begin by choosing a funeral home and meet with them prior to applying for assistance through Minnehaha County. Also provides transportation assistance, dental care, medical care (hospitalization) and Medications.
Minnehaha County residents can also receive assistance with Shelter, Gasoline or bus ticket for transients/nonresidents stranded here and needing to get home. Out of town travel assistance is not offered to MC residents. Identification and or birth certificate (if needed for the purposes of obtaining employment/housing).
The majority of assistance provided is in the form of a no-interest loan for which a lien is created. The client does not receive any bill from County but is expected to repay the debt, starting in a time frame created by the caseworker.
Applicants can choose to walk-in to the office or receive a phone call to complete an interview. Those applying for transportation, medications or ID/BC assistance should come into the office to apply.
Homeless Shelter
County Government Departments/Offices
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Birth Certificate Fee Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
General Relief
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Driver License Fee Payment Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Food Vouchers
Gas Money
Bus Fare
Rental Deposit Assistance
Services provided are coordination all agencies within the jurisdiction to include public, private, and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of life and property in the event of threatened or actual natural disasters, terrorism, technological, or man-made events.
Responsibilities includes develops and maintains the county plan for reacting to emergencies; during an actual emergency, the director coordinates the action; and trains other agencies to respond to emergencies.
County Emergency Managers can make contact with volunteer fire departments in their County.
This is not an emergency first response organization. If you are in immediate danger please call 911.
Services provided are coordination all agencies within the jurisdiction to include public, private, and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of life and property in the event of threatened or actual natural disasters, terrorism, technological, or man-made events.
Responsibilities includes develops and maintains the county plan for reacting to emergencies; during an actual emergency, the director coordinates the action; and trains other agencies to respond to emergencies.
County Emergency Managers can make contact with volunteer fire departments in their County.
This is not an emergency first response organization. If you are in immediate danger please call 911.
General Disaster Information
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Community Storm Shelters
General Disaster Preparedness Information
County Government Departments/Offices
County Offices of Emergency Services
Fire Control/Extinction
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is a temporary public assistance work program administered by the Department of Social Services in partnership with the Department of Labor and Regulation. It is designed to provide temporary assistance and build economic self-sufficiency for children and families. Eligibility and income guidelines are available by phone or by visiting the website.
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is a temporary public assistance work program administered by the Department of Social Services in partnership with the Department of Labor and Regulation. It is designed to provide temporary assistance and build economic self-sufficiency for children and families. Eligibility and income guidelines are available by phone or by visiting the website.
State Government Agencies/Departments
The Auditor's office provides the following services for Lincoln County - Acts as the bookkeeper for county business, Collects and distributes minutes from all Lincoln County Commission meetings, Collects vouchers for all accounts payable and county employee payroll, Keep track of tax districts and set the county mill levy, Keep track of unpaid taxes, Issues business beer and liquor licenses, Accounts receivable for court appointed attorneys and poor relief (lien process). Voter registration, and County-wide elections. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.
The Auditor's office provides the following services for Lincoln County - Acts as the bookkeeper for county business, Collects and distributes minutes from all Lincoln County Commission meetings, Collects vouchers for all accounts payable and county employee payroll, Keep track of tax districts and set the county mill levy, Keep track of unpaid taxes, Issues business beer and liquor licenses, Accounts receivable for court appointed attorneys and poor relief (lien process). Voter registration, and County-wide elections. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.
Notary Public Services
Voter Registration Offices
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Election Information
Absentee Ballots
County Government Departments/Offices
County Auditor Offices
Investigates child abuse and neglect cases by working with the State's Attorney, law enforcement, and community resources to determine extent of alleged child abuse or neglect.
Other services include adoptions, licensing of foster homes, assessment services, case management, and intensive family services.
To report abuse or neglect, during regular business hours dial (877) 244-0864. After business hours, contact local law enforcement.
Investigates child abuse and neglect cases by working with the State's Attorney, law enforcement, and community resources to determine extent of alleged child abuse or neglect.
Other services include adoptions, licensing of foster homes, assessment services, case management, and intensive family services.
To report abuse or neglect, during regular business hours dial (877) 244-0864. After business hours, contact local law enforcement.
Child Abuse Reporting/Emergency Response
Foster Home Licensing
Parenting Skills Classes
State Government Agencies/Departments
Provides Public Health Nursing and Maternal Child Healthcare Services through various programs.
General public health services include professional nursing and nutrition information and guidance on health, safety, and nutrition for individuals, families, and communities. Services such as influenza vaccinations and screenings for blood pressure, hearing, vision, and hemoglobin are available at a fee.
Maternal Child Healthcare provides Infant Sleep Safety services, immunizations, and pregnancy support services. Infant Sleep Safety services provide education on infant safe sleep practices and link families to resources when the purchase of a crib is a financial hardship.
Immunizations services are available for children from birth through age 18 for all universally recommended vaccinations including influenza. The Vaccines for Children's Program provides vaccines for children who are uninsured, have insurance that does not cover vaccinations, are Medicaid eligible, or are Native American or Alaskan Native. For families with insurance coverage, the Department of Health is an in-network provider for Sanford, Avera/Dakotacare, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Pregnancy Support Services include regular visits with a nurse to share information about pregnancy, to provide assistance in obtaining early and on-going prenatal care from a qualified healthcare provider, and to link women to resources they may need to support a healthy pregnancy. Teaching topics may include: how your body is changing and how your baby is growing; eating healthy and gaining the right amount of weight; warning signs or symptoms that indicate you should contact your doctor; breastfeeding education and support; and caring for you and your baby after delivery.
The Watertown location is also able to provide car seats for all ages when the purchase of a car seat is financial hardship.
Provides Public Health Nursing and Maternal Child Healthcare Services through various programs.
General public health services include professional nursing and nutrition information and guidance on health, safety, and nutrition for individuals, families, and communities. Services such as influenza vaccinations and screenings for blood pressure, hearing, vision, and hemoglobin are available at a fee.
Maternal Child Healthcare provides Infant Sleep Safety services, immunizations, and pregnancy support services. Infant Sleep Safety services provide education on infant safe sleep practices and link families to resources when the purchase of a crib is a financial hardship.
Immunizations services are available for children from birth through age 18 for all universally recommended vaccinations including influenza. The Vaccines for Children's Program provides vaccines for children who are uninsured, have insurance that does not cover vaccinations, are Medicaid eligible, or are Native American or Alaskan Native. For families with insurance coverage, the Department of Health is an in-network provider for Sanford, Avera/Dakotacare, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Pregnancy Support Services include regular visits with a nurse to share information about pregnancy, to provide assistance in obtaining early and on-going prenatal care from a qualified healthcare provider, and to link women to resources they may need to support a healthy pregnancy. Teaching topics may include: how your body is changing and how your baby is growing; eating healthy and gaining the right amount of weight; warning signs or symptoms that indicate you should contact your doctor; breastfeeding education and support; and caring for you and your baby after delivery.
The Watertown location is also able to provide car seats for all ages when the purchase of a car seat is financial hardship.
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
General Health Education Programs
Prenatal Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
HIV Testing
Formula/Baby Food
Childhood Immunization
Cultural Heritage Groups
Public Health Surveillance Programs
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Native American Community
Nutrition Education
Birth Control
Breast Pumps
Women's Health Centers
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Disease Prevention Programs
Flu Vaccines
State Government Agencies/Departments
Safer Sex Education
Provides Public Health Nursing and Maternal Child Healthcare Services through various programs.
General public health services include professional nursing and nutrition information and guidance on health, safety, and nutrition for individuals, families, and communities. Services such as influenza vaccinations and screenings for blood pressure, hearing, vision, and hemoglobin are available at a fee.
Maternal Child Healthcare provides Infant Sleep Safety services, immunizations, and pregnancy support services. Infant Sleep Safety services provide education on infant safe sleep practices and link families to resources when the purchase of a crib is a financial hardship.
Immunizations services are available for children from birth through age 18 for all universally recommended vaccinations including influenza. The Vaccines for Children's Program provides vaccines for children who are uninsured, have insurance that does not cover vaccinations, are Medicaid eligible, or are Native American or Alaskan Native. For families with insurance coverage, the Department of Health is an in-network provider for Sanford, Avera/Dakotacare, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Pregnancy Support Services include regular visits with a nurse to share information about pregnancy, to provide assistance in obtaining early and on-going prenatal care from a qualified healthcare provider, and to link women to resources they may need to support a healthy pregnancy. Teaching topics may include: how your body is changing and how your baby is growing; eating healthy and gaining the right amount of weight; warning signs or symptoms that indicate you should contact your doctor; breastfeeding education and support; and caring for you and your baby after delivery.
The Watertown location is also able to provide car seats for all ages when the purchase of a car seat is financial hardship.
Provides Public Health Nursing and Maternal Child Healthcare Services through various programs.
General public health services include professional nursing and nutrition information and guidance on health, safety, and nutrition for individuals, families, and communities. Services such as influenza vaccinations and screenings for blood pressure, hearing, vision, and hemoglobin are available at a fee.
Maternal Child Healthcare provides Infant Sleep Safety services, immunizations, and pregnancy support services. Infant Sleep Safety services provide education on infant safe sleep practices and link families to resources when the purchase of a crib is a financial hardship.
