Age Group
Payment Options
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This hotline handles concerns/questions/complaints, and problem potholes will be patched up as quickly as possible. The Street Team has been notified and a work order will be generated.
This hotline handles concerns/questions/complaints, and problem potholes will be patched up as quickly as possible. The Street Team has been notified and a work order will be generated.
City Government Departments/Offices
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Pothole/Road Repair
Distributes public power through defined service territories in the City of Sioux Falls to over 2,900 customers and also maintains over 21,000 street lights in Sioux Falls.
Payments after hours can be dropped off at the drop box located outside of City Hall at 224 W. 9th Street. (DO NOT PLACE CASH IN DROP BOX)
Distributes public power through defined service territories in the City of Sioux Falls to over 2,900 customers and also maintains over 21,000 street lights in Sioux Falls.
Payments after hours can be dropped off at the drop box located outside of City Hall at 224 W. 9th Street. (DO NOT PLACE CASH IN DROP BOX)
Utility Service Providers
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Outsourcing/Contracted Services
City Government Departments/Offices
Street Lights
Electric Service Connection/Repair
Utility Line Location Information/811 Services
The Community Development Department focuses on issues dealing with planning and zoning matters, building construction and property maintenance issues including building permits, zoning permits, and code enforcement.
The Community Development Department focuses on issues dealing with planning and zoning matters, building construction and property maintenance issues including building permits, zoning permits, and code enforcement.
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Snow/Ice Removal Ordinance Enforcement
City/County Planning Offices
Building Permits
City Government Departments/Offices
Provide drinking water of high quality and in such quantities to meet the needs and demands of customers.
Provide drinking water of high quality and in such quantities to meet the needs and demands of customers.
City Government Departments/Offices
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Water Quality Assurance
Responsible for Administration of the City Zoning Ordinance and the Huron Comprehensive Plan. Handling requests and questions regarding future planning, permitted land uses, required landscaping, site development, preliminary and final plats, and required parking. Assisting with questions and applications for variances, conditional use permits, and home occupations. Assisting the City Engineer in administration of the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance. Ensuring that the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan are accurate and current. Supporting the City Planning Commission and the Huron Board of Historic Preservation.
Specifically, this Department handles the following complaints: unmowed grass, lack of snow removal from sidewalks, accumulation of junk/garbage.
Responsible for Administration of the City Zoning Ordinance and the Huron Comprehensive Plan. Handling requests and questions regarding future planning, permitted land uses, required landscaping, site development, preliminary and final plats, and required parking. Assisting with questions and applications for variances, conditional use permits, and home occupations. Assisting the City Engineer in administration of the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance. Ensuring that the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan are accurate and current. Supporting the City Planning Commission and the Huron Board of Historic Preservation.
Specifically, this Department handles the following complaints: unmowed grass, lack of snow removal from sidewalks, accumulation of junk/garbage.
Building Code Enforcement/Appeals
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
City/County Planning Offices
City Government Departments/Offices
This department oversees Kuhnert Arboretum, Community Gardens, boulevard trees, park trees, landscape ordinance, municipal trees, and tree insect and disease control.
This department oversees Kuhnert Arboretum, Community Gardens, boulevard trees, park trees, landscape ordinance, municipal trees, and tree insect and disease control.
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Roadside Landscape Maintenance
City Government Departments/Offices
City/County Parks
Provides advice, expertise, and service in the areas of land use planning, zoning administration, code enforcement, and community development initiatives.
Provides advice, expertise, and service in the areas of land use planning, zoning administration, code enforcement, and community development initiatives.
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
City Government Departments/Offices
Building Code Enforcement/Appeals
City/County Planning Offices
Street Maintenance tasks comprise of street overlay, crack sealing, seal coating, curb/gutter repair, storm inlet repair, service cut repair, street sweeping, pothole patching, gravel road maintenance, minor bridge repair, and winter snow removal activities.
Snow alerts and removal information can be found at Categories include getting notified, finding your zone, sidewalk snow, snow gate information, and ticketing and towing.
People can sign up to receive snow alert notifications by texting SNOWALERT to 888777.
Street Maintenance tasks comprise of street overlay, crack sealing, seal coating, curb/gutter repair, storm inlet repair, service cut repair, street sweeping, pothole patching, gravel road maintenance, minor bridge repair, and winter snow removal activities.
Snow alerts and removal information can be found at Categories include getting notified, finding your zone, sidewalk snow, snow gate information, and ticketing and towing.
