Age Group
Payment Options
1-17 of 17
24-hour emergency shelter for women and children that provides crisis services for rape victims, child abuse victims and their non-offending family members, family members of homicide victims, adults molested as children, and victims of elder abuse.
Services include accompany victims to hospital and through systems, transportation, advocacy, including criminal justice and court, emergency clothing and other supplies, assistance with protection orders, weekly women's support groups, crisis counseling, referrals and information, and assistance in filing for victim compensation.
24-hour emergency shelter for women and children that provides crisis services for rape victims, child abuse victims and their non-offending family members, family members of homicide victims, adults molested as children, and victims of elder abuse.
Services include accompany victims to hospital and through systems, transportation, advocacy, including criminal justice and court, emergency clothing and other supplies, assistance with protection orders, weekly women's support groups, crisis counseling, referrals and information, and assistance in filing for victim compensation.
Sexual Assault Issues
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Shelters
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Cultural Heritage Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Crime Victim Compensation
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Native American Community
To ensure all domestic violence/sexual assault victims accessing services receive a continuum of quality care through unified efforts of the team.
Through the collaborative partnership the team is comprised of representatives from:
- Local and state law enforcement agencies
- The State's Attorney's Office
- SANE and/or nurse from the Health System
- Staff and advocate from the local shelter
- Victim/Witness Specialist
- Campus officials from local University and Technical Institute Counselors
To ensure all domestic violence/sexual assault victims accessing services receive a continuum of quality care through unified efforts of the team.
Through the collaborative partnership the team is comprised of representatives from:
- Local and state law enforcement agencies
- The State's Attorney's Office
- SANE and/or nurse from the Health System
- Staff and advocate from the local shelter
- Victim/Witness Specialist
- Campus officials from local University and Technical Institute Counselors
Sexual Assault Issues
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Prevention
Individual Advocacy
Provides shelter for all suffering from domestic violence and/or sexual assault, and their families. In addition to shelter and food, services include: personal and rape advocacy, support groups, legal advocacy and referrals to other service agencies. The Women's Lodge can hold up to 18 adults and children before anyone has to sleep on the floor. Staff can also make arrangements if at full capacity or for other reasons if need be. Two-thirds of residents are usually children since most bring their children with them to protect them from the abuser's violence.
Provides shelter for all suffering from domestic violence and/or sexual assault, and their families. In addition to shelter and food, services include: personal and rape advocacy, support groups, legal advocacy and referrals to other service agencies. The Women's Lodge can hold up to 18 adults and children before anyone has to sleep on the floor. Staff can also make arrangements if at full capacity or for other reasons if need be. Two-thirds of residents are usually children since most bring their children with them to protect them from the abuser's violence.
Human Trafficking Shelters
Human Trafficking Support Groups
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Issues
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Domestic Violence Shelters
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Orientation Counseling
Native American Community
Cultural Heritage Groups
Sexual Assault Prevention
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Advocacy, 24/7 crisis hotline and support services for victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual assault, stalking, child abuse, human trafficking and elder abuse in Tripp and Gregory Counties of South Dakota. Provides temporary emergency shelter; services are free and confidential.
Advocacy, 24/7 crisis hotline and support services for victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual assault, stalking, child abuse, human trafficking and elder abuse in Tripp and Gregory Counties of South Dakota. Provides temporary emergency shelter; services are free and confidential.
Domestic Violence Shelters
Crime Victim Compensation
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Issues
Programs and services include:
- Shelter facility in Pierre
- Community crisis line with a toll free number
- Crisis intervention
- Telephone and face-to-face crisis counseling and advocacy
Victim services include:
- Criminal and court support services
- Transportation
- Emergency financial assistance
- Referrals and assistance with housing, social services, legal services, and other resources within the community.
- Legal advocacy
- Referrals to licensed counselors
- Support groups including:
- Hands are Not For Hitting Group for children ages 6-12 who have been victimized by domestic violence or sexual assault.
- Pattern Changing Group for women who have been victimized by domestic violence. Child care is available.
Community education is available to schools, civic groups, or interested community members on topics of preventing domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault.
Programs and services include:
- Shelter facility in Pierre
- Community crisis line with a toll free number
- Crisis intervention
- Telephone and face-to-face crisis counseling and advocacy
Victim services include:
- Criminal and court support services
- Transportation
- Emergency financial assistance
- Referrals and assistance with housing, social services, legal services, and other resources within the community.
- Legal advocacy
- Referrals to licensed counselors
- Support groups including:
- Hands are Not For Hitting Group for children ages 6-12 who have been victimized by domestic violence or sexual assault.
- Pattern Changing Group for women who have been victimized by domestic violence. Child care is available.
Community education is available to schools, civic groups, or interested community members on topics of preventing domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual assault.