Immunizations services are available for children from birth through age 18 for all universally recommended vaccinations including influenza. The Vaccines for Children's Program provides vaccines for children who are uninsured, have insurance that does not cover vaccinations, are Medicaid eligible, or are Native American or Alaskan Native. For families with insurance coverage, the Department of Health is an in-network provider for Sanford, Avera/Dakotacare, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Pregnancy Support Services include regular visits with a nurse to share information about pregnancy, to provide assistance in obtaining early and on-going prenatal care from a qualified healthcare provider, and to link women to resources they may need to support a healthy pregnancy. Teaching topics may include: how your body is changing and how your baby is growing; eating healthy and gaining the right amount of weight; warning signs or symptoms that indicate you should contact your doctor; breastfeeding education and support; and caring for you and your baby after delivery.
The Watertown location is also able to provide car seats for all ages when the purchase of a car seat is financial hardship.
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
General Health Education Programs
Prenatal Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
HIV Testing
Formula/Baby Food
Childhood Immunization
Cultural Heritage Groups
Public Health Surveillance Programs
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Native American Community
Nutrition Education
Birth Control
Breast Pumps
Women's Health Centers
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Disease Prevention Programs
Flu Vaccines
State Government Agencies/Departments
Safer Sex Education
SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) - A supplemental food program that enables eligible households to obtain a more nutritious diet. Eligibility is determined by income, resources, and household size.
Lost, stolen, or damaged EBT (SNAP) cards must call customer service to report the loss of your card. You will need to enter the card number. If you do not have the card, stay on the line for a second prompt and press 2. Reporting an EBT card as lost, stolen, or damaged will result in that card being declined.
SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) - A supplemental food program that enables eligible households to obtain a more nutritious diet. Eligibility is determined by income, resources, and household size.
Lost, stolen, or damaged EBT (SNAP) cards must call customer service to report the loss of your card. You will need to enter the card number. If you do not have the card, stay on the line for a second prompt and press 2. Reporting an EBT card as lost, stolen, or damaged will result in that card being declined.
Food Stamps/SNAP
State Government Agencies/Departments
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is a temporary public assistance work program administered by the Department of Social Services in partnership with the Department of Labor and Regulation. It is designed to provide temporary assistance and build economic self-sufficiency for children and families. Eligibility and income guidelines are available by phone or by visiting the website.
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is a temporary public assistance work program administered by the Department of Social Services in partnership with the Department of Labor and Regulation. It is designed to provide temporary assistance and build economic self-sufficiency for children and families. Eligibility and income guidelines are available by phone or by visiting the website.
State Government Agencies/Departments A blog that is an interagency effort by federal and state agencies in the Great Plains geographical area. The agencies that support this site are the Black Hills National Forest, Nebraska National Forest and Grasslands, and South Dakota Wildland Fire Division. This is the official site for information about initial attack fire incidents within the Great Plains Dispatch Zone. This site is updated as often as new information is available from individual forests, state lands, tribal lands, and other agencies. The aim is to provide one website where the best available information and links to fire and fire restrictions can be accessed. A blog that is an interagency effort by federal and state agencies in the Great Plains geographical area. The agencies that support this site are the Black Hills National Forest, Nebraska National Forest and Grasslands, and South Dakota Wildland Fire Division. This is the official site for information about initial attack fire incidents within the Great Plains Dispatch Zone. This site is updated as often as new information is available from individual forests, state lands, tribal lands, and other agencies. The aim is to provide one website where the best available information and links to fire and fire restrictions can be accessed.
Fire Control/Extinction
State Government Agencies/Departments
Fire Conditions Bulletins
A public health nutrition program for income-eligible infants and children up to age 5, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women.
WIC provides nutrition education to help make healthy eating choices, breastfeeding education for expectant and new mothers looking to learn more about their infant nutrition options, referrals to connect families with quality medical care and other community services, and food benefits to help families purchase nutritious groceries at participating businesses statewide.
A public health nutrition program for income-eligible infants and children up to age 5, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women.
WIC provides nutrition education to help make healthy eating choices, breastfeeding education for expectant and new mothers looking to learn more about their infant nutrition options, referrals to connect families with quality medical care and other community services, and food benefits to help families purchase nutritious groceries at participating businesses statewide.
Formula/Baby Food
Nutrition Education
Breast Pumps
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Prenatal Care
State Government Agencies/Departments
Women's Health Centers
The Court Services Officers design and supervise juvenile diversion program services, conduct adult and juvenile, misdemeanant and felony pre-sentence investigations and prepare related written reports and recommendations, provide probation services to adult and juvenile, misdemeanant and felony probationers and their families, plan and collect offender-paid victim restitution, and develop and supervise offender community service programs, providing public education programs, and manage community-based service activities for adult and juvenile, misdemeanor and felony offenders and their families.
