Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 76
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
County Government Departments/Offices
Native American Community
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Cultural Heritage Groups
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Home Loans
Military Records
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Military Records
Veteran Home Loans
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Military Records
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Native American Community
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Education Benefits
County Government Departments/Offices
Cultural Heritage Groups
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans, dependents, and survivors by providing information, assistance, counseling, and referrals on a wide range of subject, benefits, and veteran programs.
CVSO's are trained to provide information on the following topics - Offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures, Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made, VA loans, Compensation and pension, Survivors benefits, Education benefits, On-the-job and apprenticeship training, State benefits, Social Security benefits, Employment and unemployment, Small business development information, Corrections of military records, Review of discharges, Medical and dental treatment, Hospitalization or outpatient treatment, Nursing home care, Residency at the State Veterans' Home, Rehabilitation, Information and payment assistance for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment, Burial benefits, Obtaining flags, and Information on community programs
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the County Registrar of Deeds Office.
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans, dependents, and survivors by providing information, assistance, counseling, and referrals on a wide range of subject, benefits, and veteran programs.
CVSO's are trained to provide information on the following topics - Offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures, Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made, VA loans, Compensation and pension, Survivors benefits, Education benefits, On-the-job and apprenticeship training, State benefits, Social Security benefits, Employment and unemployment, Small business development information, Corrections of military records, Review of discharges, Medical and dental treatment, Hospitalization or outpatient treatment, Nursing home care, Residency at the State Veterans' Home, Rehabilitation, Information and payment assistance for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment, Burial benefits, Obtaining flags, and Information on community programs
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the County Registrar of Deeds Office.
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Burial Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Education Benefits
Military Records
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits.
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Military Records
County Government Departments/Offices
Provides veteran services to veterans, their dependents, and their survivors. Assists veterans with applications for VA benefits and assists in getting records, discharges, and burial benefits.
Provides veteran services to veterans, their dependents, and their survivors. Assists veterans with applications for VA benefits and assists in getting records, discharges, and burial benefits.
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Military Records
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Military Records
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
County Government Departments/Offices
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Home Loans
Military Records
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
County Government Departments/Offices
Specialized Information and Referral
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Home Loans
Military Records
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Burial Benefits
Assists veterans and their families in preparing, developing, and obtaining sufficient evidence to support applicants' claims for veterans' benefits. Also assist claimants seeking to appeal to the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
Assists veterans and their families in preparing, developing, and obtaining sufficient evidence to support applicants' claims for veterans' benefits. Also assist claimants seeking to appeal to the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Home Loans
Military Records
Specialized Information and Referral
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Life Insurance
Assists veterans and their families in preparing, developing, and obtaining sufficient evidence to support applicants' claims for veterans' benefits. Also assist claimants seeking to appeal to the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
Assists veterans and their families in preparing, developing, and obtaining sufficient evidence to support applicants' claims for veterans' benefits. Also assist claimants seeking to appeal to the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
County Government Departments/Offices
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Life Insurance
Military Records
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Life Insurance
County Government Departments/Offices
Military Records
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Home Loans
Military Records
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
County Government Departments/Offices
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran Home Loans
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Military Records
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Burial Benefits
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans, dependents, and survivors by providing information, assistance, counseling, and referrals on a wide range of subject, benefits, and veteran programs.
CVSO's are trained to provide information on the following topics - Offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures. Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made. Are also trained in GI loans, Compensation and pension, Survivors benefits, Education benefits, On-the-job and apprenticeship training, State benefits, Social Security benefits, Employment and unemployment, Small business development information, Corrections of military records, Review of discharges, Medical and dental treatment, Hospitalization or outpatient treatment, Nursing home care, Residency at the State Veterans' Home, Rehabilitation, Information and payment assistance for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment, Burial benefits, Obtaining flags, and Information on community programs.
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the County Registrar of Deeds Office.
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans, dependents, and survivors by providing information, assistance, counseling, and referrals on a wide range of subject, benefits, and veteran programs.
CVSO's are trained to provide information on the following topics - Offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures. Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made. Are also trained in GI loans, Compensation and pension, Survivors benefits, Education benefits, On-the-job and apprenticeship training, State benefits, Social Security benefits, Employment and unemployment, Small business development information, Corrections of military records, Review of discharges, Medical and dental treatment, Hospitalization or outpatient treatment, Nursing home care, Residency at the State Veterans' Home, Rehabilitation, Information and payment assistance for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment, Burial benefits, Obtaining flags, and Information on community programs.
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the County Registrar of Deeds Office.
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Burial Benefits
Military Records
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Provides various programs for catastrophically disabled veterans and other people with disabilities. Services include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Service to veterans
- Veterans service officer - who is able to assist in obtaining benefits
- Advocacy programs for veterans and people with disabilities
- Legislation
- Peer counseling - for persons with physical disabilities and especially new spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis.
- Sports and recreational activities - Assists veterans that have physical disabilities with getting involved in sports activities such as bowling, lacrosse, boccia ball, fishing, skiing, trap shooting, and hunting. Also open to individuals with disabilities.
- Equipment lending
- Technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Provides various programs for catastrophically disabled veterans and other people with disabilities. Services include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Service to veterans
- Veterans service officer - who is able to assist in obtaining benefits
- Advocacy programs for veterans and people with disabilities
- Legislation
- Peer counseling - for persons with physical disabilities and especially new spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis.