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Shelters
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Individual Advocacy
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Counseling
Domestic Violence Issues
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Sexual Assault Issues
Youth/Student Support Groups
Sexual Assault Hotlines
General Counseling Services
Types of services provided:
- Case management
- Civil legal advocacy (protection orders, accompanying to court hearings)
- Civil legal assistance (provided by attorney or paralegal)
- Criminal justice advocacy/ court accompanying
- Crisis intervention
- Employment assistance (job training, coaching, supported or sheltered employment)
- Forensic exam assistance (provided by nurse or forensic examiner)
- Hospital/clinic accompanying
- Language services (interpreters and translators)
- Long term Care (assist with connecting to services for daily needs)
- Peer Support connections
- Personal Planning (assist victim/ survivor with goal-setting and develop plans to accomplish)
- Respite (connect to short term care to victim/survivor to relieve primary caregiver[s])
- Transportation
- Victim/Survivor advocacy (actions designed to assist victim/survivor in obtaining support, resources or services, including housing, employment shelter services, health care, victim's compensation, etc.)
Types of services provided:
- Case management
- Civil legal advocacy (protection orders, accompanying to court hearings)
- Civil legal assistance (provided by attorney or paralegal)
- Criminal justice advocacy/ court accompanying
- Crisis intervention
- Employment assistance (job training, coaching, supported or sheltered employment)
- Forensic exam assistance (provided by nurse or forensic examiner)
- Hospital/clinic accompanying
- Language services (interpreters and translators)
- Long term Care (assist with connecting to services for daily needs)
- Peer Support connections
- Personal Planning (assist victim/ survivor with goal-setting and develop plans to accomplish)
- Respite (connect to short term care to victim/survivor to relieve primary caregiver[s])
- Transportation
- Victim/Survivor advocacy (actions designed to assist victim/survivor in obtaining support, resources or services, including housing, employment shelter services, health care, victim's compensation, etc.)
Sexual Assault Treatment
Career Counseling
Sexual Assault Issues
Disabilities Issues
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Peer Counseling
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Case/Care Management
Individual Advocacy
To educate, advocate for and empower survivors of domestic abuse and violence (as well as coercive control, human trafficking, sexual assault, dating abuse and violence, child abuse, adults molested as children, other victims of violence crimes, stalking and elder abuse) and their dependents. Engages communities in promoting no tolerance of domestic abuse and violence.
Answers crisis calls 24/7 and follow ups with victims
Gives referrals and maintains a Shelter Safe House in Redfield (7 beds for up to 10 victims)
Assists victims in finding attorneys, obtaining protection orders, attending court, and working with law enforcement.
Helps victims find jobs and housing to work towards independent living
Works as medical advocates by accompanying victims to the hospital when obtaining medical assistance for injuries or sexual assault.
Brings awareness to help prevent acts of violence by speaking to church groups and civic organizations as well as presentations in all 7 public schools in the tri-county area to teach awareness of bullying and safe dating to 8th graders and safety when starting college to high school seniors.
To educate, advocate for and empower survivors of domestic abuse and violence (as well as coercive control, human trafficking, sexual assault, dating abuse and violence, child abuse, adults molested as children, other victims of violence crimes, stalking and elder abuse) and their dependents. Engages communities in promoting no tolerance of domestic abuse and violence.
Answers crisis calls 24/7 and follow ups with victims
Gives referrals and maintains a Shelter Safe House in Redfield (7 beds for up to 10 victims)
Assists victims in finding attorneys, obtaining protection orders, attending court, and working with law enforcement.
Helps victims find jobs and housing to work towards independent living
Works as medical advocates by accompanying victims to the hospital when obtaining medical assistance for injuries or sexual assault.
Brings awareness to help prevent acts of violence by speaking to church groups and civic organizations as well as presentations in all 7 public schools in the tri-county area to teach awareness of bullying and safe dating to 8th graders and safety when starting college to high school seniors.
Protective/Restraining Orders
Sexual Assault Prevention
Community Safe Places
Domestic Violence Issues
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Individual Advocacy
Domestic Violence Shelters
Sexual Assault Issues
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Offers the following services for eligible survivors of sexual assault: opportunity to utilize services without a report to law enforcement, mental health and medical services, volunteer victim advocate and legal services, and protective orders and duty station transfer.
Also offers training in the areas of: sexual assault prevention, cultural change, self-awareness, male victimization awareness, and language matters.
Utilizes a cadre of 40 victim advocates to assist in creating and maintaining a climate of respect and dignity.
Offers the following services for eligible survivors of sexual assault: opportunity to utilize services without a report to law enforcement, mental health and medical services, volunteer victim advocate and legal services, and protective orders and duty station transfer.
