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The mission of SHIINE is to advocate for, inform, educate, and assist people with Medicare about Medicare's services so consumers can make timely informed decisions and access resources to meet their needs. Staff and trained volunteer counselors are available statewide who can assist people, free of charge, who have problems or questions regarding their Medicare benefits. Also housed with SHIINE is SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) which is to detect, protect, and prevent fraud, waste and abuse.


General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Western Resources for Independent Living is a center for independent living for all individuals of all ages with disabilities. We are a private non-profit agency with offices in Rapid City, Spearfish & Pierre, serving the people of 17 counties in western and central South Dakota. Independent Living is the right of an individual to make decisions to increase control over one's own life and to be responsible for those choices. Listed below are the 5 Core Services and other services provided. - Individual & Systems Advocacy program - Information & Referral Services - Peer Support - Independent Living Skills - Transitions Other Services Include: - Home Modifications, Ramps and Adaptive Devices - Housing: assist with locating affordable housing in the community - Employment Services: increase knowledge in career research, completing applications, resumes and developing interview skills - Recreational Services: assist an individual to identify opportunities in the community that provide meaningful leisure time activities and to learn socialization skills - Technology Adaptive Services TAD: devices that assist an individual to independently communicate - Commute (Transportation) Options: transportation training, to help understand options and referrals available for transportation - Youth Transition Services: services for youth 12-24 years old that promote self-awareness, self-esteem, advocacy and self-empowerment skills. - Security Deposit Assistance Program: low income persons with disabilities and/or the elderly. Other factors include need of security deposit and meeting HUD income eligibility. - Social Security: assist individuals with applying for SSI/SSDI benefits


Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Disabilities Issues
Specialized Information and Referral
Peer Counseling
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Housing Search and Information
Individual Advocacy
Issue Advocacy
Rental Deposit Assistance
Transition Services for Students With Disabilities
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Supported Employment
Accompanies newly arrived Latinos as they seek to understand U.S. cultural norms and expectations, overcome language barriers, and integrate into Sioux Falls and surrounding communities. Develops educational opportunities that include English language learning for adults, citizenship preparation, and other opportunities to advance. Offers support to Latinos affected by domestic violence through providing resources, accompaniment, and assessment of immigration options. Provides an Immigration Program that is recognized and accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice, and that offers competent, professional and affordable immigration counseling and legal services to Latino individuals and families. Accompanies and educates Latinos while assisting them in accessing social, mental health, medical, dental, legal, employment and other services available in Sioux Falls and the tri-state region. Partners with other agencies in the Sioux Falls area by advocating and collaboratively advancing bicultural and bilingual awareness and services. Upholds and promotes the dignity and human rights of Latino immigrants through advocacy and justice. Partners with local/regional/national agencies and advocates to educate the public and address immigration issues and legislation.


Individual Advocacy
Notary Public Services
Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions
Citizenship and Immigration Services Fingerprinting
Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services
English as a Second Language
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Case/Care Management
Immigrant Resettlement Services
Cultural Heritage Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Hispanic/Latino Community
Serving families of children with disabilities and special health needs for 40 years; services include individual assistance, connection to programs at the local, state and national level, and helps parents and schools navigate the special education process. Staff also deliver workshops in-person for groups upon request. Willing to work with parents and professionals to develop and deliver training based on the needs of the group. Workshops/presentations are delivered at no cost to parents. A nominal fee structure is in place for delivery to professional groups.


Specialized Information and Referral
Functional Disabilities
Disabilities Issues
Disability Awareness Training
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Youth/Student Support Groups
Intellectual Disabilities
Parent Support Groups
Peer Counseling
Developmental Disabilities
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Individual Advocacy
Special Education Classes/Centers
Learning Disabilities
Parents of People With Disabilities
Serving families of children with disabilities and special health needs for 40 years; services include individual assistance, connection to programs at the local, state and national level, and helps parents and schools navigate the special education process. Staff also deliver workshops in-person for groups upon request. Willing to work with parents and professionals to develop and deliver training based on the needs of the group. Workshops/presentations are delivered at no cost to parents. A nominal fee structure is in place for delivery to professional groups.


