Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 45
Municipality with the following departments:
- Finance
- Public works and maintenance
- Police
- Volunteer fire department
Municipality with the following departments:
- Finance
- Public works and maintenance
- Police
- Volunteer fire department
Utility Service Providers
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Street Signs
Animal Control
Water Service Connection/Repair
Government Buildings/Installations
City Government Departments/Offices
City/Town Finance Offices
Traffic Signs
Providing water for the city of Chamberlain, monitoring and treating water to ensure it meets the federal safety guidelines.
Providing water for the city of Chamberlain, monitoring and treating water to ensure it meets the federal safety guidelines.
Water Service Connection/Repair
Water Quality Assurance
Utility Service Providers
City Government Departments/Offices
Municipal services include Mayors office, volunteer fire department, police department, city water, and public works.
Municipal services include Mayors office, volunteer fire department, police department, city water, and public works.
Street Signs
Water Service Connection/Repair
Fire Control/Extinction
Government Buildings/Installations
City Government Departments/Offices
Yard and Kitchen Waste Recycling
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Traffic Signs
Utility Service Providers
City Municipal Government including utilities (electric, water, wastewater, street), engineering/planning, Parks and Recreation, City Administrator and Mayor, finance, and Human Resources.
City Municipal Government including utilities (electric, water, wastewater, street), engineering/planning, Parks and Recreation, City Administrator and Mayor, finance, and Human Resources.
Mayors Offices
Bill Payment Locations
Government Buildings/Installations
City Government Departments/Offices
Human Resource Management Offices
City/County Planning Offices
Recreation Centers
City/County Parks
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Street Lights
Utility Service Complaints
Building Inspection
Water Service Connection/Repair
City/Town Finance Offices
Traffic Signs
Water Reclamation
Water Quality Assurance
Building Permits
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Electric Service Connection/Repair
Utility Service Providers
Street Signs
The Finance Office is responsible for preparation of comprehensive annual financial report, official records of the city, including minutes, ordinances, resolutions, documents, etc., investment of city funds, receiving and recording all city deposits, municipal elections, voter registration forms, alcohol licensing, special assessment administration, payroll for city staff, accounts payable, and questions regarding the Rose Hill Cemetery.
Utility Billing: The City of Spearfish offers water, sewer, wastewater and garbage services. Handles utility set-up and disconnection.
The City of Spearfish's Mayor is part time. The Mayor's liaison, is the Executive Assistant for Administration who can be reached at (605) 642-1354.
The Finance Office is responsible for preparation of comprehensive annual financial report, official records of the city, including minutes, ordinances, resolutions, documents, etc., investment of city funds, receiving and recording all city deposits, municipal elections, voter registration forms, alcohol licensing, special assessment administration, payroll for city staff, accounts payable, and questions regarding the Rose Hill Cemetery.
Utility Billing: The City of Spearfish offers water, sewer, wastewater and garbage services. Handles utility set-up and disconnection.
The City of Spearfish's Mayor is part time. The Mayor's liaison, is the Executive Assistant for Administration who can be reached at (605) 642-1354.
Election Information
City Government Departments/Offices
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
City/Town Finance Offices
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Government Buildings/Installations
Bill Payment Locations
Voter Registration Offices
Water Service Connection/Repair
Utility Service Providers
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Cemetery Property
Mayors Offices
Water and Sewer Services available for Harrisburg residents.
Water and Sewer Services available for Harrisburg residents.
City Government Departments/Offices
Utility Service Providers
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Water Service Connection/Repair
Responsible for:
- Building Inspections and permits
- Planning & Zoning
- Community Center Rentals
- Gas/Water/Sewer Service through Crooks Municipal Utilities
- General Government services (i.e. access to public documents)
- Finance Office - where residents would pay their utility bill
Responsible for:
- Building Inspections and permits
- Planning & Zoning
- Community Center Rentals
- Gas/Water/Sewer Service through Crooks Municipal Utilities
- General Government services (i.e. access to public documents)
- Finance Office - where residents would pay their utility bill
Notary Public Services
Water Service Connection/Repair
Utility Service Providers
City/County Parks
Government Buildings/Installations
Bill Payment Locations
City/Town Finance Offices
Building Permits
Traffic Signs
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Meeting Space
Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers
City Government Departments/Offices
City/County Planning Offices
Mayors Offices
Street Signs
Services offered include utility set-up including water, sewer, and garbage, monthly utility billing, city financial accounting, auditing all claims for City Council approval, payroll, municipal elections, issues liquor and malt beverage licenses, cemetery arrangements and questions, city ordinances and resolutions, and City Council agenda and minutes.
