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City Hall is the location for the following offices: Mayor's Office, Public works (Utility Service Providers (water and sewer only), Street Lights/Street Signs, Traffic Signals/Traffic Signs, Snow Clearance/Street Salting, Street/Highway Traffic Control, Trash/Garbage Pickup and Residential Recycling Programs, Wastewater (Sewer) Collection/Processing), Planning and Zoning (Building Permits, City Planning Offices, Zoning), Utility billing (water and garbage), Parking passes for City of Deadwood, and City Commission meetings.


City/County Planning Offices
Residential Recycling Programs
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Traffic Signals
Street Lights
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Public Parking
City/Town Council Offices
City/Town Finance Offices
Building Permits
Street Signs
Government Buildings/Installations
Utility Service Providers
Bill Payment Locations
City Government Departments/Offices
Traffic Signs
City Municipal Government including utilities (electric, water, wastewater, street), engineering/planning, Parks and Recreation, City Administrator and Mayor, finance, and Human Resources.


Mayors Offices
Bill Payment Locations
Government Buildings/Installations
City Government Departments/Offices
Human Resource Management Offices
City/County Planning Offices
Recreation Centers
City/County Parks
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Street Lights
Utility Service Complaints
Building Inspection
Water Service Connection/Repair
City/Town Finance Offices
Traffic Signs
Water Reclamation
Water Quality Assurance
Building Permits
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Electric Service Connection/Repair
Utility Service Providers
Street Signs
City of Sioux Falls App is an app that offers the public the ability to request service for numerous needs. Users can upload a photo from their mobile device and attach GPS coordinates with their submission along with a brief message. A City employee will reach out when the issue is scheduled for repair and/or has been resolved. Community is also built into the app as neighbors can see issues submitted by other users in their neighborhood. The app is available for free for Apple and Android devices. Search for City of Sioux Falls in Google Play or Apple App Store. Citizens can also report a problem​ online. Select a report/request on topics ranging from Abandoned Vehicles Drainage Concerns Grass/Weeks Intersection Flooding Pothole Etc. Who to contact with questions or concerns


Weed Abatement/Brush Control
Snow/Ice Removal Ordinance Enforcement
Street Lights
City Government Departments/Offices
Information Technology Management Offices
Pothole/Road Repair
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Maintains roadways, city vehicles and equipment. Other responsibilities include assisting with construction of new streets, curbs and gutters, city-wide clean-up, mosquito spraying, and construction of city facilities.


Pothole/Road Repair
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Street Lights
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
City Government Departments/Offices
Street Signs
Purpose: Provides safe, reliable drinking water, wastewater treatment, drainage, solid waste disposal, public transit, and transportation systems. - Rapid Transit Division Provides the general public with safe, reliable and affordable public transportation. - Solid Waste Division Provides for the orderly, efficient and safe collection, recycling and disposal of waste. - Street Division Operates and maintains a 386 mile transportation system. Maintains over 130 miles of storm sewer system. Provides vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair on approximately 600 units for various City departments. To report a pothole call (605) 394-4152 or email [email protected] - Water Division Provides adequate and safe water for domestic, industrial and fire protection purposes. - Water Reclamation Division Protects the public health by providing for efficient and economical collection and treatment of wastewater. - GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Provides mapping services, data, and technical support to the staffs of the City of Rapid City and Pennington County, and to the public.


Water Service Connection/Repair
Geographic Information System Development/Management
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Street Lights
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Traffic Signs
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Residential Recycling Programs
Utility Service Providers
Water Reclamation
Water Quality Assurance
City Government Departments/Offices
Street Signs
Traffic Signals
Pothole/Road Repair
This Division oversees Water & Sewer Line Warranty Programs, Water Service Line, Floodplain Information, Recycling, Report a Concern (traffic signals and street lights), Sanitary Inflow and Infiltration, Sign up for Emergency Announcements & Alerts, Snow Removal, Solid Waste, Street Department, Traffic Control, and Utilities (all the water mains, sanitary sewer mains, and storm sewer mains).


Trash/Garbage Pickup
Residential Recycling Programs
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Water Reclamation
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Traffic Signs
Street Signs
Snow/Ice Removal Ordinance Enforcement
Street Lights
Water Service Connection/Repair
Utility Service Providers
Utility Service Complaints
Water Quality Assurance
Traffic Signals
Constructs and maintains surface transportation systems that support economic viability, promotes safe travel, and add esthetically to the community, information available on construction projects, Traffic control - Street lighting and traffic signals, Downtown public parking areas, and Snow removal - Emergency Snow Route Map and the Nixle notification for snow emergencies.


Street Lights
Street Signs
Street/Highway Traffic Control
City Government Departments/Offices
Traffic Signals
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Traffic Signs
Canton City Hall houses various city departments, including: Finance Department (assists with budget, utility payments, elections, and business and contractor licensing), Mayor and City Commissioners, utilities (water and sewer), Public Works (assists with government buildings, streets, street lights & traffic signals, snow removal, street cleaning, solid waste and public health), Parks and Recreation, Planning and Zoning, Police, Rubble Site (located east of Canton on Hwy 18, see web for more details), and City Shop.


City Government Departments/Offices
Traffic Signs
Traffic Signals
Street Signs
Bill Payment Locations
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Street Lights
Street/Highway Traffic Control
City/County Planning Offices
Mayors Offices
City/Town Council Offices
City/Town Finance Offices
Government Buildings/Installations
City/County Parks
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Electronic Waste Recycling
Yard and Kitchen Waste Recycling
Sanitary Landfills
Election Information
Utility Service Providers
Distributes public power through defined service territories in the City of Sioux Falls to over 2,900 customers and also maintains over 21,000 street lights in Sioux Falls. Payments after hours can be dropped off at the drop box located outside of City Hall at 224 W. 9th Street. (DO NOT PLACE CASH IN DROP BOX)


Electric Service Connection/Repair
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
City Government Departments/Offices
Street Lights
Utility Line Location Information/811 Services
Outsourcing/Contracted Services
Utility Service Providers
City Administrator - is the funnel for information between the City Council, City Staff, and State and Federal agencies. The City Administrator assists in the preparation of the annual City budget, recommends policy directions to the City Council, oversees long range planning, directing the activities of city departments and carries out all other duties as prescribed. Finance Office is responsible for managing the fiscal affairs of the City. This includes monitoring accounting services, cash and asset management, payroll, financial reporting and utility billing. City utilities include water, sewer and garbage collection services. Public Works department oversees the maintenance of the streets, alleys, storm sewer, water and sewer systems, rubble site and airport. Planning & Zoning Committee is responsible for preparing and maintaining the City's Comprehensive Plan, administering and enforcing zoning and subdivision regulations, enforcing building codes, and carrying out ordinances for permits and inspection. Building Committee which is comprised of three council members is designated as the building inspector for the City. Together, they review permits and make recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Parks and Recreation include a swimming pool that is open during the summer months. Area parks are maintained by local organizations.


Wastewater Collection/Processing
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Street Lights
City/County Parks
Building Code Enforcement/Appeals
Flood Preparedness Information
Recreation Centers
Swimming Facilities
Building Inspection
Snow/Ice Removal Ordinance Enforcement
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Traffic Signs
City/County Planning Offices
City Government Departments/Offices
General Recreational Activities/Sports
Water Reclamation
Utility Service Complaints
Business Registration/Licensing
Utility Service Providers
Water Service Connection/Repair
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Water Quality Assurance
Building Permits
Street Signs
City/Town Clerk Offices
Bill Payment Locations