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The Equalization Office assesses all properties in the county for taxation purposes, issues building permits in the county and small towns, is the planning and zoning office for the county, and answers questions pertaining to floodplains.


Flood Preparedness Information
County Controller Offices
City/County Planning Offices
Building Permits
County Government Departments/Offices
Safe Home is a Housing First model program that involves the program components of case management, groups, monitoring, and community. It provides dignified, affordable housing and supportive services to individuals experiencing long term homelessness and alcohol dependence. It is an apartment building and is not a temporary or emergency shelter. Referrals may be made by anyone (self, friend, family, professionals).


Transitional Housing/Shelter
County Government Departments/Offices
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Residences for People With Chronic Substance Use Disorders
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Services provided include coordinating all agencies within the jurisdiction to include public, private, and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of life and property in the event of threatened or actual natural disaster, terrorism, technological, or man-made events. Responsibilities includes developing and maintaining the county plans for reacting to emergencies; trains other agencies to respond to emergencies; during an actual emergency, the director coordinates the action and response. This is not an emergency first response organization, if you are in immediate danger please call 911.


General Disaster Preparedness Information
Fire Control/Extinction
General Disaster Information
Community Storm Shelters
County Offices of Emergency Services
County Government Departments/Offices
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Provides emergency assistance for those in either Minnehaha/Lincoln County with rent and deposits, Utility bills: Must have a disconnect notice for water, lights, or heating; Food and non-food items, Burial: Clients should begin by choosing a funeral home and meet with them prior to applying for assistance through Minnehaha County. Also provides transportation assistance, dental care, medical care (hospitalization) and Medications. Minnehaha County residents can also receive assistance with Shelter, Gasoline or bus ticket for transients/nonresidents stranded here and needing to get home. Out of town travel assistance is not offered to MC residents. Identification and or birth certificate (if needed for the purposes of obtaining employment/housing). The majority of assistance provided is in the form of a no-interest loan for which a lien is created. The client does not receive any bill from County but is expected to repay the debt, starting in a time frame created by the caseworker. Applicants can choose to walk-in to the office or receive a phone call to complete an interview. Those applying for transportation, medications or ID/BC assistance should come into the office to apply.


Homeless Shelter
County Government Departments/Offices
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Birth Certificate Fee Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
General Relief
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Driver License Fee Payment Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Food Vouchers
Gas Money
Bus Fare
Rental Deposit Assistance
Services provided are coordination all agencies within the jurisdiction to include public, private, and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of life and property in the event of threatened or actual natural disasters, terrorism, technological, or man-made events. ​Responsibilities includes develops and maintains the county plan for reacting to emergencies; during an actual emergency, the director coordinates the action; and trains other agencies to respond to emergencies. ​County Emergency Managers can make contact with volunteer fire departments in their County. This is not an emergency first response organization. If you are in immediate danger please call 911.


General Disaster Information
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Community Storm Shelters
General Disaster Preparedness Information
County Government Departments/Offices
County Offices of Emergency Services
Fire Control/Extinction
The Auditor's office provides the following services for Lincoln County - Acts as the bookkeeper for county business, Collects and distributes minutes from all Lincoln County Commission meetings, Collects vouchers for all accounts payable and county employee payroll, Keep track of tax districts and set the county mill levy, Keep track of unpaid taxes, Issues business beer and liquor licenses, Accounts receivable for court appointed attorneys and poor relief (lien process). Voter registration, and County-wide elections. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.


Notary Public Services
Voter Registration Offices
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Election Information
Absentee Ballots
County Government Departments/Offices
County Auditor Offices
Annually values all real property in Yankton County at its full and true value.


Property Tax Assessment Agencies
County Government Departments/Offices
County Controller Offices
Dell Rapids City Departments include city hall, public works, city council, city administrator, finance, city attorney, utility billing officer (water and wastewater), code enforcement, zoning, public works (maintains water, wastewater, streets, parks, and rubble site), and law enforcement - through county sheriff.


Snow Clearance/Street Salting
City/Town Finance Offices
Government Buildings/Installations
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Traffic Signs
Street Signs
City Attorney
City/County Planning Offices
Bill Payment Locations
City Government Departments/Offices
City/Town Council Offices
​The Yankton County Sheriff's Department is a law enforcement agency for Yankton County which also runs the Yankton County Jail. Also, shares year-round prescription drug take-back site with City of Yankton Police Department. The County Sheriff is the contact for mental health holds, county jail information, and fingerprinting (call for specifics).