Services offered include utility set-up including water, sewer, and garbage, monthly utility billing, city financial accounting, auditing all claims for City Council approval, payroll, municipal elections, issues liquor and malt beverage licenses, cemetery arrangements and questions, city ordinances and resolutions, and City Council agenda and minutes.
Water Service Connection/Repair
Election Information
Utility Service Providers
City Government Departments/Offices
City/Town Finance Offices
Cemetery Property
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Bill Payment Locations
Provides the following services: town issues, water and sewer billing/services, building permits, vendor permits, and notary public.
Provides the following services: town issues, water and sewer billing/services, building permits, vendor permits, and notary public.
Building Permits
Wastewater Collection/Processing
City/Town Finance Offices
Mayors Offices
City Government Departments/Offices
Water Service Connection/Repair
Notary Public Services
Utility Service Providers
Government Buildings/Installations
City Hall houses the following departments - Mayors Office, City Administrator's Office,Public Works Director's Office, Finance Office, Building Inspections, City Planner's Office, and Utilities (water/sewer) office.
City Hall houses the following departments - Mayors Office, City Administrator's Office,Public Works Director's Office, Finance Office, Building Inspections, City Planner's Office, and Utilities (water/sewer) office.
Traffic Signs
Government Buildings/Installations
City Government Departments/Offices
City/County Planning Offices
Building Inspection
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
City/County Parks
Utility Service Providers
Water Service Connection/Repair
Building Code Enforcement/Appeals
Mayors Offices
Street Signs
Street/Highway Traffic Control
City/Town Finance Offices
This phone number and address is the contact for City Hall and public utilities, which includes:
- Water
- Sewer
- Garbage collection
This phone number and address is the contact for City Hall and public utilities, which includes:
- Water
- Sewer
- Garbage collection
Utility Service Providers
Wastewater Collection/Processing
City Government Departments/Offices
Bill Payment Locations
Government Buildings/Installations
Water Service Connection/Repair
Electric Service Connection/Repair
Distributes and treats water for the City of Yankton.
Distributes and treats water for the City of Yankton.
Utility Service Providers
Water Reclamation
City Government Departments/Offices
Water Service Connection/Repair
The City of Arlington provides the following services:
City Utilities (electricity, garbage, sewer, water) and Street
Summer Recreation Programs
City Finance Officer (often a notary public)
A community calendar
- City Rubble site
- Hours: 6:30pm - 8:30pm, Tuesday; 1:00pm - 5:00pm, 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month
Will close when weather gets cold
For a fee the rubble site accepts grass, leaves, garden rubbish, trees/lumber, building demolition, sofas/mattresses, appliances, tires, etc. Does not accept hazardous materials.
The City of Arlington provides the following services:
City Utilities (electricity, garbage, sewer, water) and Street
Summer Recreation Programs
City Finance Officer (often a notary public)
A community calendar
- City Rubble site
- Hours: 6:30pm - 8:30pm, Tuesday; 1:00pm - 5:00pm, 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month
Will close when weather gets cold
For a fee the rubble site accepts grass, leaves, garden rubbish, trees/lumber, building demolition, sofas/mattresses, appliances, tires, etc. Does not accept hazardous materials.
City Government Departments/Offices
Electric Service Connection/Repair
Water Service Connection/Repair
Utility Service Providers
Traffic Signs
City/County Parks
General Recreational Activities/Sports
Government Buildings/Installations
Notary Public Services
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
City/Town Finance Offices
Community Calendars
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Yard and Kitchen Waste Recycling
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Mayors Offices
Street Signs
Responsible for the maintenance, inspection, dispatch, repair, testing, and certification of the city's water distribution metering system.
Disconnection information:
- The City will shut off water due to non-payment Monday - Thursday before 12:00pm.