Specialized Information and Referral
Functional Disabilities
Disabilities Issues
Disability Awareness Training
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Youth/Student Support Groups
Intellectual Disabilities
Parent Support Groups
Peer Counseling
Developmental Disabilities
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Individual Advocacy
Special Education Classes/Centers
Learning Disabilities
Parents of People With Disabilities
The Health Cooperative is here to partner with patients to stay healthy and meet their health goals. An inter-professional team is available to offer early evaluations of adult health concerns. Also provides personalized self-care education that will assist patients in making healthier choices. This is not a replacement for a primary care doctor. Works alongside patients and their doctors to improve patient health. Team consists of registered nurses, a pharmacist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist and a dietitian.


Nutrition Education
Occupational Therapy
Lung Disease
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Chronic Pain
Physical Therapy
General Health Education Programs
Disease/Disability Information
Liver Disease
Heart Disease
Kidney Disease
The Community Health Workers (CHWs) at the Avera Community Health Resource Center help others connect to and navigate healthcare, apply for jobs at Avera, and assist in connecting with other available resources within the community. The CHWs have lived experience as immigrants and refugees, so have a unique ability to connect with and understand barriers.


Community Health Workers
Career Counseling
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Specialized Information and Referral
Eldercare Locator is a public service of the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) providing information and referral services to older adults and their families. Examples of services include meals, home care, transportation, caregiver training and education, or respite care.


General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Assisted Living Facilities
Adult Day Programs
Caregiver Training
Homemaker Assistance
Adult In Home Respite Care
Senior Centers
Specialized Information and Referral
A private, non-profit, anti-poverty corporation whose purpose is to make a positive impact upon the causes and effects of poverty. Their Community Supports programs include the following: Energy Conservation - South Dakota Building Science Training Center provides energy conservation information to the community. Information & Referral - Available to help point people to programs who could help (i.e.. CHIP, TANF, etc.). Low Income Organizing - Community Action Teams are volunteers organizing people to help themselves and others in the community. Prisoner Support Group - Activities are held for family support and monthly South Dakota Prison events. Youth Recreation - Swim passes and scholarships for camps, or other youth recreation activities. Available activity depends on site location. Children must be income eligible. VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Navigators - Available during tax season. ACA (Affordable Care Act) Navigators - Available to assist with insurance enrollment.


Navigator Programs
General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Recreation Related Expense Assistance
Families of Inmates Support Groups
Offender/Ex-Offender Support Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Coalition Building
Serving families of children with disabilities and special health needs for 40 years; services include individual assistance, connection to programs at the local, state and national level, and helps parents and schools navigate the special education process. Staff also deliver workshops in-person for groups upon request. Willing to work with parents and professionals to develop and deliver training based on the needs of the group. Workshops/presentations are delivered at no cost to parents. A nominal fee structure is in place for delivery to professional groups.


Specialized Information and Referral
Functional Disabilities
Disabilities Issues
Disability Awareness Training
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Youth/Student Support Groups
Intellectual Disabilities
Parent Support Groups
Peer Counseling
Developmental Disabilities
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Individual Advocacy
Special Education Classes/Centers
Learning Disabilities
Parents of People With Disabilities
To assist individuals with questions and enrollment with the Health Insurance Marketplace.


General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Navigator Programs
Health Insurance/Dental Coverage
City Government Departments/Offices
The Health Cooperative is here to partner with patients to stay healthy and meet their health goals. An inter-professional team is available to offer early evaluations of adult health concerns. Also provides personalized self-care education that will assist patients in making healthier choices. This is not a replacement for a primary care doctor. Works alongside patients and their doctors to improve patient health. Team consists of registered nurses, a pharmacist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist and a dietitian.


Nutrition Education
Occupational Therapy
Lung Disease
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Chronic Pain
Physical Therapy
General Health Education Programs
Disease/Disability Information
Liver Disease
Heart Disease
Kidney Disease
Providing community outreach and support to Native unhoused members in the Sioux Falls area. Individualized case management is tailored to meet the individual's immediate and long-term needs.


Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Community
Indigent Transportation
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Birth Certificates
Identification Cards
Street Outreach Programs
Case/Care Management
General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Individual Advocacy
Community Safe Places
HIV Prevention: Provides free rapid HIV testing services with results in only 15 minutes. Walk-in testing is available; calling ahead is encouraged. People who test positive for HIV are assisted with navigating next steps and coordinating medical services. Free condoms are available at our office, including latex-free and female condoms. We also supply free condoms to partner organizations upon request. Information on HIV/STDs, risk reduction, and PrEP is available. PrEP is a prescriptions-only daily pill that can help prevent HIV transmission. Ryan White Part B: A multidisciplinary healthcare team is established, surrounding a person with needed resources to navigate the healthcare system and promote a healthy lifestyle. Ongoing case management support helps to remove barriers to care, addressing the potential mental, social, and economic needs of those they support. Emergency assistance is available for medical expenses, prescribed medications, insurance premiums, and medical transportation.


Medical Care Expense Assistance
Disease/Disability Information
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Testing
Public Health Surveillance Programs
Safer Sex Education
Case/Care Management
Disease Prevention Programs
Prescription Expense Assistance
Seeks to provide educational support to families experiencing the loss of a child by working alongside area hospitals to better the bereavement programs in place ensure that all families receive the care they desperately need after loss. Also hosts events throughout the year to gather as a community ensuring that no families feels alone. Visit the website for more information.


Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Grief and Loss Issues
Provides free support in finding a health care plan that fits you and your needs through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Health Insurance Navigators are trained and certified individuals who provide fair, impartial, and accurate information about your health insurance options. Provides assistance with answering questions about health insurance, help applying for Health Insurance Marketplace or Medicaid, and help finding the right plan for you. Every year open enrollment is between November 1 - January 15. This is a time to compare your coverage, select a plan for the upcoming calendar year, and get enrolled. Take a step towards better health by working with trained navigators (for free!) to answer all the questions you have and find a plan that fits your needs and budget best.


Health Insurance/Dental Coverage
Navigator Programs
General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Certified Application Counselor Programs
Federal Health Insurance Marketplace Call Center/Website
Provides statewide assistance on navigating their potential eligibility and how to enroll in assistance and health insurance programs. Key dates for marketplace coverage in 2025: November 1, 2024: Open Enrollment starts December 15, 2024: Enroll for coverage that starts January 1, 2025 January 15, 2025: The last day to enroll; Open Enrollment for 2025 coverage ends


Navigator Programs
Certified Application Counselor Programs
Federal Health Insurance Marketplace Call Center/Website
Health Insurance/Dental Coverage
General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
The Health Cooperative is here to partner with patients to stay healthy and meet their health goals. An inter-professional team is available to offer early evaluations of adult health concerns. Also provides personalized self-care education that will assist patients in making healthier choices. This is not a replacement for a primary care doctor. Works alongside patients and their doctors to improve patient health. Team consists of registered nurses, a pharmacist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist and a dietitian.


Nutrition Education
Occupational Therapy
Lung Disease
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Chronic Pain
Physical Therapy
General Health Education Programs
Disease/Disability Information
Liver Disease
Heart Disease
Kidney Disease
Senior care services provided include: companion care, personal care, palliative care, post-hospital stay care, social care, Dementia or Alzheimer's care, and end of life care. Some of the most common activities include: diet monitoring including planning for and preparing meals, light housekeeping including help with laundry, making beds and vacuuming, assistance with shopping, running errands and transportation to appointments or activities, assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming and toileting, reminders to take medications, drink fluids and eat regularly, and going for walks, engaging in favorite activities and friendly companionship


Limousine Services
Senior Ride Programs
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Dementia Management
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Hospice Care
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Homemaker Assistance
Adult In Home Respite Care
Black Hills Advocate helps a variety of people including people who are aging, people who are caregivers for a loved one or families with aging parents who live in the Black Hills. Black Hills Advocate also assists people who are facing illness; either short term or long term. They also facilitate a culture of transparency between patient and provider. Black Hills Advocate provide services including accompaniment to doctor/hospital visits, coordination of all health care providers, maintain portfolio of medical history, communicate with client's accountants, attorneys & financial planners, process monthly bill paying & bank statement reconciliation, implement financial planning strategies, assist with completion of health insurance & financial assistance applications, research treatment options, assist with advance directives (Health Care or Financial POA, Living Will, etc.), perform wellness visits at home or extended care facilities, coordinate end-of-life requests & after care planning, provide Guardianship & Conservatorship, advocate for patient's rights & medical needs, and assist with level of care choices & placement.


