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The City Health Department handles a wide variety of issues. The Environmental Health Division consists of programs that regulate tattoo parlors, lodging, campground, Project NICE, food protection programs, child care registration program, noise permits, and environmental/nuisance complaints. The Public Health Laboratory provides testing services such as environmental microbiology, water testing for private wells/swimming pools, and clinical testing.


General Safety Education
Child Care Provider Licensing
City Government Departments/Offices
Building Inspection
Food Facility Licensing
Water Safety Education
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Personal Service Health Inspections
Food Complaints
Temporary Noise Permits
Public Health Surveillance Programs
Water Quality Assurance
Game, Fish, and Parks has information on fishing, boating, canoe and kayak, and aquatic invasive species across the state as well as Life Jacket Loaner Program, Fishing regulations, Boating roles and regulation, and Tools for fishing.  Life Jacket Loaner Program rents life jackets for free that can be loaned out for up to two weeks at a time. The program is designed to educate the public about life jacket wear and safety and provides a way to get life jackets to those who need them. Life jackets are required by state law for every person aboard a watercraft.


General Recreational Activities/Sports
State Government Agencies/Departments
Water Safety Education
State Parks