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A resource for renters, potential homeowners, lenders, landlords and other housing professionals to utilize to understand their rights and responsibilities. The ombudsman will answer questions and act as a mediator to help find an answer that both parties can accept. The ombudsman will also coordinate awareness of fair housing statewide. The ombudsman will listen to both sides of the story and work to resolve the dispute. If the dispute is unresolved and potentially involves housing discrimination, the ombudsman will assist in completing a complaint form with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A resource for people who have questions related to having a companion animals - typically in a rental situation where the landlord does not allow pets.


Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Animal Law
Discrimination Assistance
Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
Programs and Services: First Time Homebuyer Education (Attendees may be eligible to receive discounts on closing costs.) Adult/Youth Financial Literacy and Debt Management (We teach tenants how to evaluate their current financial condition, budget their expenses, and set financial goals so they are able to pay their monthly rent on time.) Credit Review Services (We assist clients establish credit and improve credit scores.) Rental Education (Clients learn about tenant-landlord relationships, financial planning, credit restore & rescore.) Classes are offered by appointment either as an individual or in a group session (virtual, in person, or online course). ​SEHP does not provide any kind of financial assistance for rent or rental deposit.


Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
Personal Financial Counseling
Housing Counseling
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Promotes equal access by providing education and awareness of fair housing laws. Seeks to resolve allegations of illegal discrimination through education and informal resolution. This office does not provide legal advice. Awareness includes: Fair housing issues with discrimination in housing because of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, familial status (families with children) and disability Disability rights in housing, including rights involving assistance animals Provides free training to tenants, landlords, property managers, and/or any interested individuals as it relates to fair housing laws and rights and responsibilities in housing.


Discrimination Assistance
City Government Departments/Offices
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
A program of Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota dedicated to providing tools that individuals, couples and families need to be successful homeowners. Provides pre-purchase counseling, Home Buyer Express sessions and seminars (for new homeowners) as well as Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention counseling and reverse Mortgage Counseling for homeowners 62 and older. The Housing Resource Center is a non-profit program which helps everyone from new homeowners to current homeowners needing help to gain financial stability in order to prevent mortgage delinquency. The Tenant/Landlord Program includes an information hotline (addressing issues such as rights and responsibilities, delinquent rent, tax credit referrals and fair housing); and education.


Housing Counseling
Housing Search and Information
Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling