Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 32
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Genealogical Collections
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Children's Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Online Databases
Braille Materials/Collections
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
Services provided are children's reading programs, free Wi-Fi, public access computers/tools, large print materials, inter-library loans, audiobooks, magazines, photocopier, and adult book club.
Services provided are children's reading programs, free Wi-Fi, public access computers/tools, large print materials, inter-library loans, audiobooks, magazines, photocopier, and adult book club.
Large Print Materials/Collections
City Government Departments/Offices
Public Access Computers/Tools
Interlibrary Loan
Children's Library Services
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Book Loan
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Genealogical Collections
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Children's Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Online Databases
Braille Materials/Collections
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Genealogical Collections
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Children's Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Online Databases
Braille Materials/Collections
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
Services provided are children's reading programs (Story time 9:00am - 10:00am, Fridays), Free Wi-Fi, Public access computers/tools, Large print materials, Inter-library loan, E-Books, Audiobooks, and Videos.
Services provided are children's reading programs (Story time 9:00am - 10:00am, Fridays), Free Wi-Fi, Public access computers/tools, Large print materials, Inter-library loan, E-Books, Audiobooks, and Videos.
Public Access Computers/Tools
Book Loan
Children's Library Services
Book Downloads
Municipal Libraries
Large Print Materials/Collections
Interlibrary Loan
City Government Departments/Offices
Provides a variety of materials including books, magazines, newspapers, books on tape, videos, and large-print books.
Provides a variety of materials including books, magazines, newspapers, books on tape, videos, and large-print books.
Public Access Computers/Tools
Children's Library Services
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Loan
Interlibrary Loan
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Services at the Hot Springs Public Library include books, audio books, interlibrary loans, magazines, movies, newspapers, color copy and fax machine, downloadable audio and e-reader books, meeting and study room, public computers, and reference questions.
Programs include story time (see website for dates and time), proctoring for non-traditional college students, and summer reading program for all ages.
Friends of the Library fundraisers include book sale and triathlon.
Services at the Hot Springs Public Library include books, audio books, interlibrary loans, magazines, movies, newspapers, color copy and fax machine, downloadable audio and e-reader books, meeting and study room, public computers, and reference questions.
Programs include story time (see website for dates and time), proctoring for non-traditional college students, and summer reading program for all ages.
Friends of the Library fundraisers include book sale and triathlon.
City Government Departments/Offices
Public Internet Access Sites
Public Access Computers/Tools
Municipal Libraries
Book Loan
Interlibrary Loan
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Telephone Book Collections
Home Library Services
Notary Public Services
Meeting Space
Resources include books, audio-books, downloadable e-books and audiobooks through Libby, local newspapers, and magazines.
Services include Interlibrary loans, internet access on library computers, 24/7 Wi-Fi, Book-a-Librarian opportunities, book discussions, story-times, summer reading program, test proctoring, printing, copying and scanning opportunities, and Study rooms and meeting room space.
Resources include books, audio-books, downloadable e-books and audiobooks through Libby, local newspapers, and magazines.
Services include Interlibrary loans, internet access on library computers, 24/7 Wi-Fi, Book-a-Librarian opportunities, book discussions, story-times, summer reading program, test proctoring, printing, copying and scanning opportunities, and Study rooms and meeting room space.
County Government Departments/Offices
Municipal Libraries
Interlibrary Loan
Public Internet Access Sites
Public Access Computers/Tools
Meeting Space
Book Loan
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Book Downloads
Document Copying Services
The purpose of the Colman Branch Library is to select, make available and maintain resources, in a variety of formats, meeting the educational, informational and recreational needs of our community. The library offers this service to all persons and exists to stimulate ideas and learning, and to enhance the quality of life for those they serve.
Programs available to kids in pre-school through junior high: Story Time, Summer Reading programs, group classes, and craft projects.
Computers available for use during library hours.
The purpose of the Colman Branch Library is to select, make available and maintain resources, in a variety of formats, meeting the educational, informational and recreational needs of our community. The library offers this service to all persons and exists to stimulate ideas and learning, and to enhance the quality of life for those they serve.
Programs available to kids in pre-school through junior high: Story Time, Summer Reading programs, group classes, and craft projects.
Computers available for use during library hours.
Children's Library Services
City Government Departments/Offices
Meeting Space
Municipal Libraries
Public Internet Access Sites
Interlibrary Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Genealogical Collections
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Children's Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Online Databases
Braille Materials/Collections
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
Deubrook Community Library is a joint library with the Deubrook School Library. The Library offers the following services - Children's reading programs, Inter-library loans, Audiobooks, Videos, Newspapers, Magazines, and a Summer program for kids of all ages.
Deubrook Community Library is a joint library with the Deubrook School Library. The Library offers the following services - Children's reading programs, Inter-library loans, Audiobooks, Videos, Newspapers, Magazines, and a Summer program for kids of all ages.
Videotape/DVD Collections
Public Access Computers/Tools
Book Loan
Book Downloads
Municipal Libraries
Interlibrary Loan
City Government Departments/Offices
Services included are books, eBooks, magazines, music, and movies, Genealogy collection, South Dakota collection, Interlibrary loan, Public access computers, Meeting area, Preschool and toddler story time, activities for kids, Book clubs, Summer reading programs, Computer help (by appointment), and Free public Wi-Fi.
Services included are books, eBooks, magazines, music, and movies, Genealogy collection, South Dakota collection, Interlibrary loan, Public access computers, Meeting area, Preschool and toddler story time, activities for kids, Book clubs, Summer reading programs, Computer help (by appointment), and Free public Wi-Fi.
Public Internet Access Sites
Telephone Book Collections
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
City Government Departments/Offices
Meeting Space
Interlibrary Loan
Municipal Libraries
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Genealogical Collections
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Children's Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Online Databases
Braille Materials/Collections
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
Resources, programs, and services available at Mitchell Public Library include - books (physical, eBooks, and audiobooks) for readers of all ages, Spanish language materials, Movies, Music CDs, boardgames, magazine, journal, and newspaper databases, genealogy databases, various subject databases, practice exams for a variety of pursuits, programming for children, teens, and adults, summer reading programs, interlibrary loan services, free computer use, free Wi-Fi, mobile printing, 3D printing, community meeting rooms, and
used book sales.
Resources, programs, and services available at Mitchell Public Library include - books (physical, eBooks, and audiobooks) for readers of all ages, Spanish language materials, Movies, Music CDs, boardgames, magazine, journal, and newspaper databases, genealogy databases, various subject databases, practice exams for a variety of pursuits, programming for children, teens, and adults, summer reading programs, interlibrary loan services, free computer use, free Wi-Fi, mobile printing, 3D printing, community meeting rooms, and
used book sales.
City Government Departments/Offices
Children's Library Services
Videotape/DVD Collections
Interlibrary Loan
Genealogical Collections
Telephone Book Collections
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Book Loan
Book Downloads
Municipal Libraries
Tutoring Services
Public Internet Access Sites
Public Access Computers/Tools
Meeting Space
Offering many services, including books for all ages, interests and all the best sellers, large print books, music CD's, school year programs, books on CD, variety of Outreach Services, downloadable eBooks and Audiobooks through the Libby App.
Additional services offered include a public meeting room, interlibrary loan service, South Dakota Collection, current magazines and local newspapers, reference assistance, DVDs, summer reading program, Public Wi-Fi Access to the Internet, book deliver, genealogy, microfilm of local newspapers and microfilm reader printer, service to blind and handicapped through the State Library, fax service, proctor tests, photocopier & scanner, 3D Printing and Laminating.
Offering many services, including books for all ages, interests and all the best sellers, large print books, music CD's, school year programs, books on CD, variety of Outreach Services, downloadable eBooks and Audiobooks through the Libby App.
Additional services offered include a public meeting room, interlibrary loan service, South Dakota Collection, current magazines and local newspapers, reference assistance, DVDs, summer reading program, Public Wi-Fi Access to the Internet, book deliver, genealogy, microfilm of local newspapers and microfilm reader printer, service to blind and handicapped through the State Library, fax service, proctor tests, photocopier & scanner, 3D Printing and Laminating.
Interlibrary Loan
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Municipal Libraries
Youth Development
Book Downloads
Meeting Space
City Government Departments/Offices
Public Internet Access Sites
Children's Library Services
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Videotape/DVD Collections
Home Library Services
Large Print Materials/Collections
Resources include books, audio-books, downloadable e-books and audiobooks through Libby, local newspapers, and magazines.
Services include Interlibrary loans, internet access on library computers, 24/7 Wi-Fi, Book-a-Librarian opportunities, book discussions, story-times, summer reading program, test proctoring, printing, copying and scanning opportunities, and Study rooms and meeting room space.
Resources include books, audio-books, downloadable e-books and audiobooks through Libby, local newspapers, and magazines.