- Sports and recreational activities - Assists veterans that have physical disabilities with getting involved in sports activities such as bowling, lacrosse, boccia ball, fishing, skiing, trap shooting, and hunting. Also open to individuals with disabilities.
- Equipment lending
- Technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Peer Counseling
Brain Injury Rehabilitation
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Veteran Membership Organizations
Disability Related Sports
Spinal Cord Injuries
Disability Awareness Training
Veteran Burial Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Daily Living Aids
Accessibility Related Standards/Legislation Compliance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Education Benefits
Disease/Disability Information
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Home Loans
Military Records
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
The Turner County Veterans Service Office (VSO) assists veterans, and their dependents and survivors in applying for veterans' benefits including benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs and the State of South Dakota. Referrals are also made to other agencies that may have potential benefits for veterans.
Areas of primary activity are VA health care, education, disability claims, death benefits, survivor's benefits, home loan certificates, and obtaining military records and discharges.
The County VSO is an excellent source for information on all matters relating to veterans' benefits. The staff has the training and experience to serve veterans' needs.
The County Veterans Service Office offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures. Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made. Provides information regarding eligibility at VA medical facilities. Assists eligible South Dakota veterans in applying for the South Dakota State Bonus Program.
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the Turner County Registrar of Deeds Office.
The Turner County Veterans Service Office (VSO) assists veterans, and their dependents and survivors in applying for veterans' benefits including benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs and the State of South Dakota. Referrals are also made to other agencies that may have potential benefits for veterans.
Areas of primary activity are VA health care, education, disability claims, death benefits, survivor's benefits, home loan certificates, and obtaining military records and discharges.
The County VSO is an excellent source for information on all matters relating to veterans' benefits. The staff has the training and experience to serve veterans' needs.
The County Veterans Service Office offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures. Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made. Provides information regarding eligibility at VA medical facilities. Assists eligible South Dakota veterans in applying for the South Dakota State Bonus Program.
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the Turner County Registrar of Deeds Office.
Veteran Survivors Benefits
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Education Benefits
Military Records
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Veteran Home Loans
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
County Government Departments/Offices
Military Records
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Military Records
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Home Loans
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans, dependents, and survivors by providing information, assistance, counseling, and referrals on a wide range of subject, benefits, and veteran programs.
CVSO's are trained to provide information on the following topics Transportation assistance to VA Appointments, Offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures. Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made. Also provides information on GI loans, Compensation and pension, Survivors benefits, Education benefits, On-the-job and apprenticeship training, State benefits, Social Security benefits, Employment and unemployment, Small business development information, Corrections of military records, Review of discharges, Medical and dental treatment, Hospitalization or outpatient treatment, Nursing home care, Residency at the State Veterans' Home, Rehabilitation, Information and payment assistance for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment, Burial benefits, Obtaining flags, and Information on community programs.
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the County Registrar of Deeds Office.
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans, dependents, and survivors by providing information, assistance, counseling, and referrals on a wide range of subject, benefits, and veteran programs.
CVSO's are trained to provide information on the following topics Transportation assistance to VA Appointments, Offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures. Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made. Also provides information on GI loans, Compensation and pension, Survivors benefits, Education benefits, On-the-job and apprenticeship training, State benefits, Social Security benefits, Employment and unemployment, Small business development information, Corrections of military records, Review of discharges, Medical and dental treatment, Hospitalization or outpatient treatment, Nursing home care, Residency at the State Veterans' Home, Rehabilitation, Information and payment assistance for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment, Burial benefits, Obtaining flags, and Information on community programs.
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the County Registrar of Deeds Office.
Veteran Burial Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Home Loans
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Military Records
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Life Insurance
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Military Records
Veteran Home Loans
County Government Departments/Offices
Specialized Information and Referral
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans, dependents, and survivors by providing information, assistance, counseling, and referrals on a wide range of subject, benefits, and veteran programs.
CVSO's are trained to provide information on the following topics: Transportation assistance to VA Appointments, Offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures. Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made. Also offers VA home loan Guarantee, Compensation and pension, Survivors benefits, Education benefits, On-the-job and apprenticeship training, State benefits, Employment and unemployment, Small business development information, Corrections of military records, Review of discharges, Medical and dental treatment, Hospitalization or outpatient treatment, Nursing home care, Residency at the State Veterans' Home, Rehabilitation, Information and payment assistance for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment, Burial benefits, Obtaining flags, and Information on community programs.
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the County Registrar of Deeds Office.
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans, dependents, and survivors by providing information, assistance, counseling, and referrals on a wide range of subject, benefits, and veteran programs.
CVSO's are trained to provide information on the following topics: Transportation assistance to VA Appointments, Offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures. Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made. Also offers VA home loan Guarantee, Compensation and pension, Survivors benefits, Education benefits, On-the-job and apprenticeship training, State benefits, Employment and unemployment, Small business development information, Corrections of military records, Review of discharges, Medical and dental treatment, Hospitalization or outpatient treatment, Nursing home care, Residency at the State Veterans' Home, Rehabilitation, Information and payment assistance for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment, Burial benefits, Obtaining flags, and Information on community programs.
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the County Registrar of Deeds Office.
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
County Government Departments/Offices
Specialized Information and Referral
Military Records
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Home Loans