Age Group
1-2 of 2
The Black Hills, in western South Dakota and northeastern Wyoming, consists of 1.2 million acres of forested hills and mountains, approximately 110 miles long and 70 miles wide. The Forest is a multiple-use Forest with activities ranging from timber production, grazing, to hiking, camping, mountain biking, horseback riding, rock climbing, mining, wildlife viewing, and many others.
Christmas tree permits are sold at all offices.
The Black Hills, in western South Dakota and northeastern Wyoming, consists of 1.2 million acres of forested hills and mountains, approximately 110 miles long and 70 miles wide. The Forest is a multiple-use Forest with activities ranging from timber production, grazing, to hiking, camping, mountain biking, horseback riding, rock climbing, mining, wildlife viewing, and many others.
Christmas tree permits are sold at all offices.
Fire Conditions Bulletins
National Forests/Grasslands
Federal Government Agencies/Departments A blog that is an interagency effort by federal and state agencies in the Great Plains geographical area. The agencies that support this site are the Black Hills National Forest, Nebraska National Forest and Grasslands, and South Dakota Wildland Fire Division. This is the official site for information about initial attack fire incidents within the Great Plains Dispatch Zone. This site is updated as often as new information is available from individual forests, state lands, tribal lands, and other agencies. The aim is to provide one website where the best available information and links to fire and fire restrictions can be accessed. A blog that is an interagency effort by federal and state agencies in the Great Plains geographical area. The agencies that support this site are the Black Hills National Forest, Nebraska National Forest and Grasslands, and South Dakota Wildland Fire Division. This is the official site for information about initial attack fire incidents within the Great Plains Dispatch Zone. This site is updated as often as new information is available from individual forests, state lands, tribal lands, and other agencies. The aim is to provide one website where the best available information and links to fire and fire restrictions can be accessed.
Fire Conditions Bulletins
State Government Agencies/Departments
Fire Control/Extinction