People can sign up to receive snow alert notifications by texting SNOWALERT to 888777.
Traffic Signs
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
City Government Departments/Offices
Bridge/Tunnel Maintenance
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Street Signs
This Division handles the complaints relating to minimum property maintenance standards including dilapidated housing conditions/property maintenance.
- During the Spring and Summer, complaints or reports regarding grass/weeds exceeding 8, noxious weeds, or violations of the parking strip landscaping ordinance.
Complaints can also be entered online at
This Division handles the complaints relating to minimum property maintenance standards including dilapidated housing conditions/property maintenance.
- During the Spring and Summer, complaints or reports regarding grass/weeds exceeding 8, noxious weeds, or violations of the parking strip landscaping ordinance.
Complaints can also be entered online at
Snow/Ice Removal Ordinance Enforcement
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Building Inspection
City Government Departments/Offices
Weed Abatement/Brush Control
The 789 acre sanitary landfill and rubble site is located 5 miles west of Sioux Falls on 41st Street and 464th Avenue. Other services available at the landfill include:
- Yard waste composting center
Free compost - just bring a container and a shovel
Major appliance recycling area
Tree wood
The Sioux Falls Landfill or a citizen's private garbage hauler can answer questions concerning either the yard waste or recycling programs.
Free Landfill Pass - Sioux Falls residents receive a free paperless pass for one free trip to the City of Sioux Falls Sanitary Landfill. Residents may present a driver's license or state ID card for scanning at the landfill entrance. Pass is limited to one annual free trip to the landfill per household address. Passes are based on zip code which opens program to those living in multi-family units, such as apartment buildings. The pass will allow the addressee to dispose of one load (less than 3 cubic yards or gross vehicle weight less than 10,000 pounds) at the landfill. Residents may not pay an individual to haul your load, as the load will then be considered a contractor or commercial load. All loads must be tarped or tied down to be admitted free.
Small branch size debris can be disposed of at the City's 2 Leaf, Grass and Small Branch Drop Off locations which are open Saturday, April 13 - Sunday, May 26, 2024.
The 789 acre sanitary landfill and rubble site is located 5 miles west of Sioux Falls on 41st Street and 464th Avenue. Other services available at the landfill include:
- Yard waste composting center
Free compost - just bring a container and a shovel
Major appliance recycling area
Tree wood
The Sioux Falls Landfill or a citizen's private garbage hauler can answer questions concerning either the yard waste or recycling programs.
Free Landfill Pass - Sioux Falls residents receive a free paperless pass for one free trip to the City of Sioux Falls Sanitary Landfill. Residents may present a driver's license or state ID card for scanning at the landfill entrance. Pass is limited to one annual free trip to the landfill per household address. Passes are based on zip code which opens program to those living in multi-family units, such as apartment buildings. The pass will allow the addressee to dispose of one load (less than 3 cubic yards or gross vehicle weight less than 10,000 pounds) at the landfill. Residents may not pay an individual to haul your load, as the load will then be considered a contractor or commercial load. All loads must be tarped or tied down to be admitted free.
Small branch size debris can be disposed of at the City's 2 Leaf, Grass and Small Branch Drop Off locations which are open Saturday, April 13 - Sunday, May 26, 2024.
Christmas Tree Recycling
Yard and Kitchen Waste Recycling
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Residential Recycling Programs
Waste Tire Recycling
Sanitary Landfills
City Government Departments/Offices
Establish and maintain a safe and sustainable tree resource in the park system and oversee various City ordinances that apply to trees.
Property owners are responsible for the care and maintenance of street trees located in the boulevard abutting their property; this includes keeping them properly trimmed. A free tree trimming guide and other information about trimming and planting street trees is available on website.
See this year's list of licensed tree trimming arborists along the left hand side of website
People with questions regarding EAB (Emerald Ash Borer) can find a list of FAQ's, a video, a list of licensed arborists and city approved replacement trees at website.
Establish and maintain a safe and sustainable tree resource in the park system and oversee various City ordinances that apply to trees.
Property owners are responsible for the care and maintenance of street trees located in the boulevard abutting their property; this includes keeping them properly trimmed. A free tree trimming guide and other information about trimming and planting street trees is available on website.
See this year's list of licensed tree trimming arborists along the left hand side of website
People with questions regarding EAB (Emerald Ash Borer) can find a list of FAQ's, a video, a list of licensed arborists and city approved replacement trees at website.
City Government Departments/Offices
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Roadside Landscape Maintenance
This department is responsible for public relations, coordination of Human Resources functions, receiving the concerns of citizens and groups, and prepares the agenda and council packets for City Council meetings.
This department is responsible for public relations, coordination of Human Resources functions, receiving the concerns of citizens and groups, and prepares the agenda and council packets for City Council meetings.
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
City Government Departments/Offices
Human Resource Management Offices
The department takes applications for building permits, administers the County zoning ordinances and makes recommendations to the County Commission (BOA) for granting or denying the permits.
Responsibilities include assist educational programs, investigates complaints and zoning violation, modify county ordinances with assistance from 1st Planning District, prepare annual department budget and public meeting agendas, property rezoning and platting, review Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, site plan reviews, update County Commission and Planning Commission on current activities, and assist with septic system installation and compliance with state regulations.
The department takes applications for building permits, administers the County zoning ordinances and makes recommendations to the County Commission (BOA) for granting or denying the permits.
Responsibilities include assist educational programs, investigates complaints and zoning violation, modify county ordinances with assistance from 1st Planning District, prepare annual department budget and public meeting agendas, property rezoning and platting, review Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, site plan reviews, update County Commission and Planning Commission on current activities, and assist with septic system installation and compliance with state regulations.
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
City/County Planning Offices
Septic System Permits
Building Permits
Responsible for directing or performing all engineering work associated with planning, design, and construction administration of all municipal public works improvement projects.
Services this office offers includes:
GIS (Geographic Information Systems) - Develops, maintains, and promotes a shared geospatial resource for decision makers and citizens of Sioux Falls and the surrounding area.
Construction Info and Street Closure - Information is available on street construction projects and street closures resulting from this construction, an interactive map is available on the website.
Responsible for directing or performing all engineering work associated with planning, design, and construction administration of all municipal public works improvement projects.
Services this office offers includes:
GIS (Geographic Information Systems) - Develops, maintains, and promotes a shared geospatial resource for decision makers and citizens of Sioux Falls and the surrounding area.
Construction Info and Street Closure - Information is available on street construction projects and street closures resulting from this construction, an interactive map is available on the website.
City Government Departments/Offices
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Geographic Information System Development/Management
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
The City of Canistota offers water, wastewater, and garbage service to all residents within the city limits of Canistota.
City Hall is the contact for building permits and zoning information.
Pet tags are available at the finance office. All pets must be licensed. The fee to license a pet is $10.00 and proof of rabies vaccination must be provided. Pet licenses expire every January.
The City Finance Officer is often a notary public.
The City of Canistota offers water, wastewater, and garbage service to all residents within the city limits of Canistota.
City Hall is the contact for building permits and zoning information.
Pet tags are available at the finance office. All pets must be licensed. The fee to license a pet is $10.00 and proof of rabies vaccination must be provided. Pet licenses expire every January.
The City Finance Officer is often a notary public.
Mayors Offices
Building Permits
Water Service Connection/Repair
Street Signs
Utility Service Providers
Traffic Signs
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Notary Public Services
City/Town Finance Offices
Animal Licenses
City Government Departments/Offices
Government Buildings/Installations
Bill Payment Locations
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman programs work to resolve complaints related to the health, safety, welfare and rights of individuals who live in LTC facilities, such as nursing homes, assisted living centers and community living homes.
LTC Ombudsman representatives ensure that residents have regular and timely access to ombudsman services, conduct unannounced visits to nursing homes and assisted living communities. The representatives identify, investigate, and work to resolve complaints made by or on behalf of residents. Additionally they provide information to residents, families, and community members about Long-Term Services and Supports.
Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman programs work to resolve complaints related to the health, safety, welfare and rights of individuals who live in LTC facilities, such as nursing homes, assisted living centers and community living homes.
LTC Ombudsman representatives ensure that residents have regular and timely access to ombudsman services, conduct unannounced visits to nursing homes and assisted living communities. The representatives identify, investigate, and work to resolve complaints made by or on behalf of residents. Additionally they provide information to residents, families, and community members about Long-Term Services and Supports.
Nursing Facility Complaints
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
State Government Agencies/Departments
Code Enforcement works to improve the appearance and safety of Sioux Falls by assuring compliance with city ordinances.
Departments including City Attorney, Fire Rescue, Health, Parks/Recreation, Police, Planning and Development Services and Public Works work in cooperation to assure compliance with respective titles and chapters of the Sioux Falls Code of Ordinances.