Before water is shut-off due to non-payment, the resident receives official notices in the mail and may also receive a voice message. A door-hanger is left on the property after the water has been shut off due to non-payment.
Payment must be made (including the past due balance and disconnection charge) through the Utility Billing Division Office (605) 367-8131 before service will be restored.
If payment is made by 5:00pm, water service can be turned back on the same business day. This may occur well after 5:00pm.
Employees do not/cannot accept payments in the field after 5:00pm to restore service that has been disconnected for non-payment.
Payments after hours can be dropped off at the drop box located outside of City Hall at 224 W. 9th Street. (DO NOT PLACE CASH IN DROP BOX)
Responsible for the maintenance, inspection, dispatch, repair, testing, and certification of the city's water distribution metering system.
Disconnection information:
- The City will shut off water due to non-payment Monday - Thursday before 12:00pm.
Before water is shut-off due to non-payment, the resident receives official notices in the mail and may also receive a voice message. A door-hanger is left on the property after the water has been shut off due to non-payment.
Payment must be made (including the past due balance and disconnection charge) through the Utility Billing Division Office (605) 367-8131 before service will be restored.
If payment is made by 5:00pm, water service can be turned back on the same business day. This may occur well after 5:00pm.
Employees do not/cannot accept payments in the field after 5:00pm to restore service that has been disconnected for non-payment.
Payments after hours can be dropped off at the drop box located outside of City Hall at 224 W. 9th Street. (DO NOT PLACE CASH IN DROP BOX)
Utility Line Location Information/811 Services
Utility Service Providers
Water Service Connection/Repair
City Government Departments/Offices
Outsourcing/Contracted Services
Public Works Department includes garbage, snow removal, water, and sewer. Garbage services are provided by Sander Sanitation. Garbage day is every week on Fridays.
Public Works Department includes garbage, snow removal, water, and sewer. Garbage services are provided by Sander Sanitation. Garbage day is every week on Fridays.
Utility Service Providers
Water Service Connection/Repair
City Government Departments/Offices
Street Signs
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Traffic Signs
The Public Works Department encompasses a handful of City services such as Parks, Streets, Solid Waste, & Recycling.
The Public Works Department encompasses a handful of City services such as Parks, Streets, Solid Waste, & Recycling.
Community Gardening
Yard and Kitchen Waste Recycling
Utility Service Providers
Dog Parks
Traffic Signs
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Water Service Connection/Repair
Nature Centers/Walks
City Government Departments/Offices
Street/Highway Traffic Control
City/County Parks
Street Signs
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Sanitary Landfills
Key city services include Finance Office (finance offices are often notary publics), Utility Billing, City Council and Mayor, Planning and Zoning, Parks and Recreation, Street, Water/Sewer, Rubble Site which is open year-round with a Rubble Site Pass, voter registration forms, New resident information, and community calendar.
Key city services include Finance Office (finance offices are often notary publics), Utility Billing, City Council and Mayor, Planning and Zoning, Parks and Recreation, Street, Water/Sewer, Rubble Site which is open year-round with a Rubble Site Pass, voter registration forms, New resident information, and community calendar.
Bill Payment Locations
Utility Service Providers
Government Buildings/Installations
Street Signs
Water Service Connection/Repair
Community Calendars
Voter Registration Offices
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Mayors Offices
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
City/County Parks
City Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
City/Town Finance Offices
Building Permits
City/County Planning Offices
Traffic Signs
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Residential Recycling Programs
Yard and Kitchen Waste Recycling
Transportation Services include streets and sanitation, landfill, snow removal, and recycling.
Public Works and Engineering Services include potable water, storm water, sanitary sewer services, building permits, and planning & zoning.
Transportation Services include streets and sanitation, landfill, snow removal, and recycling.
Public Works and Engineering Services include potable water, storm water, sanitary sewer services, building permits, and planning & zoning.
Residential Recycling Programs
Geographic Information System Development/Management
Sanitary Landfills
Building Permits
Street/Highway Traffic Control
City/County Planning Offices
Building Inspection
City Government Departments/Offices
Water Service Connection/Repair
Water Quality Assurance
Water Reclamation
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Responsible for managing the fiscal affairs of a city, town, or township.
