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Responsible for the maintenance, inspection, dispatch, repair, testing, and certification of the city's water distribution metering system. Disconnection information: - The City will shut off water due to non-payment Monday - Thursday before 12:00pm. Before water is shut-off due to non-payment, the resident receives official notices in the mail and may also receive a voice message. A door-hanger is left on the property after the water has been shut off due to non-payment. Payment must be made (including the past due balance and disconnection charge) through the Utility Billing Division Office (605) 367-8131 before service will be restored. If payment is made by 5:00pm, water service can be turned back on the same business day. This may occur well after 5:00pm. Employees do not/cannot accept payments in the field after 5:00pm to restore service that has been disconnected for non-payment. Payments after hours can be dropped off at the drop box located outside of City Hall at 224 W. 9th Street. (DO NOT PLACE CASH IN DROP BOX)


Utility Line Location Information/811 Services
Utility Service Providers
Water Service Connection/Repair
City Government Departments/Offices
Outsourcing/Contracted Services
Use South Dakota One Call, 811, to have utility providers locate underground utilities before you dig. Excavators, homeowners, and landowners planning to dig, drill, trench, plant a tree, build a fence should make the required locate request to South Dakota 811 two working days before the planned work.


State Government Agencies/Departments
Utility Line Location Information/811 Services
Distributes public power through defined service territories in the City of Sioux Falls to over 2,900 customers and also maintains over 21,000 street lights in Sioux Falls. Payments after hours can be dropped off at the drop box located outside of City Hall at 224 W. 9th Street. (DO NOT PLACE CASH IN DROP BOX)


Electric Service Connection/Repair
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
City Government Departments/Offices
Street Lights
Utility Line Location Information/811 Services
Outsourcing/Contracted Services
Utility Service Providers
Responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the City's traffic signal system, traffic control, and guidance signs, and all pavement markings.


Traffic Signals
Outsourcing/Contracted Services
City Government Departments/Offices
Utility Line Location Information/811 Services
Utility Service Providers