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Serves children with visual impairments/vision loss of South Dakota by providing: - On-campus services in Aberdeen Regular and special education and transition programs during the nine month school year, for ages pre-school through transition (to age 22) Daily opportunities to learn and practice skills of blindness Day program (for students who live within driving distance) and a residential program for those who live at a distance Six weeks of summer programming focused on the skills of blindness. - Statewide consultation services Outreach services for public school students Educational evaluations for public school students, conducted by personnel trained in vision loss In-service education for teachers and service providers Educational materials for families and schools.


Braille Materials/Collections
Disease/Disability Information
Transition Services for Students With Disabilities
School Districts
Secondary/High Schools
Primary Schools
Middle Schools
College/University Campus Police
Special Education Classes/Centers
Braille and Tactile Aids
Networks with all educational entities to include tribal schools, Head Start and early learning programs, Sisseton-Wahpeton College, and area public schools. Coordinates and advocates for education services for SWO tribal members.


Primary Schools
Secondary/High Schools
Cultural Heritage Groups
Continuing Education
School Districts
Local School Boards
Head Start
Middle Schools