Residents are able to ask questions, report non-emergency concerns and track progress on the City of Sioux Falls app.
Direct numbers for common code enforcement requests include:
Animal Control and Police Non-Emergencies
City Attorney
Emerald Ash Borer Information
Help Line Center: 211
Engineering, Environmental/Household Hazardous Waste, Landfill, Street Hazards
Fair Housing Awareness, Human Relations
Fire (Non-Emergencies)
Housing Repairs (Income Based)
Lawn Watering Schedule
Mosquito Control
Property Maintenance, Sidewalk/Snow Violations, Nuisance Vegetation (including weeds, grass)
Street Light Out
For other issues and departments, please visit the website listed below.
Code Enforcement works to improve the appearance and safety of Sioux Falls by assuring compliance with city ordinances.
Departments including City Attorney, Fire Rescue, Health, Parks/Recreation, Police, Planning and Development Services and Public Works work in cooperation to assure compliance with respective titles and chapters of the Sioux Falls Code of Ordinances.
Residents are able to ask questions, report non-emergency concerns and track progress on the City of Sioux Falls app.
Direct numbers for common code enforcement requests include:
Animal Control and Police Non-Emergencies
City Attorney
Emerald Ash Borer Information
Help Line Center: 211
Engineering, Environmental/Household Hazardous Waste, Landfill, Street Hazards
Fair Housing Awareness, Human Relations
Fire (Non-Emergencies)
Housing Repairs (Income Based)
Lawn Watering Schedule
Mosquito Control
Property Maintenance, Sidewalk/Snow Violations, Nuisance Vegetation (including weeds, grass)
Street Light Out
For other issues and departments, please visit the website listed below.
Weed Abatement/Brush Control
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Building Code Enforcement/Appeals
Snow/Ice Removal Ordinance Enforcement
Legislation Information
City Government Departments/Offices
Long Term Services and Supports provides opportunities to enhance the quality of life for older adults, adults with disabilities, and their caregivers through home and community based services. To contact Long Term Services and Supports, please call Dakota at Home.
Services Include: home care services to help adults remain in their home, safety and help moving around, nutrition and meals, Senior Health Information and Insurance Education (SHIINE) providing individuals information about benefits they can receive through Medicare, caregiver support, Structured Family Caregiving, residential living services, Ombudsman program providing advocacy and education for residents, family, and staff in long term care settings, and adult protective services providing interventions to protect vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Long Term Services and Supports provides opportunities to enhance the quality of life for older adults, adults with disabilities, and their caregivers through home and community based services. To contact Long Term Services and Supports, please call Dakota at Home.
Services Include: home care services to help adults remain in their home, safety and help moving around, nutrition and meals, Senior Health Information and Insurance Education (SHIINE) providing individuals information about benefits they can receive through Medicare, caregiver support, Structured Family Caregiving, residential living services, Ombudsman program providing advocacy and education for residents, family, and staff in long term care settings, and adult protective services providing interventions to protect vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Geriatric Assessment
Personal Alarm Systems
Homemaker Assistance
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Specialized Information and Referral
Home Health Care
Nursing Facilities
Assisted Living Facilities
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Adult Day Programs
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Nursing Facility Complaints
Adult In Home Respite Care
State Government Agencies/Departments
Medication Reminders
Some of the primary duties of the Code Compliance Department include: issuing building permits and conducting building inspections, enforcement of the City's Sign Code and issuing sign permits, addressing citizen concerns regarding animals, grass/weeds, nuisances, and snow removal, registration of rental dwelling units and housing inspections, enforcement of the City's Property Maintenance Code, animal control and management of the City's animal shelter, enforcement of grass, weed, and sidewalk snow removal ordinance, and pet licensing; all dogs past 6 months shall be licensed, the yearly tag fee is $10.00 and tags can be obtained at the City Finance office.
Some of the primary duties of the Code Compliance Department include: issuing building permits and conducting building inspections, enforcement of the City's Sign Code and issuing sign permits, addressing citizen concerns regarding animals, grass/weeds, nuisances, and snow removal, registration of rental dwelling units and housing inspections, enforcement of the City's Property Maintenance Code, animal control and management of the City's animal shelter, enforcement of grass, weed, and sidewalk snow removal ordinance, and pet licensing; all dogs past 6 months shall be licensed, the yearly tag fee is $10.00 and tags can be obtained at the City Finance office.