Responsibilities varies by jurisdiction but generally include budget development and monitoring, accounting services, cash and asset management, payroll, contract administration, grants management and financial reporting.
Parks and Recreation
Maintains parks, lake access and green space areas as well as sports fields and facilities.
Also provides recreational programming for all ages and abilities.
Manages the Recreation Center and Indoor/Outdoor Aquatic Centers.
Mayor's Office / City Hall
City hall provides the City Council agendas and oversees long range planning for the city.
City Administration approves special event permits, coordinates planning, organizing and directing the activities of the city departments.
Providing power and light for the citizens of our city.
Garbage collection
Public Works
- Transportation services include:
Streets and sanitation
Snow removal
- Engineering services include:
Potable water
Storm water
Sanitary sewer services
Building permitting
Responsible for managing the fiscal affairs of a city, town, or township.
Responsibilities varies by jurisdiction but generally include budget development and monitoring, accounting services, cash and asset management, payroll, contract administration, grants management and financial reporting.
Parks and Recreation
Maintains parks, lake access and green space areas as well as sports fields and facilities.
Also provides recreational programming for all ages and abilities.
Manages the Recreation Center and Indoor/Outdoor Aquatic Centers.
Mayor's Office / City Hall
City hall provides the City Council agendas and oversees long range planning for the city.
City Administration approves special event permits, coordinates planning, organizing and directing the activities of the city departments.
Providing power and light for the citizens of our city.
Garbage collection
Public Works
- Transportation services include:
Streets and sanitation
Snow removal
- Engineering services include:
Potable water
Storm water
Sanitary sewer services
Building permitting
Snow/Ice Removal Ordinance Enforcement
Recreation Centers
Water Service Connection/Repair
General Recreational Activities/Sports
City/County Parks
Water Quality Assurance
Utility Service Providers
Building Inspection
Water Reclamation
Utility Service Complaints
Government Buildings/Installations
Notary Public Services
Bill Payment Locations
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Swimming Facilities
Roadside Landscape Maintenance
Election Information
Traffic Signs
Street Signs
City/County Planning Offices
City/Town Finance Offices
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Mayors Offices
City/Town Clerk Offices
City Government Departments/Offices
The City of Canistota offers water, wastewater, and garbage service to all residents within the city limits of Canistota.
City Hall is the contact for building permits and zoning information.
Pet tags are available at the finance office. All pets must be licensed. The fee to license a pet is $10.00 and proof of rabies vaccination must be provided. Pet licenses expire every January.
The City Finance Officer is often a notary public.
The City of Canistota offers water, wastewater, and garbage service to all residents within the city limits of Canistota.
City Hall is the contact for building permits and zoning information.
Pet tags are available at the finance office. All pets must be licensed. The fee to license a pet is $10.00 and proof of rabies vaccination must be provided. Pet licenses expire every January.
The City Finance Officer is often a notary public.
City Government Departments/Offices
Notary Public Services
Animal Licenses
Government Buildings/Installations
Bill Payment Locations
City/Town Finance Offices
Mayors Offices
Building Permits
Street Signs
Traffic Signs
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Local Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices
Water Service Connection/Repair
Utility Service Providers
Purpose: Provides safe, reliable drinking water, wastewater treatment, drainage, solid waste disposal, public transit, and transportation systems.
- Rapid Transit Division
Provides the general public with safe, reliable and affordable public transportation.
- Solid Waste Division
Provides for the orderly, efficient and safe collection, recycling and disposal of waste.
- Street Division
Operates and maintains a 386 mile transportation system.
Maintains over 130 miles of storm sewer system.
Provides vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair on approximately 600 units for various City departments.
To report a pothole call (605) 394-4152 or email [email protected]
- Water Division
Provides adequate and safe water for domestic, industrial and fire protection purposes.
- Water Reclamation Division
Protects the public health by providing for efficient and economical collection and treatment of wastewater.
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
Provides mapping services, data, and technical support to the staffs of the City of Rapid City and Pennington County, and to the public.
Purpose: Provides safe, reliable drinking water, wastewater treatment, drainage, solid waste disposal, public transit, and transportation systems.
- Rapid Transit Division
Provides the general public with safe, reliable and affordable public transportation.
- Solid Waste Division
Provides for the orderly, efficient and safe collection, recycling and disposal of waste.
