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Provides residential treatment, foster care, special education schooling and independent living services to South Dakota children between the ages of 7 and 23. Program offers an array of therapeutic services in Mitchell and Rapid City including:
45 bed psychiatric residential treatment facility for girls
Evidenced Based Trauma informed programming
Special education schooling
Individual therapy
Group therapy
Alcohol and drug treatment
Independent living skills
Therapeutic Foster Homes for girls and boys from birth up to age 18 (4 in Rapid City and 4 in Mitchell)
16 Independent Living Apartments for young adults ages 18 - 23 (8 in Rapid City and 8 in Mitchell)
Provides residential treatment, foster care, special education schooling and independent living services to South Dakota children between the ages of 7 and 23. Program offers an array of therapeutic services in Mitchell and Rapid City including:
45 bed psychiatric residential treatment facility for girls
Evidenced Based Trauma informed programming
Special education schooling
Individual therapy
Group therapy
Alcohol and drug treatment
Independent living skills
Therapeutic Foster Homes for girls and boys from birth up to age 18 (4 in Rapid City and 4 in Mitchell)
16 Independent Living Apartments for young adults ages 18 - 23 (8 in Rapid City and 8 in Mitchell)
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Foster Home Placement
Youth Development
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Child/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities
Life Skills Education
Special Education Classes/Centers
Community mental health center providing a wide variety of behavioral health related services, such as:
Outpatient therapy (including individual, family and group counseling)
- Screenings and assessments, including Psychological testing
Walk-in Assessments available during regular office hours
Crisis Counseling
Involuntary commitment evaluations/Mental health evaluations (QMHP evaluations)
Addiction and recovery-based services (including individual and group treatment)
Medication management and Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Outreach services for children/Family based services (staff meet in the client's home or community setting)
Residential services/Group homes (Betty's Place and Bridgeway)
Therapeutic foster care
Offender services
Prevention classes
Specialty training in: emergency mental health, Accelerated Resolution Therapy, Suicide Safe Care, Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Trauma-Focused Care, Functional Family Therapy (FFT), Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Substance Abuse (CBISA), Aggression Replacement Therapy (ART), Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT), and Restorative Justice.
Community mental health center providing a wide variety of behavioral health related services, such as:
Outpatient therapy (including individual, family and group counseling)
- Screenings and assessments, including Psychological testing
Walk-in Assessments available during regular office hours
Crisis Counseling
Involuntary commitment evaluations/Mental health evaluations (QMHP evaluations)
Addiction and recovery-based services (including individual and group treatment)
Medication management and Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Outreach services for children/Family based services (staff meet in the client's home or community setting)
Residential services/Group homes (Betty's Place and Bridgeway)
Therapeutic foster care
Offender services
Prevention classes
Specialty training in: emergency mental health, Accelerated Resolution Therapy, Suicide Safe Care, Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Trauma-Focused Care, Functional Family Therapy (FFT), Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Substance Abuse (CBISA), Aggression Replacement Therapy (ART), Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT), and Restorative Justice.
Telemental Health
Mental Health Screening
Community Mental Health Agencies
Home Based Mental Health Services
Health Facility Licensing
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Mental Health Expense Assistance
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Mental Health Warrants
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Relapse Prevention Programs
Foster Home Placement
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Gambling Disorder Counseling
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Psychological Assessment
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Psychiatric Medication Services
Psychiatric Aftercare Services
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Adult Psychiatry
Medication Information/Management
General Counseling Services
Individual Counseling
Adult Residential Treatment Facilities
Provides child protection for abused, neglected or exploited children, child placement services or Foster Care, Adoption services, licensing activities for adoption and foster care, and prevention services to high risk families.
Other Services Offered by this program: Domestic Violence Inventory, Victims Index, Marital Inventories and Common Sense parenting classes.
Provides child protection for abused, neglected or exploited children, child placement services or Foster Care, Adoption services, licensing activities for adoption and foster care, and prevention services to high risk families.
Other Services Offered by this program: Domestic Violence Inventory, Victims Index, Marital Inventories and Common Sense parenting classes.
Cultural Heritage Groups
Child Abuse Reporting/Emergency Response
Foster Home Licensing
Child Abuse Prevention
Foster Home Placement
Parenting Skills Classes