Age Group
Payment Options
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ICAP Housing Services provides the following programs:
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program: aims to help two specific groups - persons who are at great risk of homelessness and those who have become homeless. Services that can be provided include case management, security deposit and rent assistance. These services are aimed at helping participants to retain their housing, therefore avoiding homelessness, or to re-enter appropriate permanent housing as quickly as possible.
Housing Repair / Rehabilitation: Provides a zero-interest, five-year decreasing balance loan for eligible homeowners to be used for accessibility modifications for persons with disabilities, in addition to making necessary repairs for health, safety and code compliance.
Self-Help Housing Rehabilitation: Eligible participants will work with program staff to identify their specific needs and to create a work plan. The Program Coordinator will find the best funding sources available to the homeowners and assist them throughout the process.
Weatherization and Furnace Replacement Program: Aimed at making housing for low-income persons more energy-efficient and less costly for the residents. The residence is audited and a list of needs is developed. The program provides the materials and pays contractors for the labor to weatherize the home (caulk cracks, insulate, weather-strip, fix windows, etc.). Furnaces can be repaired or replaced, if not repairable, through the program. In addition, some inefficient/high-cost non-operating appliances (range / refrigerator / water heater) can also be replaced in certain circumstances.
Homeless Rent and Deposit: Helping homeless households get into housing. Must provide steady and reliable source of income. Applicant must agree to case management services.
ICAP Housing Services provides the following programs:
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program: aims to help two specific groups - persons who are at great risk of homelessness and those who have become homeless. Services that can be provided include case management, security deposit and rent assistance. These services are aimed at helping participants to retain their housing, therefore avoiding homelessness, or to re-enter appropriate permanent housing as quickly as possible.
Housing Repair / Rehabilitation: Provides a zero-interest, five-year decreasing balance loan for eligible homeowners to be used for accessibility modifications for persons with disabilities, in addition to making necessary repairs for health, safety and code compliance.
Self-Help Housing Rehabilitation: Eligible participants will work with program staff to identify their specific needs and to create a work plan. The Program Coordinator will find the best funding sources available to the homeowners and assist them throughout the process.
Weatherization and Furnace Replacement Program: Aimed at making housing for low-income persons more energy-efficient and less costly for the residents. The residence is audited and a list of needs is developed. The program provides the materials and pays contractors for the labor to weatherize the home (caulk cracks, insulate, weather-strip, fix windows, etc.). Furnaces can be repaired or replaced, if not repairable, through the program. In addition, some inefficient/high-cost non-operating appliances (range / refrigerator / water heater) can also be replaced in certain circumstances.
Homeless Rent and Deposit: Helping homeless households get into housing. Must provide steady and reliable source of income. Applicant must agree to case management services.
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Furnace Maintenance/Repair
Subsidized Home Acquisition
Weatherization Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans, dependents, and survivors by providing information, assistance, counseling, and referrals on a wide range of subject, benefits, and veteran programs.
CVSO's are trained to provide information on the following topics: Offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures. Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made. GI loans, Compensation and pension, Survivors benefits, Education benefits, On-the-job and apprenticeship training, State benefits, Social Security benefits, Employment and unemployment, Small business development information, Corrections of military records, Review of discharges, Medical and dental treatment, Hospitalization or outpatient treatment, Nursing home care, Residency at the State Veterans' Home, Rehabilitation, Information and payment assistance for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment, Burial benefits, Obtaining flags, and Information on community programs.
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the County Registrar of Deeds Office.
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans, dependents, and survivors by providing information, assistance, counseling, and referrals on a wide range of subject, benefits, and veteran programs.
CVSO's are trained to provide information on the following topics: Offers complete claims service and explanation of VA procedures. Provides follow-up service once a decision has been made. GI loans, Compensation and pension, Survivors benefits, Education benefits, On-the-job and apprenticeship training, State benefits, Social Security benefits, Employment and unemployment, Small business development information, Corrections of military records, Review of discharges, Medical and dental treatment, Hospitalization or outpatient treatment, Nursing home care, Residency at the State Veterans' Home, Rehabilitation, Information and payment assistance for alcoholism and drug dependency treatment, Burial benefits, Obtaining flags, and Information on community programs.
Veterans are encouraged to register their discharge information (DD Form 214, Report of Separation) with the County Registrar of Deeds Office.