Also offers training in the areas of: sexual assault prevention, cultural change, self-awareness, male victimization awareness, and language matters.
Utilizes a cadre of 40 victim advocates to assist in creating and maintaining a climate of respect and dignity.
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Issues
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Sexual Assault Counseling
Issue Advocacy
Sexual Assault Prevention
A domestic violence shelter that offers 24-hour crisis line for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Other services include:
- Support groups
- Court advocacy
- Shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking along with their children
- Crisis counseling
- Rape crisis services
- Protection orders
- Supervised visitation
- Neutral exchanges
- Food pantry
- Common Sense Parenting and Birth to Three Responsive Parenting Classes
- Life Skills Training
- Transportation - Watertown Transit available by appointment
Works with a local animal clinic to provide safe shelter for pets. Each case is addressed individually and based on whether or not the clinic is able to house the animal or not.
A domestic violence shelter that offers 24-hour crisis line for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Other services include:
- Support groups
- Court advocacy
- Shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking along with their children
- Crisis counseling
- Rape crisis services
- Protection orders
- Supervised visitation
- Neutral exchanges
- Food pantry
- Common Sense Parenting and Birth to Three Responsive Parenting Classes
- Life Skills Training
- Transportation - Watertown Transit available by appointment
Works with a local animal clinic to provide safe shelter for pets. Each case is addressed individually and based on whether or not the clinic is able to house the animal or not.
Sexual Assault Counseling
Parental Visitation Facilitation
Sexual Assault Issues
General Paratransit/Community Ride Programs
Parenting Skills Classes
Domestic Violence Shelters
Protective/Restraining Orders
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Domestic Violence Issues
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Types of services provided:
- Case management
- Civil legal advocacy (protection orders, accompanying to court hearings)
- Civil legal assistance (provided by attorney or paralegal)
- Criminal justice advocacy/ court accompanying
- Crisis intervention
- Employment assistance (job training, coaching, supported or sheltered employment)
- Forensic exam assistance (provided by nurse or forensic examiner)
- Hospital/clinic accompanying
- Language services (interpreters and translators)
- Long term Care (assist with connecting to services for daily needs)
- Peer Support connections
- Personal Planning (assist victim/ survivor with goal-setting and develop plans to accomplish)
- Respite (connect to short term care to victim/survivor to relieve primary caregiver[s])
- Transportation
- Victim/Survivor advocacy (actions designed to assist victim/survivor in obtaining support, resources or services, including housing, employment shelter services, health care, victim's compensation, etc.)
Types of services provided:
- Case management
- Civil legal advocacy (protection orders, accompanying to court hearings)
- Civil legal assistance (provided by attorney or paralegal)
- Criminal justice advocacy/ court accompanying
- Crisis intervention
- Employment assistance (job training, coaching, supported or sheltered employment)
- Forensic exam assistance (provided by nurse or forensic examiner)
- Hospital/clinic accompanying
- Language services (interpreters and translators)
- Long term Care (assist with connecting to services for daily needs)
- Peer Support connections
- Personal Planning (assist victim/ survivor with goal-setting and develop plans to accomplish)
- Respite (connect to short term care to victim/survivor to relieve primary caregiver[s])
- Transportation
- Victim/Survivor advocacy (actions designed to assist victim/survivor in obtaining support, resources or services, including housing, employment shelter services, health care, victim's compensation, etc.)
Sexual Assault Treatment
Career Counseling
Sexual Assault Issues
Disabilities Issues
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Peer Counseling
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Case/Care Management
Individual Advocacy
Offers services for victims of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, sex trafficking, and elder abuse including a 24-hour crisis line, advocacy, shelter, counseling and support groups, and counseling and services for incest survivors.
Community preventative education available on domestic violence, dating violence, sex trafficking, and sexual assault.
Offers services for victims of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, sex trafficking, and elder abuse including a 24-hour crisis line, advocacy, shelter, counseling and support groups, and counseling and services for incest survivors.
Community preventative education available on domestic violence, dating violence, sex trafficking, and sexual assault.
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Human Trafficking Shelters
Domestic Violence Shelters
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Individual Advocacy
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Human Trafficking Support Groups
Domestic Violence Issues
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Sexual Assault Issues
Services provided are Outreach Advocacy, 24-Hour Crisis Line, Women's Support Group, Women's Re-education, Men's Re-education, Emergency items, Respond to emergency 911 calls with public safety or at the hospital, and Protection Orders.
Services provided are Outreach Advocacy, 24-Hour Crisis Line, Women's Support Group, Women's Re-education, Men's Re-education, Emergency items, Respond to emergency 911 calls with public safety or at the hospital, and Protection Orders.
