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Provides a broad mix of development services including: Building Services Division Plans examination and building code enforcement Building permitting and inspections Air Quality permitting Staff support for Building Code Board of Appeals and Air Quality Board Current Planning Plans examination and zoning ordinance enforcement Review and processing of land use applications Prepares zoning code ordinances and municipal code amendments Staff support for the Planning Commission Review and processing of platting applications to subdivide property Long Range Planning Comprehensive Master Planning Transportation Planning Neighborhood Planning Residential and non-residential growth analysis and projections Land Use Plan Amendments Staff support for the Metropolitan Planning Organization and committees Code Enforcement Division Respond to complaints registered by citizens, Mayor, City Council, or other City Officials Initiate enforcement action on violations observed by enforcement officers where no complaints have been filed Administer the processes of noticing and abatement of violations Assist in the enforcement of the requirements of the Sign Code Parking Enforcement Division Enforces parking regulations Monitors parking that is metered, permitted and/or time restricted Maintains several City owned parking lots and the downtown parking structure Provides support services to the Parking Advisory Board Educates the public on the City's Parking Ordinances Serves as an advocate for continued development in downtown Rapid City Planning Projects Division Coordinates planning projects and other studies surrounding growth, development and redevelopment of Rapid City Tax Increment Financing Facilitates the creation and implementation of ordinances, policies and procedures Historic Preservation Reviews development applications and conducts annexation studies Staff support for the Historic Preservation Commission, Historic Sign Review, grant management and a community education program


Building Permits
Building Inspection
City Government Departments/Offices
Building Code Enforcement/Appeals
Neighborhood Improvement Groups
City/Town Finance Offices
City/County Planning Offices
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Child Care Provider Licensing
This office oversees: Safety and Home Grant Program - Provides up to $5,000 grants to income eligible homeowners for qualifying health and safety repair projects (including sidewalk repair). These funds do not need to be repaid, but are limited. Click here for details, eligibility requirements and online application. Rental Rehabilitation Program - Up to $30,000 per rental unit; $100,000 maximum per project, depending on equity. Funds may be used to replace roofs, siding, insulation, exterior painting or installing energy efficient windows and doors. Funding may also be used for interior updates. Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Program - provides financial and technical assistance for housing rehabilitation needs including but not limited to roofs, doors, stairs, painting, insulation, handicap accessibility, windows, electrical, plumbing and furnace replacements. Maintenance repairs are not included in this program. Emergency Mobile Home Repair Program - provides up to $5,000 to help pay for emergency repairs. Maintenance repairs are not included in this program. Neighborhood Revitalization Program - designed to remove dilapidated housing structures which are unsafe, and replace with new affordable housing options. New, owner-occupied residential structures constructed and eligible for income qualified households to purchase. Loan payments are only required when the home is sold or is no longer the primary residence.


Home Rehabilitation Programs
City Government Departments/Offices
General Minor Home Repair Programs
Neighborhood Improvement Groups
Air Conditioners