Services include Interlibrary loans, internet access on library computers, 24/7 Wi-Fi, Book-a-Librarian opportunities, book discussions, story-times, summer reading program, test proctoring, printing, copying and scanning opportunities, and Study rooms and meeting room space.
County Government Departments/Offices
Municipal Libraries
Interlibrary Loan
Public Internet Access Sites
Public Access Computers/Tools
Meeting Space
Book Loan
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Book Downloads
Document Copying Services
Services provided are children's reading program, Free Wi-Fi, public access computers/tools, large print materials, educational classes, inter-library loan, E-Books, Audiobooks, Videos, and Newspapers and magazines.
Services provided are children's reading program, Free Wi-Fi, public access computers/tools, large print materials, educational classes, inter-library loan, E-Books, Audiobooks, Videos, and Newspapers and magazines.
Public Access Computers/Tools
City Government Departments/Offices
Public Internet Access Sites
Interlibrary Loan
Telephone Book Collections
Children's Library Services
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Book Loan
Large Print Materials/Collections
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Genealogical Collections
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Children's Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Online Databases
Braille Materials/Collections
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Genealogical Collections
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Children's Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Online Databases
Braille Materials/Collections
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
Deubrook Community Library is a joint library with the Deubrook School Library. The Library offers the following services - Children's reading programs, Inter-library loans, Audiobooks, Videos, Newspapers, Magazines, and a Summer program for kids of all ages.
Deubrook Community Library is a joint library with the Deubrook School Library. The Library offers the following services - Children's reading programs, Inter-library loans, Audiobooks, Videos, Newspapers, Magazines, and a Summer program for kids of all ages.
Videotape/DVD Collections
Public Access Computers/Tools
Book Loan
Book Downloads
Municipal Libraries
Interlibrary Loan
City Government Departments/Offices
Programs and services available at the public library include - books, eBooks, audio books, magazines, DVDs, interlibrary loans, activities for adults, young adults, children, and families, summer reading programs, computers with internet access, genealogy, young adult and children's areas, Karen and Spanish collections, reference desk, Online Card Catalog, On-line full-text reference databases, Color copier, Meeting space, and Used book sales.
Programs and services available at the public library include - books, eBooks, audio books, magazines, DVDs, interlibrary loans, activities for adults, young adults, children, and families, summer reading programs, computers with internet access, genealogy, young adult and children's areas, Karen and Spanish collections, reference desk, Online Card Catalog, On-line full-text reference databases, Color copier, Meeting space, and Used book sales.
City Government Departments/Offices
Online Databases
Book Loan
Book Downloads
Telephone Book Collections
Meeting Space
Public Access Computers/Tools
Municipal Libraries
Interlibrary Loan
Genealogical Collections
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Genealogical Collections
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Children's Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Online Databases
Braille Materials/Collections
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Genealogical Collections
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Children's Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Online Databases
Braille Materials/Collections
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
The library offers a wide variety of services including print and non-print materials, WiFi, and public internet computers.
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
Genealogical Collections
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Municipal Libraries
Book Downloads
Recording/Tape/CD Collections
Children's Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Online Databases
Braille Materials/Collections
Large Print Materials/Collections
Telephone Book Collections
Community library with the following services: books, audio books, DVDs, magazines and newspapers for check-out for all ages; digital services including E-books, audio books, magazines and movies downloadable to personal device; local history collections including South Dakota Room and Centennial Archives; Interlibrary loan service, free databases including genealogy research, consumer health, PubMed, Sanborn maps and resources for pre-school through teens; public computers and laptops during open hours, wireless internet 24/7 with password, online newspaper index, and children's programming: lap sit and pre-school story hours, Head Start Storytime, after school club, homework help, and summer reading program for children and adults.
Community library with the following services: books, audio books, DVDs, magazines and newspapers for check-out for all ages; digital services including E-books, audio books, magazines and movies downloadable to personal device; local history collections including South Dakota Room and Centennial Archives; Interlibrary loan service, free databases including genealogy research, consumer health, PubMed, Sanborn maps and resources for pre-school through teens; public computers and laptops during open hours, wireless internet 24/7 with password, online newspaper index, and children's programming: lap sit and pre-school story hours, Head Start Storytime, after school club, homework help, and summer reading program for children and adults.
Meeting Space
Public Internet Access Sites
Interlibrary Loan
Municipal Libraries
Book Loan
Public Access Computers/Tools
City Government Departments/Offices
Videotape/DVD Collections
Children's Library Services