The Court Services Officers design and supervise juvenile diversion program services, conduct adult and juvenile, misdemeanant and felony pre-sentence investigations and prepare related written reports and recommendations, provide probation services to adult and juvenile, misdemeanant and felony probationers and their families, plan and collect offender-paid victim restitution, and develop and supervise offender community service programs, providing public education programs, and manage community-based service activities for adult and juvenile, misdemeanor and felony offenders and their families.
State Government Agencies/Departments
Community Service Work Programs
Diversion Programs
Pretrial Service Agencies
Annually values all real property in Yankton County at its full and true value.
Annually values all real property in Yankton County at its full and true value.
Property Tax Assessment Agencies
County Government Departments/Offices
County Controller Offices
Dell Rapids City Departments include city hall, public works, city council, city administrator, finance, city attorney, utility billing officer (water and wastewater), code enforcement, zoning, public works (maintains water, wastewater, streets, parks, and rubble site), and law enforcement - through county sheriff.
Dell Rapids City Departments include city hall, public works, city council, city administrator, finance, city attorney, utility billing officer (water and wastewater), code enforcement, zoning, public works (maintains water, wastewater, streets, parks, and rubble site), and law enforcement - through county sheriff.
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
City/Town Finance Offices
Government Buildings/Installations
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Traffic Signs
Street Signs
City Attorney
City/County Planning Offices
Bill Payment Locations
City Government Departments/Offices
City/Town Council Offices
Assesses the emergency situation and then dispatches appropriate responding agencies including; police, sheriff, fire, ambulance services, and / or highway patrol.
Assesses the emergency situation and then dispatches appropriate responding agencies including; police, sheriff, fire, ambulance services, and / or highway patrol.
Municipal Police
911 Services
Highway Patrol
Fire Control/Extinction
Mental Health Warrants
City Government Departments/Offices
State Government Agencies/Departments
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Ambulance Services
Medication Disposal
State agency that works with individuals who are blind and or visually impaired in the area of employment and independent living.
Services that are available if eligibility is met and or economic need include Diabetic education, Vocational counseling, Job placement, Training in specialized skills of blindness (cane, travel, braille, daily living), Job development, On-the-job training, Guidance and counseling, Job follow-up, Restoration, Assistive technology services, Job retention, Funding for training, Funding for eye surgery (If economic need is met), and Low Vision services (includes a visual examination conducted by a trained specialist in the field of low vision, assessment of visual functioning of individual needs and goals, prescriptions for specialized low vision devices, and individualized training).
State agency that works with individuals who are blind and or visually impaired in the area of employment and independent living.
Services that are available if eligibility is met and or economic need include Diabetic education, Vocational counseling, Job placement, Training in specialized skills of blindness (cane, travel, braille, daily living), Job development, On-the-job training, Guidance and counseling, Job follow-up, Restoration, Assistive technology services, Job retention, Funding for training, Funding for eye surgery (If economic need is met), and Low Vision services (includes a visual examination conducted by a trained specialist in the field of low vision, assessment of visual functioning of individual needs and goals, prescriptions for specialized low vision devices, and individualized training).
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Job Search Resource Centers
Job Training Formats
Career Counseling
Vocational Rehabilitation
Supported Employment
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Disease/Disability Information
Braille and Tactile Aids
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Blind Mobility Aids
Day Rehabilitation
State Government Agencies/Departments
The Victim-Witness Assistance program explains court procedures and terminology, explains and assists with Victim Impact statements, offers to accompany to court proceedings, keeps victims up-to-date on status of case, offer referrals to agencies, help prepare victims to testify for court or grand jury, distribute victims' compensation applications, and works as the link between victims and prosecutors.
The Victim-Witness Assistance program explains court procedures and terminology, explains and assists with Victim Impact statements, offers to accompany to court proceedings, keeps victims up-to-date on status of case, offer referrals to agencies, help prepare victims to testify for court or grand jury, distribute victims' compensation applications, and works as the link between victims and prosecutors.
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
State Government Agencies/Departments
Crime Victim Notification Services
Crime Victim Compensation
A public health nutrition program for income-eligible infants and children up to age 5, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women.
WIC provides nutrition education to help make healthy eating choices, breastfeeding education for expectant and new mothers looking to learn more about their infant nutrition options, referrals to connect families with quality medical care and other community services, and food benefits to help families purchase nutritious groceries at participating businesses statewide.
A public health nutrition program for income-eligible infants and children up to age 5, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women.
WIC provides nutrition education to help make healthy eating choices, breastfeeding education for expectant and new mothers looking to learn more about their infant nutrition options, referrals to connect families with quality medical care and other community services, and food benefits to help families purchase nutritious groceries at participating businesses statewide.
Formula/Baby Food
Nutrition Education
Breast Pumps
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Prenatal Care
State Government Agencies/Departments
Women's Health Centers