1-17 of 17
24-hour emergency shelter for women and children that provides crisis services for rape victims, child abuse victims and their non-offending family members, family members of homicide victims, adults molested as children, and victims of elder abuse. Services include accompany victims to hospital and through systems, transportation, advocacy, including criminal justice and court, emergency clothing and other supplies, assistance with protection orders, weekly women's support groups, crisis counseling, referrals and information, and assistance in filing for victim compensation.


Sexual Assault Issues
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Shelters
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Cultural Heritage Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Crime Victim Compensation
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Native American Community
Provides shelter for all suffering from domestic violence and/or sexual assault, and their families. In addition to shelter and food, services include: personal and rape advocacy, support groups, legal advocacy and referrals to other service agencies. The Women's Lodge can hold up to 18 adults and children before anyone has to sleep on the floor. Staff can also make arrangements if at full capacity or for other reasons if need be. Two-thirds of residents are usually children since most bring their children with them to protect them from the abuser's violence.


Human Trafficking Shelters
Human Trafficking Support Groups
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Issues
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Domestic Violence Shelters
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Orientation Counseling
Native American Community
Cultural Heritage Groups
Sexual Assault Prevention
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Assists victims and survivors of human trafficking as they navigate the challenges that arise from being exploited in human trafficking. Provides services as follows - Case Management, Connections with Appropriate Law Enforcement, Advocacy, Mentoring, Relocation Expenses, Safe Transport, Lodging and Meals Associated with Relocation, Immediate Needs, Referrals to Safe Shelter, Personal Items, Facilitating Healthcare Needs, Assisting with Recovery or Replacement of Identification Documents, Legal Assistance, Referrals to Legal Aid, Assistance with Legal Expenses, Accompaniment at Court, Facilitating Job Skills/Employment, and Other Services or Resources as Needed. *All listed services are provided by pre-approval, according to available resources and as consistent with the mission statement.


Case/Care Management
Individual Advocacy
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Specialized Information and Referral
Human Trafficking Shelters
Domestic Violence Issues
Provides general information and referrals, technical assistance, public policy, national conferences, financial education, webinars, and Voices: a national speakers bureau.


Issue Advocacy
Specialized Information and Referral
Domestic Violence Issues
Legislative Advocacy
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Advocacy, 24/7 crisis hotline and support services for victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual assault, stalking, child abuse, human trafficking and elder abuse in Tripp and Gregory Counties of South Dakota. Provides temporary emergency shelter; services are free and confidential.


Domestic Violence Shelters
Crime Victim Compensation
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Issues
Programs and services include: - Shelter facility in Pierre - Community crisis line with a toll free number - Crisis intervention - Telephone and face-to-face crisis counseling and advocacy Victim services include: - Criminal and court support services - Transportation - Emergency financial assistance - Referrals and assistance with housing, social services, legal services, and other resources within the community. - Legal advocacy - Referrals to licensed counselors - Support groups including: - Hands are Not For Hitting Group for children ages 6-12 who have been victimized by domestic violence or sexual assault. - Pattern Changing Group for women who have been victimized by domestic violence. Child care is available. Community education is available to schools, civic groups, or interested community members on topics of preventing domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault.


Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Shelters
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Individual Advocacy
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Counseling
Domestic Violence Issues
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Sexual Assault Issues
Youth/Student Support Groups
Sexual Assault Hotlines
General Counseling Services
Provides resources to help those experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness through Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG). These grants assist people to quickly regain stability in permanent housing. Funding for individuals requesting assistance will be based on priority and availability of ESG program funds. ESG funds are designated to serve individuals/families that are at risk of becoming homeless who are currently homeless. Types of assistance include housing relocation and stabilization services, financial assistance, and short and medium term rental assistance which includes rental application fee assistance, security deposit assistance, pro-rated first month's rent, rental assistance up to 24 months, and past due rent and utilities assistance.


Domestic Violence Issues
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
To educate, advocate for and empower survivors of domestic abuse and violence (as well as coercive control, human trafficking, sexual assault, dating abuse and violence, child abuse, adults molested as children, other victims of violence crimes, stalking and elder abuse) and their dependents. Engages communities in promoting no tolerance of domestic abuse and violence. Answers crisis calls 24/7 and follow ups with victims Gives referrals and maintains a Shelter Safe House in Redfield (7 beds for up to 10 victims) Assists victims in finding attorneys, obtaining protection orders, attending court, and working with law enforcement. Helps victims find jobs and housing to work towards independent living Works as medical advocates by accompanying victims to the hospital when obtaining medical assistance for injuries or sexual assault. Brings awareness to help prevent acts of violence by speaking to church groups and civic organizations as well as presentations in all 7 public schools in the tri-county area to teach awareness of bullying and safe dating to 8th graders and safety when starting college to high school seniors.


Protective/Restraining Orders
Sexual Assault Prevention
Community Safe Places
Domestic Violence Issues
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Individual Advocacy
Domestic Violence Shelters
Sexual Assault Issues
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Hotlines
A 24-hour crisis hotline and emergency shelter providing: assistance and or 'emergency temporary' shelter to victims of dating & domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault and stalking. Services offered include crisis intervention, 24 hour crisis hotline, assistance in obtaining and filing Protection and Stalking orders, assistance with rape response calls, referral services to other helping agencies in the community, Weekly Support Group, and Outreach and Education Prevention. Limited financial assistance available. All services are free and confidential.


Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Human Trafficking Hotlines
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Domestic Violence Issues
Issue Advocacy
Human Trafficking Shelters
Domestic Violence Shelters
A domestic violence shelter that offers 24-hour crisis line for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Other services include: - Support groups - Court advocacy - Shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking along with their children - Crisis counseling - Rape crisis services - Protection orders - Supervised visitation - Neutral exchanges - Food pantry - Common Sense Parenting and Birth to Three Responsive Parenting Classes - Life Skills Training - Transportation - Watertown Transit available by appointment Works with a local animal clinic to provide safe shelter for pets. Each case is addressed individually and based on whether or not the clinic is able to house the animal or not.


Sexual Assault Counseling
Parental Visitation Facilitation
Sexual Assault Issues
General Paratransit/Community Ride Programs
Parenting Skills Classes
Domestic Violence Shelters
Protective/Restraining Orders
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Domestic Violence Issues
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Offers services for victims of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, sex trafficking, and elder abuse including a 24-hour crisis line, advocacy, shelter, counseling and support groups, and counseling and services for incest survivors. Community preventative education available on domestic violence, dating violence, sex trafficking, and sexual assault.


Domestic Violence Support Groups
Human Trafficking Shelters
Domestic Violence Shelters
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Individual Advocacy
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Human Trafficking Support Groups
Domestic Violence Issues
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Sexual Assault Issues
Services provided are Outreach Advocacy, 24-Hour Crisis Line, Women's Support Group, Women's Re-education, Men's Re-education, Emergency items, Respond to emergency 911 calls with public safety or at the hospital, and Protection Orders.


Domestic Violence Support Groups
Domestic Violence Shelters
Protective/Restraining Orders
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Community
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Human Trafficking Support Groups
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Prevention
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Human Trafficking Shelters
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Sexual Assault Issues
Provides immediate shelter and crisis intervention services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, and child abuse and neglect. Immediate shelter services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Trained staff is on-site to assist with the needs of anyone with safety issues seeking shelter. Case management, counseling, advocacy, support groups, parenting groups, and activities for children are offered and provided. Meals are provided and personal care items and clothing are available as needed at no cost to the client. Crisis intervention services include crisis phone, crisis drop-in counseling, support groups, parenting classes, 911 phones to public, safety planning, referrals to community resources, assistance with filling out protection orders, and court advocacy. Applications available to help victims of crime apply for victims compensation. Individual, child and family counseling is available to victims of abuse. Public education presentations are available upon request.


Domestic Violence Shelters
Youth Shelters
Community Safe Places
Child Abuse Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Crisis Nurseries/Child Care
Human Trafficking Shelters
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Individual Advocacy
Youth Development
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Domestic Violence Issues
Protective/Restraining Orders
Bridges Against Domestic Violence offers the following services: - 24-hour crisis line is answered by trained advocates - Information and referral - Temporary shelter for adult victims of domestic violence or sexual assault and their children - Personal advocacy - Legal advocacy including protection orders - Education and awareness regarding issues of domestic violence and sexual assault


Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Protective/Restraining Orders
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Issues
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Shelters
Sexual Assault Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Providing the following services to those affected by domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault: Advocates work one-on-one with clients providing: Emergency shelter for people made homeless due to recent domestic violence 24-hour crisis line staffed by crisis advocates Calls are 100% confidential and judgment free Advocacy support with Protection Orders Accommodations including housing, food, and personal supplies for victims of domestic and sexual violence. Moral support Assistance with finding affordable housing, suitable employment, transportation, and applying for public assistance Accompaniment when seeking medical attention, legal or court services Continued support services for clients as they gain independence Development of self-esteem Creative conflict resolution techniques Validation of feelings Public education and community outreach. Training for partner agencies Speakers for community events Facilitator of Northern Hills Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)


Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Shelters
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Domestic Violence Issues
Sexual Assault Issues
Issue Advocacy
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Individual Advocacy
A grass roots, non-profit organization, Communities Against Violence and Abuse, Inc., has been formed to provide non-judgmental advocacy, intervention, and shelter of victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, child abuse, and elder abuse. This agency also provides education about the issues which surround domestic violence. Also provides visitation services.


Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Shelters
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Counseling
Issue Advocacy
Sexual Assault Prevention
Elder Abuse Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Parental Visitation Facilitation
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Child Abuse Prevention
WAVI works to create a community free of domestic violence and sexual assault through advocacy, education, and support services. Services provided include emergency room response, court advocacy, assistance filing protection orders, assistance filing crime victim compensation, emotional support, temporary emergency shelter, comprehensive case management, supportive services, and information and referral.


Protective/Restraining Orders
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Sexual Assault Prevention
Specialized Information and Referral
Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education
Domestic Violence Shelters
Domestic Violence Issues
Human Trafficking Shelters
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Issues
Crime Victim Compensation