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This office is responsible for Tax levies on property, Voter registration, Absentee voting, Commission secretary, Zoning board secretary, and Highway bookkeeping.


Voter Registration Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
Election Information
Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
General Property Tax Information
The Auditor's Office handles voter registration information, elections and ballot information, and township officials contact information.


Absentee Ballots
Election Information
County Board of Supervisors Offices
County Auditor Offices
General Property Tax Information
Voter Registration Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
County office responsible for auditing all accounts and maintaining all financial records in and for the county, Clerk for the Board of County Commissioners, Liquor licenses and permits, Elections, and voter registration. Notary Public services available. $10.00 per seal, cash only.


Absentee Ballots
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Voter Registration Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
County Auditor Offices
Election Information
Keeper of county records and acts as a bookkeeper for county business. Schedules county commission meetings, preparing the agenda, taking minutes of commission meetings, following up on commission decisions and preparing the county budget. Audits bills or other claims against the county and prepare the vouchers in payment of these bills. In charge of each county office budget, payroll and employee benefits, fixed assets records, insurances, and monthly and annual financial reports. Calculates the tax levies for all taxing entities, computes tax bills in the county and apportions the taxes collected by the treasurer. - Election supervisor for the county Election duties include voter registration, securing polling places, hiring and training election workers, ballot preparation, setting up ballot marking devices and ballot scanners, counting and canvassing of ballots and reporting election results.


County Board of Supervisors Offices
Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
General Property Tax Information
Election Information
County Government Departments/Offices
Voter Registration Offices
Auditor services include auditing of all financial records of the County, apportioning of taxes collected by the Treasurer to be disbursed to the Schools, Cities, and other special assessment entities, County accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budgets, and tax levy, Beer and liquor licensing, County liens, Recorder of the minutes for the Board of County Commissioners, Maintains all voter records, and Administers all elections at the county level or above. ​Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply. Based on eligibility guidelines, Welfare services include medical assistance and burial and funeral assistance.


Election Information
General Relief
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Voter Registration Offices
County Auditor Offices
Absentee Ballots
The Auditor's Office is responsible for auditing all accounts and maintaining all financial records in and for Meade County. This includes preparing the annual budget, establishing levies and apportioning of all tax collections. Monthly audits of all cash and cash items in the hands of the County Treasurer and a verification of bank account balances are performed. Annual Financial Reports are prepared indicating the receipts and expenditures, liabilities and equity, and assets of the County. The Auditor is the clerk for the Board of County Commissioners and keeps an accurate record of their official proceedings including the Board of Equalization hearings. The Auditor preserves all documents, books, and records as required by law. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply. The Auditor performs all the duties required by law relative to all County, State and Federal elections held in the County. The Auditor also maintains all records of voter registration and election history. As a last resort (meaning citizens have exhausted all other options), the Auditor's office might be able to provide assistance emergency rental payment situations.


Absentee Ballots
Voter Registration Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
General Relief
Notary Public Services
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Rent Payment Assistance
County Auditor Offices
Election Information
Provides the following services for Yankton County - Acts as the bookkeeper for county business, Collects and distributes minutes from all Yankton County Commission meetings, Manages medical indigent claims, Collects vouchers for all accounts payable and county employee payroll, Keep track of tax districts and set the county mill levy, Figures real estate and mobile home taxes, Keep track of unpaid taxes, Handles county bid lettings, Works in conjunction with the Treasurer to pay county bills. Also includes issuing business beer and liquor licenses, Voter registration, and County-wide elections. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.


General Property Tax Information
Medical Care Expense Assistance
County Auditor Offices
Voter Registration Offices
Election Information
Absentee Ballots
County Government Departments/Offices
Property Tax Assessment Agencies
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
The Auditor is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up, Preparing the County's budget, Audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, Figuring the mil levy, and Head election officer of the County. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.


Voter Registration Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
County Board of Supervisors Offices
Election Information
Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
Services provided include government audit reports, public records, government financial operations, financial investigations and fraud, voter registration, and indigent services.


County Auditor Offices
General Relief
Voter Registration Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Absentee Ballots
Election Information
Auditor services include Auditing of all financial records of the County, Apportioning of taxes collected by the Treasurer to be disbursed to the Schools, Cities, and other special assessment entities; County accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budgets, and tax levy, Beer and liquor licensing, County liens, Recorder of the minutes for the Board of County Commissioners, and Maintains all voter records. ​Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply. Administers all elections at the county level or above. Based on eligibility guidelines, Welfare services include Medical assistance, Utilities assistance for disconnect notices on heating bills, and Burial and funeral assistance.


Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
General Relief
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Notary Public Services
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
The Auditor is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up, preparing the County's budget, audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, figuring the mil levy, dead election officer of the County, and Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.


Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
County Auditor Offices
Notary Public Services
County Board of Supervisors Offices
Absentee Ballots
Assists with voter registration information, notary services, and lien payments.


Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
Voter Registration Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
Election Information
The auditor is the keeper of the county records and acts as bookkeeper of county business. The auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings - including scheduling, agenda, and business follow-up, Preparing county budget, Audit bills or other claims against county and prepare warrants in payment of these bills, Figuring mil levies, and Head election officer of the county. Notary public services available.


Election Information
County Board of Supervisors Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
Voter Registration Offices
Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
Provides voter registration and absentee ballot applications. Information on county elections, statewide election results, and audit reports.


County Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
County Auditor Offices
Absentee Ballots
Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
Auditor's responsibilities include commissioners proceedings, agendas, and records, accounting records, revenue and expense reports, voter registration and elections, Beer and liquor licenses, Figures real estate and mobile home taxes, and Handles county bid lettings. Auditor and Treasurer work in conjunction to pay county bills. Notary Public services available. Welfare's responsibilities include manages medical indigent claims, manages employee drug and alcohol testing programs, and other resources may be available upon application.


General Relief
Absentee Ballots
County Board of Supervisors Offices
Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Medical Care Expense Assistance
County Auditor Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
Services include auditing of all financial records of the County, apportioning of taxes collected by the Treasurer to be disbursed to the schools, cities, and other special assessment entities, county accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budgets, and tax levy, beer and liquor licensing, county road districts, county liens, county assistance loan applications, recorder of the minutes for the Board of County Commissioners, and maintains all voter records. ​Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply, and Administers all elections at the county level or above.


County Government Departments/Offices
General Relief
Absentee Ballots
Notary Public Services
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Election Information
County Auditor Offices
Voter Registration Offices
The Auditor's office acts as the bookkeeper for county business. Services include Recording of Minnehaha County Commission meetings for public and media distribution, Processes accounts payable and the county employee payroll, Track tax districts and set the county mill levy, Track unpaid taxes, Process beer and liquor licenses for business, Voter registration, County-wide elections, Manage debt/bond portfolio, and Create revenue projections and monitor budget.


Absentee Ballots
Voter Registration Offices
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
County Government Departments/Offices
Election Information
County Auditor Offices
Now accepting passport applications. Visit the official Passport Services website for further information. By appointment only between the hours of 8:00am - 11:30am & 1:00pm - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday. The auditor is the keeper of county records and acts as a bookkeeper for county business. Records may include documents, book, or minutes from county commission meetings. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply. Maintains each county office's budget, and to insure that each office expenditure is provided for in the county budget. It is the auditor's responsibility to figure real estate and mobile home taxes. It should be noted that the auditor does not appraise property value, but rather figures the property appraisal into a tax levy, which is forwarded to the county treasurer for collection. Responsible for notifying the public of up-coming special or general elections; supervising the election and registering voters. Part of the county responsibility is to provide for the needy. In this aspect, many county auditors area generally given the task for handling indigent health care. Or rather, administering payment for medical services provided to people unable to pay for their treatment. This is an option of last resort, and individuals must seek assistance through other means first.


County Government Departments/Offices
Voter Registration Offices
Election Information
Absentee Ballots
Notary Public Services
County Auditor Offices
Responsible for Commissioners proceedings, agendas, and records, Accounting records, Revenue and expense reports, Voter registration and elections, Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply. Duties also include Beer and liquor licenses, Figures real estate and mobile home taxes, handles county bid lettings, manages medical indigent claims, and manages employee drug and alcohol testing programs. The Auditor and Treasurer work in conjunction to pay county bills. Welfare Office responsibilities are handled out of this office. Currently, funding is only available for help with emergency hospitalization.


County Auditor Offices
Absentee Ballots
Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
County Government Departments/Offices
The Auditor is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up, Preparing the County's budget, Audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, Figuring the mil levy, and Head election officer of the County. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.


County Auditor Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
Absentee Ballots
This office is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up, Preparing the County's budget, Audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, Figuring the mil levy, and Head election officer of the County. Also deals with Voter Registration and Absentee Voting. The Auditor's Office also handles requests for one-time economic assistance that may include Rent, Utility for current bills, May be available for water, lights, heating, Medical, hospitalization, and burial assistance requires pre-approval if not for emergency services. All other resources must have been exhausted first. Assistance does require payback and county lien is filed until paid in full.


General Relief
County Government Departments/Offices
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Notary Public Services
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Absentee Ballots
Election Information
County Auditor Offices
Voter Registration Offices
The Auditor is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up, Preparing the County's budget, Audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, Figuring the mil levy, and Head election officer of the County. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.


County Government Departments/Offices
Voter Registration Offices
Election Information
Absentee Ballots
County Board of Supervisors Offices
County Auditor Offices
Notary Public Services
The Auditor is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up; Preparing the County's budget, Audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, Figuring the mil levy, and Head election officer of the County.


Election Information
County Board of Supervisors Offices
Voter Registration Offices
County Auditor Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Absentee Ballots
Responsible for Commissioners proceedings, agendas, and records, Accounting records, revenue, and expense reports, Voter registration and elections, Business licenses for beer and liquor, Figures of taxes for real estate and mobile homes, County bid letting (business proposals), Managing employee drug and alcohol testing programs, and Paying county bills. Butte County Auditor is considered the county welfare office and assists with indigent county burials, involuntary mental committals, utility payment assistance, and medical indigent claims. As a last resort/dire situation, sometimes this office is able to help with rent. For assistance, an application is required to be filled out in its entirety and there is a repayment plan. Each case is diligently researched to make certain any and all options may have been exhausted first.


Rent Payment Assistance
Absentee Ballots
Voter Registration Offices
Medical Care Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Utility Service Payment Assistance
General Relief
County Auditor Offices
Election Information
The Auditor is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up, preparing the County's budget, audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, figuring the mil levy, head election officer of the County, County liquor licenses, figures real estate and mobile home taxes, Medical Indigent claims, and Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.


Notary Public Services
Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
Voter Registration Offices
General Property Tax Information
County Government Departments/Offices
County Board of Supervisors Offices
Election Information