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Domestic Violence Shelters
Protective/Restraining Orders
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Community
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Human Trafficking Support Groups
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Prevention
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Human Trafficking Shelters
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Sexual Assault Issues
Bridges Against Domestic Violence offers the following services:
- 24-hour crisis line is answered by trained advocates
- Information and referral
- Temporary shelter for adult victims of domestic violence or sexual assault and their children
- Personal advocacy
- Legal advocacy including protection orders
- Education and awareness regarding issues of domestic violence and sexual assault
Bridges Against Domestic Violence offers the following services:
- 24-hour crisis line is answered by trained advocates
- Information and referral
- Temporary shelter for adult victims of domestic violence or sexual assault and their children
- Personal advocacy
- Legal advocacy including protection orders
- Education and awareness regarding issues of domestic violence and sexual assault
Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Protective/Restraining Orders
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Issues
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Shelters
Sexual Assault Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Providing the following services to those affected by domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault:
Advocates work one-on-one with clients providing:
Emergency shelter for people made homeless due to recent domestic violence
24-hour crisis line staffed by crisis advocates
Calls are 100% confidential and judgment free
Advocacy support with Protection Orders
Accommodations including housing, food, and personal supplies for victims of domestic and sexual violence.
Moral support
Assistance with finding affordable housing, suitable employment, transportation, and applying for public assistance
Accompaniment when seeking medical attention, legal or court services
Continued support services for clients as they gain independence
Development of self-esteem
Creative conflict resolution techniques
Validation of feelings
Public education and community outreach.
Training for partner agencies
Speakers for community events
Facilitator of Northern Hills Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
Providing the following services to those affected by domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault:
Advocates work one-on-one with clients providing:
Emergency shelter for people made homeless due to recent domestic violence
24-hour crisis line staffed by crisis advocates
Calls are 100% confidential and judgment free
Advocacy support with Protection Orders
Accommodations including housing, food, and personal supplies for victims of domestic and sexual violence.
Moral support
Assistance with finding affordable housing, suitable employment, transportation, and applying for public assistance
Accompaniment when seeking medical attention, legal or court services
Continued support services for clients as they gain independence
Development of self-esteem
Creative conflict resolution techniques
Validation of feelings
Public education and community outreach.
Training for partner agencies
Speakers for community events
Facilitator of Northern Hills Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Shelters
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Domestic Violence Issues
Sexual Assault Issues
Issue Advocacy
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Individual Advocacy
WAVI works to create a community free of domestic violence and sexual assault through advocacy, education, and support services.
Services provided include emergency room response, court advocacy, assistance filing protection orders, assistance filing crime victim compensation, emotional support, temporary emergency shelter, comprehensive case management, supportive services, and information and referral.
WAVI works to create a community free of domestic violence and sexual assault through advocacy, education, and support services.
Services provided include emergency room response, court advocacy, assistance filing protection orders, assistance filing crime victim compensation, emotional support, temporary emergency shelter, comprehensive case management, supportive services, and information and referral.
Protective/Restraining Orders
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Sexual Assault Prevention
Specialized Information and Referral
Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education
Domestic Violence Shelters
Domestic Violence Issues
Human Trafficking Shelters
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Issues
Crime Victim Compensation
The day-to-day mission of the Air Force Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office is to educate, advocate and collaborate to respond to and stop sexual assault and its harmful effects on the Air Force.
The Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) serves as the installation's primary point of contact for integrating and coordinating sexual assault victim care services for eligible recipients. Services may begin at the initial report of sexual assault and continue through disposition and resolution of issues related to the victim's health and well-being.
Victim advocacy, referrals for mental heath/medical. Help with military protection orders, line of duties, expedited transfers.
The day-to-day mission of the Air Force Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office is to educate, advocate and collaborate to respond to and stop sexual assault and its harmful effects on the Air Force.
The Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) serves as the installation's primary point of contact for integrating and coordinating sexual assault victim care services for eligible recipients. Services may begin at the initial report of sexual assault and continue through disposition and resolution of issues related to the victim's health and well-being.
Victim advocacy, referrals for mental heath/medical. Help with military protection orders, line of duties, expedited transfers.
Active Military
Sexual Assault Counseling
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Issues
Protective/Restraining Orders
Offers a state-wide strategic plan to end child sexual abuse and child maltreatment. The Center works with state and local agencies, as well as for-profit and not-for-profit agencies and organizations to support research, prevention, community awareness, and program development for issues surrounding child sexual abuse and maltreatment.
Offers a state-wide strategic plan to end child sexual abuse and child maltreatment. The Center works with state and local agencies, as well as for-profit and not-for-profit agencies and organizations to support research, prevention, community awareness, and program development for issues surrounding child sexual abuse and maltreatment.
Family Violence Issues
Coalition Building
Issue Advocacy
Sexual Assault Prevention
Child Abuse Issues
Child Abuse Prevention
Sexual Assault Issues