- Street Division
Operates and maintains a 386 mile transportation system.
Maintains over 130 miles of storm sewer system.
Provides vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair on approximately 600 units for various City departments.
To report a pothole call (605) 394-4152 or email [email protected]
- Water Division
Provides adequate and safe water for domestic, industrial and fire protection purposes.
- Water Reclamation Division
Protects the public health by providing for efficient and economical collection and treatment of wastewater.
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
Provides mapping services, data, and technical support to the staffs of the City of Rapid City and Pennington County, and to the public.
Water Service Connection/Repair
Geographic Information System Development/Management
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Street Lights
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Traffic Signs
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Residential Recycling Programs
Utility Service Providers
Water Reclamation
Water Quality Assurance
City Government Departments/Offices
Street Signs
Traffic Signals
Pothole/Road Repair
Serving Alcester citizens with the following services:
- Public Utilities (Water, Sewer, Garbage)
- Parks and Recreation
- Mayor's Office / City Hall
- City Administration via City Hall
- Public Works
Serving Alcester citizens with the following services:
- Public Utilities (Water, Sewer, Garbage)
- Parks and Recreation
- Mayor's Office / City Hall
- City Administration via City Hall
- Public Works
Government Buildings/Installations
City/County Parks
Water Reclamation
City Government Departments/Offices
Water Service Connection/Repair
Mayors Offices
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Wastewater Collection/Processing
City departments including Public Works (Streets, Parks, Water, Sewer), Planning and Zoning, Finance Office, Building Inspector, Community Hall, Mayor and Council, and Public Library.
The Public Library offers access to books, librarians, computers, and Wi-Fi. Located on 1201 Ash Street. Phone number to call is 605-269-2616.
City departments including Public Works (Streets, Parks, Water, Sewer), Planning and Zoning, Finance Office, Building Inspector, Community Hall, Mayor and Council, and Public Library.
The Public Library offers access to books, librarians, computers, and Wi-Fi. Located on 1201 Ash Street. Phone number to call is 605-269-2616.
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Government Buildings/Installations
City/Town Council Offices
Mayors Offices
Building Inspection
City/County Planning Offices
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Water Service Connection/Repair
Utility Service Providers
Traffic Signs
Meeting Space
City Government Departments/Offices
City/Town Finance Offices
Street Signs
This Division oversees Water & Sewer Line Warranty Programs, Water Service Line, Floodplain Information, Recycling, Report a Concern (traffic signals and street lights), Sanitary Inflow and Infiltration, Sign up for Emergency Announcements & Alerts, Snow Removal, Solid Waste, Street Department, Traffic Control, and Utilities (all the water mains, sanitary sewer mains, and storm sewer mains).
This Division oversees Water & Sewer Line Warranty Programs, Water Service Line, Floodplain Information, Recycling, Report a Concern (traffic signals and street lights), Sanitary Inflow and Infiltration, Sign up for Emergency Announcements & Alerts, Snow Removal, Solid Waste, Street Department, Traffic Control, and Utilities (all the water mains, sanitary sewer mains, and storm sewer mains).
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Residential Recycling Programs
Street/Highway Traffic Control
Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Water Reclamation
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Traffic Signs
Street Signs
Snow/Ice Removal Ordinance Enforcement
Street Lights
Water Service Connection/Repair
Utility Service Providers
Utility Service Complaints
Water Quality Assurance
Traffic Signals
Houses offices for the finance office, administrative assistant, development & marketing coordinator, and Freeman Police Department. The City of Freeman is run by a 6-member city council & mayor, with meetings typically scheduled on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month. The city departments that provide for city services, including sanitation & water, are run through the government office.
Houses offices for the finance office, administrative assistant, development & marketing coordinator, and Freeman Police Department. The City of Freeman is run by a 6-member city council & mayor, with meetings typically scheduled on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month. The city departments that provide for city services, including sanitation & water, are run through the government office.
Wastewater Collection/Processing
Mayors Offices
Government Buildings/Installations
Water Service Connection/Repair
Utility Service Providers
Municipal Police
City/County Parks
Bill Payment Locations
City Government Departments/Offices
City/Town Finance Offices
City/Town Council Offices