General Purpose Fingerprinting
Mental Health Warrants
County Government Departments/Offices
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
County Correctional Facilities
911 Services
Medication Disposal
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.


Native American Community
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Military Records
Veteran Education Benefits
Cultural Heritage Groups
Represents the interests of the state in prosecution of adult and juvenile crime and providing legal advice and representation to the county officials, department heads, and staff. The State's Attorney Office cannot represent private parties or give them legal advice.


State's Attorney
County Government Departments/Offices
The Auditor is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up. Also includes preparing the County's budget, Audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, Figuring the mil levy, and is the head election officer of the County. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.


Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
Election Information
County Board of Supervisors Offices
Voter Registration Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
Responsible for commissioners proceedings, agendas, and records, accounting records, revenue, and expense reports, voter registration and election, businesses applications for beer and liquor licenses, figures real estate and mobile home taxes, handles county bid lettings, manages medical indigent, county payroll and employee drug and alcohol testing programs, and the Auditor and Treasurer work in conjunction to pay county bills. This office also oversees one time, last resort/emergency financial assistance for residents who need help with burial expenses, medical indigent claims, prescription payment assistance, rent payment assistance (to prevent eviction), and utility payment assistance for current and past due bills regarding water, lights, heating, phone, and trash.


County Government Departments/Offices
County Auditor Offices
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
General Relief
Prescription Expense Assistance
Absentee Ballots
Responsible for supervising the structuring and maintenance of County Roads and Bridges and to address concerns as they develop. The County Highway Superintendent is appointed to this position by the Board of County Commissioners.


County Government Departments/Offices
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Bridge/Tunnel Maintenance
Code Enforcement serving rural Pennington County (Rapid City Limits no served, except for Tattoo, ABD Body Piercing establishments), Inspections such as body piercing establishments for public health and safety, Inoperable vehicles, Grass over 12 inches/weeds, Pet feces, Junk/debris, and Dangerous or unsafe situations.


Personal Service Health Inspections
General Safety Education
Weed Abatement/Brush Control
County Government Departments/Offices
Office that provides assistance, during regular business hours, for a variety of court matters, including: - Case filing including small claims, divorces, protection orders, and civil cases - Payment of child support, restitution, and fines - Records of an individual's traffic or criminal offenses - Involuntary drug or alcohol commitment petitions - Magistrate court proceedings - Circuit Court proceedings - Jury duty information - Emancipation for minors Visit https://ujslawhelp.sd.gov/onlineforms.aspx anytime of day to view/print forms including: - Application for court appointed counsel - Child Support - Custody - Divorce - Domestic protection order - Expungement - Guardianship and conservatorship - Name change - Records of an individual's traffic or criminal offenses - Small claims - Spanish forms - Stalking protection order - Vulnerable adult protection order


Protective/Restraining Orders
Jury Selection
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Orders
County Clerk of the Courts Offices
Divorce Petition Filing Offices
Criminal History Records
Emancipation of Minors
Community Service Work Programs
State Government Agencies/Departments
Office that provides assistance, during regular business hours, for a variety of court matters, including Case filing including small claims, divorces, protection orders, and civil cases, Payment of child support, restitution, and fines, Records of an individual's traffic or criminal offenses, Involuntary drug or alcohol commitment petitions, Magistrate court proceedings, Circuit Court proceedings, Jury duty information, and Emancipation for minors. Visit https://ujslawhelp.sd.gov/onlineforms.aspx anytime of day to view/print forms including Application for court appointed counsel, Child Support, Custody, Divorce, Domestic protection order, Expungement, Guardianship and conservatorship, Name change, Records of an individual's traffic or criminal offenses, Small claims, Spanish forms, Stalking protection order, and Vulnerable adult protection order.


Substance Use Disorder Treatment Orders
State Government Agencies/Departments
Criminal History Records
Divorce Petition Filing Offices
Jury Selection
Emancipation of Minors
County Clerk of the Courts Offices
Protective/Restraining Orders
The Office of the Director of Equalization, also known as the Assessor's Office, has detailed listings of all property in Lyman County, including the legal descriptions of properties. The Equalization Office performs technical and professional assessment of real property to establish values for taxation purposes. The Equalization Office performs on-site property inspections recording data as necessary for real property valuations, using mass appraisal software to calculate values for residential, agricultural and commercial properties. To view a property map of Lyman County that includes legal descriptions and deeded acres please go to http://ims.districtiii.org/lyman/


Property Tax Assessment Agencies
County Government Departments/Offices
County Controller Offices
Primary records office for the County including many important land records (such as plats, deeds, mortgages, covenants and restrictions, easements, satisfactions, etc.), military discharge records (DD214), mechanics liens, county, state and federal tax liens, UCC filings, and other documents, are recorded and maintained with the Register of Deeds. In addition to document recordation, the Register of Deeds issues South Dakota birth, marriage and death certificates, as well as marriage licenses. Many of the records held at the Brown County Register of Deeds's office date back to the 1870's, or earlier, and provide a wealth of information for those persons wanting to research or trace area history.