Building Permits
City Government Departments/Offices
Building Code Enforcement/Appeals
Snow/Ice Removal Ordinance Enforcement
Animal Control
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Building Inspection
Lawn Watering Restrictions:
- Stage 1 - Watering lawns is not allowed during the hours of 12:00noon - 5:00pm
users with even-numbered addresses may water lawns on even-numbered calendar dates
users with odd-numbered addresses may water lawns on odd-numbered calendar dates.
Hand watering of vegetation such as shrubbery, trees, ground covers, plants, vines, gardens, vegetables, and flowers is permitted any time of day if the water is applied by a hose that does not leak and is equipped with a hand-held nozzle that automatically shuts off when released.
- Stage 2 - Watering for all residential, commercial, industrial, and City facilities is allowed one day per week
based on the last number of the property address.
view at
Stage 3 - Watering for all residential, commercial, industrial, and City facilities is not allowed.
*Violations of this schedule can called into the main number.
Plumbing Rebates:
- Toilet rebate for the purchase and installation of replacement of an existing inefficient toilet manufactured prior to 1992:
Single-family residence rebate up to $75.00
Multiple family residences rebate up to $50.00
Irrigation timer rebate up to $80.00 toward the purchase.
Rain sensor rebate up to $50.00 to purchase and install a rain sensor for underground irrigation systems that were installed prior to May 12, 2005
Water Conservation Devices:
The City can provide conservation shower heads, toilet leak detection tablets, moisture meters, and garden hose attachments at no charge. The additional devices provide customers participating in the retrofit program even greater water savings.
Lawn Watering Restrictions:
- Stage 1 - Watering lawns is not allowed during the hours of 12:00noon - 5:00pm
users with even-numbered addresses may water lawns on even-numbered calendar dates
users with odd-numbered addresses may water lawns on odd-numbered calendar dates.
Hand watering of vegetation such as shrubbery, trees, ground covers, plants, vines, gardens, vegetables, and flowers is permitted any time of day if the water is applied by a hose that does not leak and is equipped with a hand-held nozzle that automatically shuts off when released.
- Stage 2 - Watering for all residential, commercial, industrial, and City facilities is allowed one day per week
based on the last number of the property address.
view at
Stage 3 - Watering for all residential, commercial, industrial, and City facilities is not allowed.
*Violations of this schedule can called into the main number.
Plumbing Rebates:
- Toilet rebate for the purchase and installation of replacement of an existing inefficient toilet manufactured prior to 1992:
Single-family residence rebate up to $75.00
Multiple family residences rebate up to $50.00
Irrigation timer rebate up to $80.00 toward the purchase.
Rain sensor rebate up to $50.00 to purchase and install a rain sensor for underground irrigation systems that were installed prior to May 12, 2005
Water Conservation Devices:
The City can provide conservation shower heads, toilet leak detection tablets, moisture meters, and garden hose attachments at no charge. The additional devices provide customers participating in the retrofit program even greater water savings.
Water Conservation Enforcement
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Residential Energy/Water Conservation Systems/Devices
Residential Energy/Water Conservation Rebates
City Government Departments/Offices
Helping connect those who provide care and support for another adult with the AARP Caregiver Resource Center.
Helping connect those who provide care and support for another adult with the AARP Caregiver Resource Center.
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Personal Alarm Systems
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Adult In Home Respite Care
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Homemaker Assistance
Adult Day Programs
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Individual Advocacy
Hospital/Clinic Based Telemedicine
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Hospice Care
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Veteran Burial Benefits
Assisted Living Facilities
Nursing Facility Complaints
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Geriatric Assessment
Home Health Care
Medication Information/Management
Medication Reminders
Dementia Management
Nursing Facilities
This Division assists the public in protecting property values and upholding community standards including enforcement of the City's Zoning and Property Maintenance Ordinances, Nuisance Vegetation, and Sidewalk Snow Removal requirements.
This Division assists the public in protecting property values and upholding community standards including enforcement of the City's Zoning and Property Maintenance Ordinances, Nuisance Vegetation, and Sidewalk Snow Removal requirements.
City Government Departments/Offices
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
All Rapid City departments can be reached by calling the City's information line.
This line can also answer questions when answer is not found elsewhere.
All Rapid City departments can be reached by calling the City's information line.
This line can also answer questions when answer is not found elsewhere.