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Burial Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Life Insurance
Military Records
ICAP Housing Services provides the following programs:
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program: aims to help two specific groups - persons who are at great risk of homelessness and those who have become homeless. Services that can be provided include case management, security deposit and rent assistance. These services are aimed at helping participants to retain their housing, therefore avoiding homelessness, or to re-enter appropriate permanent housing as quickly as possible.
Housing Repair / Rehabilitation: Provides a zero-interest, five-year decreasing balance loan for eligible homeowners to be used for accessibility modifications for persons with disabilities, in addition to making necessary repairs for health, safety and code compliance.
Self-Help Housing Rehabilitation: Eligible participants will work with program staff to identify their specific needs and to create a work plan. The Program Coordinator will find the best funding sources available to the homeowners and assist them throughout the process.
Weatherization and Furnace Replacement Program: Aimed at making housing for low-income persons more energy-efficient and less costly for the residents. The residence is audited and a list of needs is developed. The program provides the materials and pays contractors for the labor to weatherize the home (caulk cracks, insulate, weather-strip, fix windows, etc.). Furnaces can be repaired or replaced, if not repairable, through the program. In addition, some inefficient/high-cost non-operating appliances (range / refrigerator / water heater) can also be replaced in certain circumstances.
Homeless Rent and Deposit: Helping homeless households get into housing. Must provide steady and reliable source of income. Applicant must agree to case management services.
ICAP Housing Services provides the following programs:
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program: aims to help two specific groups - persons who are at great risk of homelessness and those who have become homeless. Services that can be provided include case management, security deposit and rent assistance. These services are aimed at helping participants to retain their housing, therefore avoiding homelessness, or to re-enter appropriate permanent housing as quickly as possible.
Housing Repair / Rehabilitation: Provides a zero-interest, five-year decreasing balance loan for eligible homeowners to be used for accessibility modifications for persons with disabilities, in addition to making necessary repairs for health, safety and code compliance.
Self-Help Housing Rehabilitation: Eligible participants will work with program staff to identify their specific needs and to create a work plan. The Program Coordinator will find the best funding sources available to the homeowners and assist them throughout the process.
Weatherization and Furnace Replacement Program: Aimed at making housing for low-income persons more energy-efficient and less costly for the residents. The residence is audited and a list of needs is developed. The program provides the materials and pays contractors for the labor to weatherize the home (caulk cracks, insulate, weather-strip, fix windows, etc.). Furnaces can be repaired or replaced, if not repairable, through the program. In addition, some inefficient/high-cost non-operating appliances (range / refrigerator / water heater) can also be replaced in certain circumstances.
Homeless Rent and Deposit: Helping homeless households get into housing. Must provide steady and reliable source of income. Applicant must agree to case management services.
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Furnace Maintenance/Repair
Subsidized Home Acquisition
Weatherization Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Dakota Plains Legal Services is a private, non-profit organization funded by Congress through the National Legal Services Corporation to provide free legal assistance to eligible persons residing in the service area.
Also can help with wills (for possessions), living wills (for medical issues), power of attorney paperwork.
Serves both Native American/Indian (with a specific program) and non-Indian individuals.
Dakota Plains Legal Services is a private, non-profit organization funded by Congress through the National Legal Services Corporation to provide free legal assistance to eligible persons residing in the service area.
Also can help with wills (for possessions), living wills (for medical issues), power of attorney paperwork.
Serves both Native American/Indian (with a specific program) and non-Indian individuals.
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Eviction Prevention Assistance
General Legal Aid
Native American Community
Legal Information Services
Will Preparation Assistance
Living Wills
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Cultural Heritage Groups
Provides to victims and survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, and stalking:
- Crisis intervention and referral services
- 24-hour hotline
- Temporary shelter
- Support group
- Transportation, food, clothing, and supplies
- Safety planning
- Crime victim compensation assistance
- Community education
Services are confidential and free of charge.
Provides to victims and survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, and stalking:
- Crisis intervention and referral services
- 24-hour hotline
- Temporary shelter
- Support group
- Transportation, food, clothing, and supplies
- Safety planning
- Crime victim compensation assistance
- Community education
Services are confidential and free of charge.
Sexual Assault Prevention
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Crime Victim Compensation
Domestic Violence Shelters
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Elder Abuse Prevention
Sexual Assault Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Specialized Information and Referral
Established to provide a safe, supportive and structured environment where men, women and women with children can live while learning to live without drugs and alcohol.