Military Records
County Government Departments/Offices
Death Related Records/Permits
Marriage Licenses
Land Records
Birth Certificates
County Recorder Offices
Auditor services include: - Auditing of all financial records of the County - Apportioning of taxes collected by the Treasurer to be disbursed to the Schools, Cities, and other special assessment entities - County accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budgets, and tax levy - Beer and liquor licensing - County liens - Recorder of the minutes for the Board of County Commissioners - Maintains all voter records - Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply. - Administers all elections at the county level or above Based on eligibility guidelines, Welfare services include: - Medical assistance - Utilities assistance for disconnect notices on heating bills - Burial and funeral assistance


Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
Medical Care Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
General Relief
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Notary Public Services
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Responsible to keep, audit and maintain all accounting records for Brown County as set forth in the accounting manual prescribed by the Auditor-General. This includes the following: Auditing claims & preparing the warrants for all disbursements, processing payroll, preparing the annual budget, establishing tax levies for all taxing entities, apportions the taxes collected by the County Treasurer, verification of bank account balances, prepare the annual financial reports, and keeping an inventory of county property. Serves as the clerk of the County Commission and records and preserves the records of the Commission proceedings including the Board of Equalization hearings. The Auditor is also responsible for preparing the agenda for the Commission meetings and for publishing the legal notices for the Commission including but not limited to meeting minutes, public hearing notices for Bids; Alcohol & Malt Beverage License applications; Ordinances; Lottery Permits and Tax Deed Sales. At the close of the month lists all cash and cash items held by the County Treasurer and verify the balances in the depositories and report this to the Board of Commissioners. Performs all duties required by law relative to all County, State, and Federal elections held in Brown County. The County Auditor is the Election Supervisor for the County which entails the following duties: Voter Registrations, Securing Polling Places, Appointing and training of Election Poll Workers, Ballot Preparation, Counting of Ballots, Reporting Election Results, Preparing an Official Canvass of the Election, and maintain all Voter Registrations and Election History Records.


Notary Public Services
Voter Registration Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Election Information
County Auditor Offices
Absentee Ballots
Services provided are Collecting fees for vehicle taxes and vehicle licenses/registrations (cars, motorcycles, trucks, trailers, commercial vehicles, snowmobiles, and boats). Issuing South Dakota motor vehicle applications and forms.


County Treasurer Offices
Motor Vehicle Registration
County Government Departments/Offices
Disability Parking Permits
Services provided are collecting fees for property taxes and vehicle licenses (cars, motorcycles, trucks, trailers, commercial vehicles, snowmobiles, and boats), parking permits application and issuing for individuals with a disability, and application assistance for tax reduction / rebate programs for individuals who are disabled and / or elderly (65 or older). Also issues drivers licenses: Only accepts driver license applications/documents for licensing, then issues a paper permit (cards are printed in Pierre then mailed to the applicant weeks later). Cannot process new CDL applicants or non-citizens. - Now available in Spanish: driver license application, study manuals and written test. Driving part of the test is still given via English as the spoken language.


Disability Parking Permits
Motor Vehicle Registration
County Treasurer Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Sales Tax Information
Driver Licenses
Property Tax Collection Agencies
General Property Tax Information
Property Tax Exemption Information
Property Tax Rebate Information
The Harding County Sheriff's Department protects the rights of the citizens within its jurisdiction to be free from criminal attacks, to be secure in their possessions and to live in peace. The County Sheriff is also the contact mental health holds, burning bans, county jails/correctional facilities and fingerprinting (call for specifics).


General Purpose Fingerprinting
911 Services
Burning Bans
Mental Health Warrants
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
County Government Departments/Offices
County Correctional Facilities
Purpose is to locate, identify, and appraise all taxable property, in accordance with state laws and administrative procedures, while maintaining current information on the ownership and characteristics of property. Prepares and certifies the assessment roll and individual property assessments in accordance with state law.


County Government Departments/Offices
Property Tax Assessment Agencies
County Controller Offices