People With Chronic Illnesses
Case/Care Management
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Living Wills
Individual Advocacy
Telephone Reassurance
Alzheimer's Disease
Disabilities Issues
General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Guardianship Assistance
Western Resources for Independent Living is a center for independent living for all individuals of all ages with disabilities. We are a private non-profit agency with offices in Rapid City, Spearfish & Pierre, serving the people of 17 counties in western and central South Dakota. Independent Living is the right of an individual to make decisions to increase control over one's own life and to be responsible for those choices. Listed below are the 5 Core Services and other services provided. - Individual & Systems Advocacy program - Information & Referral Services - Peer Support - Independent Living Skills - Transitions Other Services Include: - Home Modifications, Ramps and Adaptive Devices - Housing: assist with locating affordable housing in the community - Employment Services: increase knowledge in career research, completing applications, resumes and developing interview skills - Recreational Services: assist an individual to identify opportunities in the community that provide meaningful leisure time activities and to learn socialization skills - Technology Adaptive Services TAD: devices that assist an individual to independently communicate - Commute (Transportation) Options: transportation training, to help understand options and referrals available for transportation - Youth Transition Services: services for youth 12-24 years old that promote self-awareness, self-esteem, advocacy and self-empowerment skills. - Security Deposit Assistance Program: low income persons with disabilities and/or the elderly. Other factors include need of security deposit and meeting HUD income eligibility. - Social Security: assist individuals with applying for SSI/SSDI benefits


Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Disabilities Issues
Specialized Information and Referral
Peer Counseling
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Housing Search and Information
Individual Advocacy
Issue Advocacy
Rental Deposit Assistance
Transition Services for Students With Disabilities
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Supported Employment
The mission of SHIINE is to advocate for, inform, educate, and assist people with Medicare about Medicare's services so consumers can make timely informed decisions and access resources to meet their needs. Staff and trained volunteer counselors are available statewide who can assist people, free of charge, who have problems or questions regarding their Medicare benefits. Also housed with SHIINE is SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) which is to detect, protect, and prevent fraud, waste and abuse.


General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
The mission of SHIINE is to advocate for, inform, educate, and assist people with Medicare about Medicare's services so consumers can make timely informed decisions and access resources to meet their needs. Staff and trained volunteer counselors are available statewide who can assist people, free of charge, who have problems or questions regarding their Medicare benefits. Also housed with SHIINE is SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) which is to detect, protect, and prevent fraud, waste and abuse.


General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Western Resources for Independent Living is a center for independent living for all individuals of all ages with disabilities. We are a private non-profit agency with offices in Rapid City, Spearfish & Pierre, serving the people of 17 counties in western and central South Dakota. Independent Living is the right of an individual to make decisions to increase control over one's own life and to be responsible for those choices. Listed below are the 5 Core Services and other services provided. - Individual & Systems Advocacy program - Information & Referral Services - Peer Support - Independent Living Skills - Transitions Other Services Include: - Home Modifications, Ramps and Adaptive Devices - Housing: assist with locating affordable housing in the community - Employment Services: increase knowledge in career research, completing applications, resumes and developing interview skills - Recreational Services: assist an individual to identify opportunities in the community that provide meaningful leisure time activities and to learn socialization skills - Technology Adaptive Services TAD: devices that assist an individual to independently communicate - Commute (Transportation) Options: transportation training, to help understand options and referrals available for transportation - Youth Transition Services: services for youth 12-24 years old that promote self-awareness, self-esteem, advocacy and self-empowerment skills. - Security Deposit Assistance Program: low income persons with disabilities and/or the elderly. Other factors include need of security deposit and meeting HUD income eligibility. - Social Security: assist individuals with applying for SSI/SSDI benefits


Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Disabilities Issues
Specialized Information and Referral
Peer Counseling
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Housing Search and Information
Individual Advocacy
Issue Advocacy
Rental Deposit Assistance
Transition Services for Students With Disabilities
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Supported Employment