Each house is self-supporting and ran democratically by the members of the house. Each member shares in the equal share of expenses.
Each member must abide by the Oxford House rules to continue to be a member.
To see if there is openings at a home, visit
Established to provide a safe, supportive and structured environment where men, women and women with children can live while learning to live without drugs and alcohol.
Each house is self-supporting and ran democratically by the members of the house. Each member shares in the equal share of expenses.
Each member must abide by the Oxford House rules to continue to be a member.
To see if there is openings at a home, visit
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides housing rental assistance to low-income families, seniors and disabled individuals as well as security deposit assistance (up to $300.00).
Provides housing rental assistance to low-income families, seniors and disabled individuals as well as security deposit assistance (up to $300.00).
Housing Authorities
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Housing Search and Information
For anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy, All About U provides:
- Crisis pregnancy counseling
- Help finding emotional support
- Help finding necessary resources
- Emotion support throughout adoption and beyond, if adoption is chosen
- Emergency transitional housing available
- General case management for resources: connection to prenatal care, housing, food, clothing, addiction, and more
For adoptive families, All About U provides:
- Training to help them through the adoption process and prepare them to be an adoptive family
- Home studies
- On-going support for adoptive families
For anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy, All About U provides:
- Crisis pregnancy counseling
- Help finding emotional support
- Help finding necessary resources
- Emotion support throughout adoption and beyond, if adoption is chosen
- Emergency transitional housing available
- General case management for resources: connection to prenatal care, housing, food, clothing, addiction, and more
For adoptive families, All About U provides:
- Training to help them through the adoption process and prepare them to be an adoptive family
- Home studies
- On-going support for adoptive families
Community Health Workers
Adoption Evaluation/Placement
Postadoption Counseling and Support
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Pregnancy Counseling
Preadoption Counseling and Support
Case/Care Management
Offers an opportunity to build homes for those who cannot afford to purchase one on their own. Applicants must have a need for better housing, the ability to pay an affordable mortgage and willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity.
Offers an opportunity to build homes for those who cannot afford to purchase one on their own. Applicants must have a need for better housing, the ability to pay an affordable mortgage and willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity.
Subsidized Home Acquisition
Low Income Home Loans
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Military Records
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Home Loans
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Burial Benefits
A free internet housing locator website, which provides information on everything from apartments to single-family units, including Section 8 and accessible properties. The service is free and provides the option to view properties by location, so you can choose by neighborhood and proximity to schools, churches, and public transportation.
Printable housing list is available here.
A free internet housing locator website, which provides information on everything from apartments to single-family units, including Section 8 and accessible properties. The service is free and provides the option to view properties by location, so you can choose by neighborhood and proximity to schools, churches, and public transportation.
Printable housing list is available here.
Housing Search and Information
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Provides senior housing based on household income - income limits apply. There is no obligation upon applying and no application fee.
Provides senior housing based on household income - income limits apply. There is no obligation upon applying and no application fee.
Older Adults
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
A therapeutic place of residence for persons suffering from substance use disorders and mental illness. Offering dignity and serenity to continue the journey of recovery, healing, and wholeness.
Serenity Hills offers 3 distinct programs:
-Social setting detoxification
-Halfway house combines a strong AA 12-step philosophy with a multi-disciplinary team approach, including professional addiction, psychiatric and mental health care.
-Crisis intervention/Appropriate Regional Facility/Safe Rooms for individuals experiencing mental health crisis and/or having thoughts of self-harm.
A therapeutic place of residence for persons suffering from substance use disorders and mental illness. Offering dignity and serenity to continue the journey of recovery, healing, and wholeness.
Serenity Hills offers 3 distinct programs:
-Social setting detoxification
-Halfway house combines a strong AA 12-step philosophy with a multi-disciplinary team approach, including professional addiction, psychiatric and mental health care.
-Crisis intervention/Appropriate Regional Facility/Safe Rooms for individuals experiencing mental health crisis and/or having thoughts of self-harm.
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
After Hours Crisis Drop In Programs
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Home Loans
Military Records
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
County Government Departments/Offices
Specialized Information and Referral
ICAP Housing Services provides the following programs:
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program: aims to help two specific groups - persons who are at great risk of homelessness and those who have become homeless. Services that can be provided include case management, security deposit and rent assistance. These services are aimed at helping participants to retain their housing, therefore avoiding homelessness, or to re-enter appropriate permanent housing as quickly as possible.
Housing Repair / Rehabilitation: Provides a zero-interest, five-year decreasing balance loan for eligible homeowners to be used for accessibility modifications for persons with disabilities, in addition to making necessary repairs for health, safety and code compliance.
Self-Help Housing Rehabilitation: Eligible participants will work with program staff to identify their specific needs and to create a work plan. The Program Coordinator will find the best funding sources available to the homeowners and assist them throughout the process.
Weatherization and Furnace Replacement Program: Aimed at making housing for low-income persons more energy-efficient and less costly for the residents. The residence is audited and a list of needs is developed. The program provides the materials and pays contractors for the labor to weatherize the home (caulk cracks, insulate, weather-strip, fix windows, etc.). Furnaces can be repaired or replaced, if not repairable, through the program. In addition, some inefficient/high-cost non-operating appliances (range / refrigerator / water heater) can also be replaced in certain circumstances.
Homeless Rent and Deposit: Helping homeless households get into housing. Must provide steady and reliable source of income. Applicant must agree to case management services.
ICAP Housing Services provides the following programs:
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program: aims to help two specific groups - persons who are at great risk of homelessness and those who have become homeless. Services that can be provided include case management, security deposit and rent assistance. These services are aimed at helping participants to retain their housing, therefore avoiding homelessness, or to re-enter appropriate permanent housing as quickly as possible.
Housing Repair / Rehabilitation: Provides a zero-interest, five-year decreasing balance loan for eligible homeowners to be used for accessibility modifications for persons with disabilities, in addition to making necessary repairs for health, safety and code compliance.
Self-Help Housing Rehabilitation: Eligible participants will work with program staff to identify their specific needs and to create a work plan. The Program Coordinator will find the best funding sources available to the homeowners and assist them throughout the process.
Weatherization and Furnace Replacement Program: Aimed at making housing for low-income persons more energy-efficient and less costly for the residents. The residence is audited and a list of needs is developed. The program provides the materials and pays contractors for the labor to weatherize the home (caulk cracks, insulate, weather-strip, fix windows, etc.). Furnaces can be repaired or replaced, if not repairable, through the program. In addition, some inefficient/high-cost non-operating appliances (range / refrigerator / water heater) can also be replaced in certain circumstances.
Homeless Rent and Deposit: Helping homeless households get into housing. Must provide steady and reliable source of income. Applicant must agree to case management services.
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Furnace Maintenance/Repair
Subsidized Home Acquisition
Weatherization Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
This office acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
This office acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Home Loans
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Military Records
Offers services for victims of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, sex trafficking, and elder abuse including a 24-hour crisis line, advocacy, shelter, counseling and support groups, and counseling and services for incest survivors.
Community preventative education available on domestic violence, dating violence, sex trafficking, and sexual assault.
Offers services for victims of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, sex trafficking, and elder abuse including a 24-hour crisis line, advocacy, shelter, counseling and support groups, and counseling and services for incest survivors.
Community preventative education available on domestic violence, dating violence, sex trafficking, and sexual assault.
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Domestic Violence Issues
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Sexual Assault Issues
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Human Trafficking Shelters
Domestic Violence Shelters
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Human Trafficking Support Groups
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Veteran Home Loans
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Military Records
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Education Benefits
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Burial Benefits
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
County Government Departments/Offices
Veteran Life Insurance
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Home Loans
Military Records
Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Emergency Management Services:
Coordinates all agencies within the jurisdiction to include public, private, and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of life and property in the event of threatened or actual natural disasters, terrorism, technological or man-made events.
Responsibilities includes develops and maintains the county plan for reacting to emergencies; during an actual emergency, the director coordinates the action; and trains other agencies to respond to emergencies.
County Emergency Managers can make contact with volunteer fire departments in their County.
This is not an emergency first response organization, if you are in immediate danger please call 911.
Veteran's Service Office:
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Zoning and Planning Services:
Establish and enforce zoning regulations which classify land within county, city or other municipal jurisdictions for specific agricultural residential, commercial or industrial uses; and which evaluate, establish rulings upon and hear appeals regarding exceptions to zoning regulations.
Emergency Management Services:
Coordinates all agencies within the jurisdiction to include public, private, and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of life and property in the event of threatened or actual natural disasters, terrorism, technological or man-made events.
Responsibilities includes develops and maintains the county plan for reacting to emergencies; during an actual emergency, the director coordinates the action; and trains other agencies to respond to emergencies.
County Emergency Managers can make contact with volunteer fire departments in their County.
This is not an emergency first response organization, if you are in immediate danger please call 911.
Veteran's Service Office:
Acts as an advocate and provides assistance to military veterans and their dependents in determining eligibility and applying for various federal and state benefits, such as service-connected compensation, non-service connected pension, outpatient and hospital medical treatment, guaranteed home loan certificates, education and on-the-job training benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, referral information, as well as many others.
Zoning and Planning Services:
Establish and enforce zoning regulations which classify land within county, city or other municipal jurisdictions for specific agricultural residential, commercial or industrial uses; and which evaluate, establish rulings upon and hear appeals regarding exceptions to zoning regulations.
City/County Planning Offices
Veteran Life Insurance
Veteran Home Loans
Flood Preparedness Information
County Controller Offices
Building Permits
General Disaster Preparedness Information
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Fire Control/Extinction
County Offices of Emergency Services
General Disaster Information
County Government Departments/Offices
Specialized Information and Referral
Community Storm Shelters
Veteran Survivors Benefits
Military Records
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Veteran Burial Benefits
A list of housing options that are felon friendly in the Sioux Falls area is available on the Health Connect website.
A list of housing options that are felon friendly in the Sioux Falls area is available on the Health Connect website.
Housing Search and Information
Provides senior housing based on household income - income limits apply. There is no obligation upon applying and no application fee.
Provides senior housing based on household income - income limits apply. There is no obligation upon applying and no application fee.
Older Adults
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Dakota Plains Legal Services is a private, non-profit organization funded by Congress through the National Legal Services Corporation to provide free legal assistance to eligible persons residing in the service area.
Also can help with wills (for possessions), living wills (for medical issues), power of attorney paperwork.
Serves both Native American/Indian (with a specific program) and non-Indian individuals.
Dakota Plains Legal Services is a private, non-profit organization funded by Congress through the National Legal Services Corporation to provide free legal assistance to eligible persons residing in the service area.
Also can help with wills (for possessions), living wills (for medical issues), power of attorney paperwork.
Serves both Native American/Indian (with a specific program) and non-Indian individuals.
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Eviction Prevention Assistance
General Legal Aid
Native American Community
Legal Information Services
Will Preparation Assistance
Living Wills
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Cultural Heritage Groups
CCCS offers a variety of education programs and information to help you make informed financial decisions and live better. Available classes include:
- Credit When Credit Is Due: A 6 hour financial education course that covers all aspects of credit and borrowing. The course teaches people how to better manage their money and steps to take to improve their credit score. Graduates of the course receive information to send to the credit bureaus to add a positive statement on their credit reports.
- Make Your Move: An educational program for anyone looking to purchase a home or refinance a home. Make Your Move takes a complicated subject and makes it simple. This course meets HUD guidelines. You will learn all about the home buying process.
The Ins and Outs of Renting: A 2 hour rental education course for anyone already renting or looking to rent. Learn the rights and responsibilities of being a renter, what questions you should ask before renting, and tips to get the right rental for you.
CCCS offers a variety of education programs and information to help you make informed financial decisions and live better. Available classes include:
- Credit When Credit Is Due: A 6 hour financial education course that covers all aspects of credit and borrowing. The course teaches people how to better manage their money and steps to take to improve their credit score. Graduates of the course receive information to send to the credit bureaus to add a positive statement on their credit reports.
- Make Your Move: An educational program for anyone looking to purchase a home or refinance a home. Make Your Move takes a complicated subject and makes it simple. This course meets HUD guidelines. You will learn all about the home buying process.
The Ins and Outs of Renting: A 2 hour rental education course for anyone already renting or looking to rent. Learn the rights and responsibilities of being a renter, what questions you should ask before renting, and tips to get the right rental for you.
Personal Financial Counseling
Housing Counseling
Business Assistance Centers
Financial Literacy Training
Small Business Development
Residential treatment facility, accredited through the State of South Dakota. Offers residential housing for individuals recovering from a substance use disorder and offers treatment services which include group and individual counseling along with case management services.
Residential treatment facility, accredited through the State of South Dakota. Offers residential housing for individuals recovering from a substance use disorder and offers treatment services which include group and individual counseling along with case management services.
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Ex-Offender Halfway Houses
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing