Age Group
Payment Options
1-16 of 16
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
State Government Agencies/Departments
Peer Counseling
Supported Employment
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Computer Access Aids
Daily Living Aids
Job Training Formats
Vocational Rehabilitation
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
Job Training Formats
Supported Employment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
State Government Agencies/Departments
Computer Access Aids
Peer Counseling
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Daily Living Aids
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Computer Access Aids
Supported Employment
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Job Training Formats
State Government Agencies/Departments
Peer Counseling
Daily Living Aids
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
This office provides Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Counselors can make referrals to Independent Living Services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
This office provides Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Counselors can make referrals to Independent Living Services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Job Training Formats
Vocational Rehabilitation
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Peer Counseling
Supported Employment
Independent Living Skills Instruction
State Government Agencies/Departments
Computer Access Aids
Daily Living Aids
Offers direct services and equipment to individuals that will enable them to function more independently. Assistive technology devices include:
- Electronic and non-electronic magnification devices
- Aids for daily living
- Communication equipment
- Mobility equipment
- All related installation and training
Also helps identify other resources, devices and promote policy change that will help people acquire devices and services.
Offers direct services and equipment to individuals that will enable them to function more independently. Assistive technology devices include:
- Electronic and non-electronic magnification devices
- Aids for daily living
- Communication equipment
- Mobility equipment
- All related installation and training
Also helps identify other resources, devices and promote policy change that will help people acquire devices and services.
Daily Living Aids
Assistive Technology Equipment Loan
Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
Electric Scooters
Braille and Tactile Aids
Blind Mobility Aids
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Transfer Devices
Walking Aids
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Computer Access Aids
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Vocational Rehabilitation
Computer Access Aids
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Daily Living Aids
Supported Employment
Job Training Formats
Peer Counseling
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
State Government Agencies/Departments
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Job Training Formats
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Daily Living Aids
State Government Agencies/Departments
Computer Access Aids
Peer Counseling
Vocational Rehabilitation
Supported Employment
Offers direct services and equipment to individuals that will enable them to function more independently. Assistive technology devices include:
- Electronic and non-electronic magnification devices
- Aids for daily living
- Communication equipment
- Mobility equipment
- All related installation and training
Also helps identify other resources, devices and promote policy change that will help people acquire devices and services.
Offers direct services and equipment to individuals that will enable them to function more independently. Assistive technology devices include:
- Electronic and non-electronic magnification devices
- Aids for daily living
- Communication equipment
- Mobility equipment
- All related installation and training
Also helps identify other resources, devices and promote policy change that will help people acquire devices and services.
Daily Living Aids
Assistive Technology Equipment Loan
Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
Electric Scooters
Braille and Tactile Aids
Blind Mobility Aids
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Transfer Devices
Walking Aids
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Computer Access Aids
Helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice.
Provides the following services - Determines eligibility for vocational rehabilitation services, Counseling and guidance, Physical and mental restoration, Tribal vocational training, Services to family members, Interpreter services, Support employment, Personal assistance, Rehabilitation technology, Transition assistance, Transportation assistance, Technical assistance, Self-employment, Job-related services, and Program referrals.
Helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice.
Provides the following services - Determines eligibility for vocational rehabilitation services, Counseling and guidance, Physical and mental restoration, Tribal vocational training, Services to family members, Interpreter services, Support employment, Personal assistance, Rehabilitation technology, Transition assistance, Transportation assistance, Technical assistance, Self-employment, Job-related services, and Program referrals.
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Vocational Rehabilitation
Supported Employment
Career Counseling
Computer Access Aids
Transition Services for Students With Disabilities
Job Training Formats
Daily Living Aids
State Government Agencies/Departments
Offers direct services and equipment to individuals that will enable them to function more independently. Assistive technology devices include:
- Electronic and non-electronic magnification devices
- Aids for daily living
- Communication equipment
- Mobility equipment
- All related installation and training
Also helps identify other resources, devices and promote policy change that will help people acquire devices and services.
Offers direct services and equipment to individuals that will enable them to function more independently. Assistive technology devices include:
- Electronic and non-electronic magnification devices
- Aids for daily living
- Communication equipment
- Mobility equipment
- All related installation and training
Also helps identify other resources, devices and promote policy change that will help people acquire devices and services.
Daily Living Aids
Assistive Technology Equipment Loan
Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
Electric Scooters
Braille and Tactile Aids
Blind Mobility Aids
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Transfer Devices
Walking Aids
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Computer Access Aids
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
Computer Access Aids
Supported Employment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Peer Counseling
State Government Agencies/Departments
Job Training Formats
Daily Living Aids
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Offers direct services and equipment to individuals that will enable them to function more independently. Assistive technology devices include:
- Electronic and non-electronic magnification devices
- Aids for daily living
- Communication equipment
- Mobility equipment
- All related installation and training
Also helps identify other resources, devices and promote policy change that will help people acquire devices and services.
Offers direct services and equipment to individuals that will enable them to function more independently. Assistive technology devices include:
- Electronic and non-electronic magnification devices
- Aids for daily living
- Communication equipment
- Mobility equipment
- All related installation and training
Also helps identify other resources, devices and promote policy change that will help people acquire devices and services.
Daily Living Aids
Assistive Technology Equipment Loan
Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
Electric Scooters
Braille and Tactile Aids
Blind Mobility Aids
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Transfer Devices
Walking Aids
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Computer Access Aids
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
Daily Living Aids
Peer Counseling
Supported Employment
Computer Access Aids
Job Training Formats
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
State Government Agencies/Departments
Vocational Rehabilitation
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
This office provides Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Counselors can make referrals to Independent Living Services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
This office provides Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Counselors can make referrals to Independent Living Services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
State Government Agencies/Departments
Daily Living Aids
Computer Access Aids
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Peer Counseling
Vocational Rehabilitation
Supported Employment
Job Training Formats
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
Services and programs include Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
Vocational Rehabilitation
Supported Employment
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Daily Living Aids
Computer Access Aids
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Peer Counseling
State Government Agencies/Departments
Job Training Formats
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
This office can refer to Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
A state agency that helps individuals with disabilities to gain and maintain compatible employment in an area of their choice. Some of the available services include vocational counseling and guidance, vocational assessments, training opportunities, on-the-job training, work site accommodations, and job placement services.
This office can refer to Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Independent Living services, Telecommunications Adaptive Devices (TAD), Deaf Services, and Assistive Daily Living Services (ADLS).
Vocational Rehabilitation
Job Training Formats
Peer Counseling
Computer Access Aids
Specialized Telecommunications Equipment
Daily Living Aids
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Supported Employment
State Government Agencies/Departments
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance