Age Group
1-16 of 16
Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Public Safety provides Police and Dispatch services to the people on the Pine Ridge Tribal Lands.
Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Public Safety provides Police and Dispatch services to the people on the Pine Ridge Tribal Lands.
911 Services
Mental Health Warrants
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Community
Tribal Police
Municipal Police
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Law Enforcement Services provides community policing services and criminal investigation services for over 22,000 community members; spanning an area of over 1.4 million acres.
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Law Enforcement Services provides community policing services and criminal investigation services for over 22,000 community members; spanning an area of over 1.4 million acres.
Native American Community
Municipal Police
Tribal Police
Cultural Heritage Groups
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Mental Health Warrants
911 Services
Sisseton-Wahpeton Tribal Police covers the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Tribal Lands.
Sisseton-Wahpeton Tribal Police covers the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Tribal Lands.
Mental Health Warrants
Native American Community
911 Services
Tribal Police
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Cultural Heritage Groups
Municipal Police
The BIA office serves as the liaison with the Indian Health Service, various state, county and other federal and public agencies, and with the tribal organizations, committees, and tribal officials. The Agency consists of the following branches: real estate, probate, land operations, roads, social services, and facilities management.
The BIA office serves as the liaison with the Indian Health Service, various state, county and other federal and public agencies, and with the tribal organizations, committees, and tribal officials. The Agency consists of the following branches: real estate, probate, land operations, roads, social services, and facilities management.
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Tribal Police
Native American Community
Specialized Information and Referral
Cultural Heritage Groups
The Lower Brule Agency is located at Lower Brule, South Dakota, and services the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe and Tribal Lands in Lyman and Stanley counties in central South Dakota. Lower Brule Law Enforcement Office covers the Lower Brule Sioux Tribal Lands. The Bureau of Indian Affairs - Office of Law Enforcement has overall responsibility of enforcement of Federal and Tribal Laws within the Lower Brule Sioux Tribal Lands.
The Lower Brule Agency is located at Lower Brule, South Dakota, and services the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe and Tribal Lands in Lyman and Stanley counties in central South Dakota. Lower Brule Law Enforcement Office covers the Lower Brule Sioux Tribal Lands. The Bureau of Indian Affairs - Office of Law Enforcement has overall responsibility of enforcement of Federal and Tribal Laws within the Lower Brule Sioux Tribal Lands.
Native American Community
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Tribal Police
Cultural Heritage Groups
Municipal Police
Specialized Information and Referral
911 Services
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Services provided to the Tribe are probate and estate, real estate, natural resources, fire management, tribal operations, self-determination, facilities management, and social services.
Services provided to the Tribe are probate and estate, real estate, natural resources, fire management, tribal operations, self-determination, facilities management, and social services.
Specialized Information and Referral
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Native American Community
Native American General Assistance
Tribal Police
Cultural Heritage Groups
Within the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe are the following services - Tribal Police Department - Law Enforcement Services (offers fingerprinting, background checks, and gun locks), social services, enrollment, tribal courts, child care, Dakota language, Department of Natural Resources, Education, Tribal Health Clinic, Counseling Center, Grace Moore Senior Center, Housing, and Wellness Center.
Within the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe are the following services - Tribal Police Department - Law Enforcement Services (offers fingerprinting, background checks, and gun locks), social services, enrollment, tribal courts, child care, Dakota language, Department of Natural Resources, Education, Tribal Health Clinic, Counseling Center, Grace Moore Senior Center, Housing, and Wellness Center.
Native American Community
General Purpose Fingerprinting
Cultural Heritage Groups
Mental Health Warrants
Gun Locking Devices
911 Services
Municipal Police
Tribal Police
Tribal Council Offices
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Major programs operated by the agency include: executive direction and administration, Real Property Management (Realty and Natural Resources), road maintenance, wildland fire, Human Services, probate, and transportation.
Major programs operated by the agency include: executive direction and administration, Real Property Management (Realty and Natural Resources), road maintenance, wildland fire, Human Services, probate, and transportation.
Cultural Heritage Groups
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Tribal Police
Municipal Police
Specialized Information and Referral
Native American Community
911 Services
The Yankton Sioux Tribe is located in the lower eastern part of Charles Mix County. The Tribe has approximately 11,594 members and approximately 4,600 member reside within the boundaries. Law enforcement covering Yankton Sioux Tribe.
The Yankton Sioux Tribe is located in the lower eastern part of Charles Mix County. The Tribe has approximately 11,594 members and approximately 4,600 member reside within the boundaries. Law enforcement covering Yankton Sioux Tribe.
Native American Community
Specialized Information and Referral
Cultural Heritage Groups
911 Services
Tribal Police
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Municipal Police
The Bureau of Indian Affairs Pine Ridge Agency is located in Pine Ridge, South Dakota and provides services to the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Services include Real Estate Services (Leasing, Rights-of-Ways, and Acquisition & Disposition), fire management, social services, land operations, probate & estate services, facilities management, executive direction and administrative services.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs Pine Ridge Agency is located in Pine Ridge, South Dakota and provides services to the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Services include Real Estate Services (Leasing, Rights-of-Ways, and Acquisition & Disposition), fire management, social services, land operations, probate & estate services, facilities management, executive direction and administrative services.
Native American Community
Specialized Information and Referral
Tribal Police
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American General Assistance
Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Provides police services for the Yankton Sioux Tribe.
Provides police services for the Yankton Sioux Tribe.
Tribal Police
911 Services
Mental Health Warrants
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Municipal Police
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Community
BIA Office Great Plains Region | Bureau of Indian Affairs - United States Department of the Interior
The Great Plains Regional office is responsible for the direction and oversight of Bureau responsibilities and activities in South Dakota, North Dakota, and Nebraska. The Office of the Regional Director provides program direction and supervision to 12 Agencies encompassing 16 federally recognized Tribes. Programs includes: tribal government, enrollment, claims, self-determination, housing improvement program, loan guaranty and interest subsidy program, land titles and records office, probate and estate services, real estate services, Indian land consolidation program, Division of Natural Resources, Human services (which includes general assistance, burial assistance, disaster assistance, emergency assistance, adult care assistance, and child assistance), Tribal transportation program, road maintenance, and Division of Environment, Safety, and Cultural Resources Managements.
The Great Plains Regional office is responsible for the direction and oversight of Bureau responsibilities and activities in South Dakota, North Dakota, and Nebraska. The Office of the Regional Director provides program direction and supervision to 12 Agencies encompassing 16 federally recognized Tribes. Programs includes: tribal government, enrollment, claims, self-determination, housing improvement program, loan guaranty and interest subsidy program, land titles and records office, probate and estate services, real estate services, Indian land consolidation program, Division of Natural Resources, Human services (which includes general assistance, burial assistance, disaster assistance, emergency assistance, adult care assistance, and child assistance), Tribal transportation program, road maintenance, and Division of Environment, Safety, and Cultural Resources Managements.
Will Preparation Assistance
Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Tribal Police
Native American Community
Pothole/Road Repair
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Native American General Assistance
Municipal Police
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Cultural Heritage Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
The Sisseton Agency provides the following services on the Lake Travers Reservation: realty services, probate, social services, and road maintenance.
The Sisseton Agency provides the following services on the Lake Travers Reservation: realty services, probate, social services, and road maintenance.
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Community
911 Services
Specialized Information and Referral
Municipal Police
Tribal Police
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
911 emergency operators, adult detention, juvenile detention, and law enforcement services with jurisdiction within the exterior boundaries of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.
911 emergency operators, adult detention, juvenile detention, and law enforcement services with jurisdiction within the exterior boundaries of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Mental Health Warrants
Native American Community
Cultural Heritage Groups
911 Services
Tribal Police
County Correctional Facilities
Juvenile Detention Facilities
Municipal Police
Protects the rights of the citizens within its jurisdiction to be free from criminal attacks, to be secure in their possessions and to live in peace.
Year-round prescription drug take-back site.
Protects the rights of the citizens within its jurisdiction to be free from criminal attacks, to be secure in their possessions and to live in peace.
Year-round prescription drug take-back site.
Medication Disposal
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
City Government Departments/Offices
Tribal Police
911 Services
Municipal Police
Standing Rock Agency: formerly known and established in 1868 as Grand River Agency on the banks of the Grand River (South Dakota) and relocated upstream in 1874 and renamed Standing Rock Agency (Ft. Yates, North Dakota), is the Field Office for the Bureau of Indian Affairs providing Trust Services and Indian Services to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Services include real estate, probate and estate, wildland fire management, administrative, social services, facilities management, and law enforcement services.
Standing Rock Agency: formerly known and established in 1868 as Grand River Agency on the banks of the Grand River (South Dakota) and relocated upstream in 1874 and renamed Standing Rock Agency (Ft. Yates, North Dakota), is the Field Office for the Bureau of Indian Affairs providing Trust Services and Indian Services to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Services include real estate, probate and estate, wildland fire management, administrative, social services, facilities management, and law enforcement services.
Municipal Police
Tribal Police
Native American General Assistance
Cultural Heritage Groups
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
911 Services
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Specialized Information and Referral
Native American Community