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Worship: - 10:00am, Sunday Summer worship: (Memorial Day to Labor Day) - 9:00am at the church and 10:30am at Lake Herman State Park.
Provides worship services, prayer gatherings, and Sunday school for adults and children. Nursery services provided for those attending worship.
Provides worship services.
Provides worship services, Sunday school, and coffee fellowship.
Summer Worship Schedule: 9:30am, Sunday 10:30am, Coffee Fellowship Holy Communion offered at all services. Fall/Winter Worship Schedule: 8:30am, Sunday 9:30am, Sunday School and Coffee Fellowship 10:45am, Sunday
Worship: 8:00am and 10:30am, Sunday 9:15am Sunday School and Bible Class 6:30pm Wednesday night service (during Advent and Lent)
Provides weekly worship services, small groups to grow in the word and in relationship to each other and the community, and activities for kids, youth, and adults.
Celebrate Recovery, or CR, is a Christ-centered recovery program for any hurts, habits, or hang-ups one may be facing.
Sunday: - 10:00am, Hybrid Service - 12:00noon, Lirio de los Valles - Hispanic Church - 1:00pm, Slavic Church Monday: - 10:00am, Bible Study
Provides worship services.
A congregation steeped in heritage and faith and focused on sharing God's grace. A Lutheran congregation on the prairie, serving the pastoral and ministry needs of those in rural Campbell and Walworth counties.
Provides worship services, Sunday school, adult Bible study, and Afaan Oromo Ethopian Worship.
Provides worship services.
Immaculate Conception Parish is a place where all come to encounter the Divine in the midst of daily life. It is a place to celebrate new life and mourn the passing of loved ones; it is the joy of the gospel found in the smile of a child and the firm handshake or a hug from an old friend. A place to laugh and cry, feast and fast, all while discovering Christ. The Sacraments are celebrated and God is adored on a daily basis. It is a place where people gather for coffee and conversation while sharing in the simple joys of quilting, rosary making or any number of activities. Provides weekend mass, daily mass, and confession services.
Provides for seasonal community worship services, a Community Youth Group, summer Vacation Bible School, and worship and pastoral care for nursing home residents. Also assists in promoting community feeding programs and other social service activities.
Worship: 9:30am, Sunday 7:00pm, Saturday - Broadcast on public access channels in Yankton
Provides worship services.
Provides worship services for all and Sunday school for ages 3 years through adult.
Offers both Spanish and English worship and programming. Masses for the Lord's Day / Misas Para El Dia Del Señor: Saturday/Sábado: 7:00pm (Spanish/Español) Sunday/Domingo: 9:00am (Spanish/Español/English) 12:00noon (Spanish/Español) Daily Mass/Misa Diaria: 6:00pm Tuesday/Martes (Spanish/Español) 6:00pm Thursday/Jueves (Spanish/Español) 6:00pm First Friday/Primer Viernes (Spanish/Español)
Provides worship services, Sunday School for all ages, prayer services, youth ministries, and Spanish ministries. Bus services are available Sunday mornings for Church and Sunday School. Nursery services are available during all services.
Provides worship services.
Provides traditional and non-traditional worship services and adult groups. Also provides youth and adult choir, adult groups, and youth groups (6th - 12th grade).
Provides worship service, fellowship time, and adult discussion. Child care is available for those attending services.
Provides worship services and Sunday school.
Worship services are available at the West, East, and Downtown locations.