City Government Departments/Offices
Government Buildings/Installations
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Directory/Resource List Publication
Provides a broad mix of development services including:
Building Services Division
Plans examination and building code enforcement
Building permitting and inspections
Air Quality permitting
Staff support for Building Code Board of Appeals and Air Quality Board
Current Planning
Plans examination and zoning ordinance enforcement
Review and processing of land use applications
Prepares zoning code ordinances and municipal code amendments
Staff support for the Planning Commission
Review and processing of platting applications to subdivide property
Long Range Planning
Comprehensive Master Planning
Transportation Planning
Neighborhood Planning
Residential and non-residential growth analysis and projections
Land Use Plan Amendments
Staff support for the Metropolitan Planning Organization and committees
Code Enforcement Division
Respond to complaints registered by citizens, Mayor, City Council, or other City Officials
Initiate enforcement action on violations observed by enforcement officers where no complaints have been filed
Administer the processes of noticing and abatement of violations
Assist in the enforcement of the requirements of the Sign Code
Parking Enforcement Division
Enforces parking regulations
Monitors parking that is metered, permitted and/or time restricted
Maintains several City owned parking lots and the downtown parking structure
Provides support services to the Parking Advisory Board
Educates the public on the City's Parking Ordinances
Serves as an advocate for continued development in downtown Rapid City
Planning Projects Division
Coordinates planning projects and other studies surrounding growth, development and redevelopment of Rapid City
Tax Increment Financing
Facilitates the creation and implementation of ordinances, policies and procedures
Historic Preservation
Reviews development applications and conducts annexation studies
Staff support for the Historic Preservation Commission, Historic Sign Review, grant management and a community education program
Provides a broad mix of development services including:
Building Services Division
Plans examination and building code enforcement
Building permitting and inspections
Air Quality permitting
Staff support for Building Code Board of Appeals and Air Quality Board
Current Planning
Plans examination and zoning ordinance enforcement
Review and processing of land use applications
Prepares zoning code ordinances and municipal code amendments
Staff support for the Planning Commission
Review and processing of platting applications to subdivide property
Long Range Planning
Comprehensive Master Planning
Transportation Planning
Neighborhood Planning
Residential and non-residential growth analysis and projections
Land Use Plan Amendments
Staff support for the Metropolitan Planning Organization and committees
Code Enforcement Division
Respond to complaints registered by citizens, Mayor, City Council, or other City Officials
Initiate enforcement action on violations observed by enforcement officers where no complaints have been filed
Administer the processes of noticing and abatement of violations
Assist in the enforcement of the requirements of the Sign Code
Parking Enforcement Division
Enforces parking regulations
Monitors parking that is metered, permitted and/or time restricted
Maintains several City owned parking lots and the downtown parking structure
Provides support services to the Parking Advisory Board
Educates the public on the City's Parking Ordinances
Serves as an advocate for continued development in downtown Rapid City
Planning Projects Division
Coordinates planning projects and other studies surrounding growth, development and redevelopment of Rapid City
Tax Increment Financing
Facilitates the creation and implementation of ordinances, policies and procedures
Historic Preservation
Reviews development applications and conducts annexation studies
Staff support for the Historic Preservation Commission, Historic Sign Review, grant management and a community education program
City/Town Finance Offices
Child Care Provider Licensing
Neighborhood Improvement Groups
Building Code Enforcement/Appeals
Building Inspection
Building Permits
City Government Departments/Offices
City/County Planning Offices
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Promotes responsible pet ownership and animal protection through active enforcement of ordinances such as leash laws, mandatory licensing/vaccination of pets, impoundment of strays, etc.
Services include animal bite investigations, rabies control activities, other zoonotic disease situations and problems, prevention and control of wildlife damage, wildlife disease and nuisance concerns, Animal Control does not handle pest control such as bees, wasps, etc., and emergency services are provided 24 hour a day / 365 days a year.
All animals picked up within the city are housed at the Humane Society.
Promotes responsible pet ownership and animal protection through active enforcement of ordinances such as leash laws, mandatory licensing/vaccination of pets, impoundment of strays, etc.
Services include animal bite investigations, rabies control activities, other zoonotic disease situations and problems, prevention and control of wildlife damage, wildlife disease and nuisance concerns, Animal Control does not handle pest control such as bees, wasps, etc., and emergency services are provided 24 hour a day / 365 days a year.
All animals picked up within the city are housed at the Humane Society.
Animal Control
City Government Departments/Offices
Municipal Police
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices